205 research outputs found


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    Objective: This study aims to evaluate periodontal clinical conditions after treatment for gingival recession (GR) using subepithelial connective tissue graft (SCTG) and acellular dermal matrix (ADM).Methods: Ten patients with Miller's Class I and II recessions that had been treated with SCTG or ADM at the Periodontics Outpatient Department at Universitas Indonesia were selected for this study. The pre-operative data for GR, clinical attachment levels (CAL), and attached gingiva (AG) were retrieved from the patients' medical records. The patients were recalled and the post-operative data were recorded.Results: The application of SCTG and ADM yields significant changes to GR, CAL, and AG levels. A comparison of two groups at the post-operative assessment stage showed no statistically significant differences, in terms of GR, CAL, and AG.Conclusion: SCTG and ADM yield similar outcomes in the treatment of GR. As such, ADM may be suggested as an alternative to SCTG for root coverage

    Phytochemical screening, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancerous activities of ethanol and hexane extracts of Urochloa ramosa

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    Urochloa ramosa is known for its environmental benefits such as stabilization and reclamation of polluted soils, in agriculture to control root-knot nematodes infecting crops, in medicine to treat cardiovascular diseases, duodenal ulcer, hyperglycemia, nephritis and snake bites. Qualitative analyses of phytochemicals in ethanol and hexane extracts were performed by standard methods. In vitro anti-microbial assay was performed against gram positive bacteria viz., Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus, Gram negative bacteria viz., Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli and fungus Candida albicans by disc diffusion method. Hexane extract of Urochloa ramosa was found to be 70% effective against Candida albicans indicating potent antifungal property. In vitro anti-inflammatory activity was performed by albumin denaturation assay, proteinase inhibition activity assay and membrane stabilization assay using various concentrations of extracts with Aspirin and Diclofenac sodium as standard. Heat induced protein denaturation was considerably prevented by ethanol and hexane extract at concentrations between 200-500 µg/ml resulting in 60 and 62% inhibition respectively. Heat induced haemolysis of erythrocyte was remarkably inhibited (59 and 68 % respectively) at concentration of 500 µg/ml. 62 and 65 % Hypotonicity induced haemolysis was also inhibited between concentration of 300-500 µg/ml in both extracts respectively. Inhibition of formation of new blood vessels by Chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) assay proved anti-angiogenic effects of extracts. Purification, characterization and structural elucidation of bioactive molecules present in ethanol and hexane extracts are needed to be explored further for assessment of better biological activites than crude extract

    Genome-scale identification of cellular pathways required for cell surface recognition.

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    Interactions mediated by cell surface receptors initiate important instructive signaling cues but can be difficult to detect in biochemical assays because they are often highly transient and membrane-embedded receptors are difficult to solubilize in their native conformation. Here, we address these biochemical challenges by using a genome-scale, cell-based genetic screening approach using CRISPR gene knockout technology to identify cellular pathways required for specific cell surface recognition events. By using high-affinity monoclonal antibodies and low-affinity ligands, we determined the necessary screening parameters, including the importance of establishing binding contributions from the glycocalyx, that permitted the unequivocal identification of genes encoding directly interacting membrane-embedded receptors with high statistical confidence. Importantly, we show that this genome-wide screening approach additionally identified receptor-specific pathways that are required for functional display of receptors on the cell surface that included chaperones, enzymes that add post-translational modifications, trafficking proteins, and transcription factors. Finally, we demonstrate the utility of the approach by identifying IGF2R (insulin like growth factor 2 receptor) as a binding partner for the R2 subunit of GABAB receptors. We show that this interaction is direct and is critically dependent on mannose-6-phosphate, providing a mechanism for the internalization and regulation of GABAB receptor signaling. We conclude that this single approach can reveal both the molecular nature and the genetic pathways required for functional cell surface display of receptors recognized by antibodies, secreted proteins, and membrane-embedded ligands without the need to make any prior assumptions regarding their biochemical properties. © 2018 Sharma et al.; Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

    Glass-ceramic Flexural Strength after Hydrofluoric Acid and Unfilled Resin Treatment

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    poster abstractThe use of hydrofluoric (HF) acid is considered one of the most effective methods for achieving durable resin bond to glass-ceramics. Nonetheless, HF acid etching effect on glass-based ceramics strength remains uncertain and only a few contradictory studies have reported the influence of an unfilled resin (UR) application on the ceramic strength. Objectives: To investigate the effect of HF acid etching followed by silane and UR applications on the biaxial flexural strength of a nanofluorapatite glass-ceramic. Methods: 144 disc-shaped (15±1mm in diameter and 0.8±0.1mm in thickness) nanofluorapatite ceramic specimens were allocated into 12 groups: G1-control (no etching), G2-30s, G3-60s, G4-90s, G5-120s, G6-60s+60s. Meanwhile, G7-G12 were treated in the same fashion as G1-G6, but followed by silane and UR applications. Surface morphology of G1-G12 was assessed by scanning electron microscopy/SEM. The flexural strength was determined by biaxial testing per ISO 6872. Statistical analyses were two-way ANOVA and the Sidak multiple comparisons procedure (α=0.05). Additionally, Weibull statistics and finite element analysis (FEA) were carried out. Results: A significant effect of etching time (p=0.0290) on flexural strength was observed. G4 led to a significantly (p=0.0392) higher flexural strength than G1. Correspondingly, G10 revealed a considerably higher flexural strength than G7 (p=0.0392). Furthermore, flexural strength was significantly higher for G7-G12 than for G1-G6 (p<0.0001). For G1-G6, G4 showed the highest Weibull characteristic strength and G10 also presented the highest Weibull characteristic strength among G7-G12. FEA showed lower stress concentration in G7-G12 with the gradient stress supporting the fracture types of the biaxial test. Finally, the SEM data revealed that the HF acid etching affected the surface of ceramic specimens by generating pores and irregularities and more importantly that the UR was able to penetrate into the ceramic microstructure. Conclusions: HF acid etching followed by silane and UR applications enhanced the ceramic biaxial flexural strength

    Performing and Processing FNA of Anterior Fat Pad for Amyloid

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    Historically, heart, liver, and kidney biopsies were performed to demonstrate amyloid deposits in amyloidosis. Since the clinical presentation of this disease is so variable and non-specific, the associated risks of these biopsies are too great for the diagnostic yield. Other sites that have a lower biopsy risk, such as skin or gingival, are also relatively invasive and expensive. In addition, these biopsies may not always have sufficient amyloid deposits to establish a diagnosis. Fat pad aspiration has demonstrated good clinical correlation with low cost and minimal morbidity. However, there are no standardized protocols for performing this procedure or processing the aspirated specimen, which leads to variable and nonreproducible results. The most frequently utilized modality for detecting amyloid in tissue is an apple-green birefringence on Congo red stained sections using a polarizing microscope. This technique requires cell block preparation of aspirated material. Unfortunately, patients presenting in early stage of amyloidosis have minimal amounts of amyloid which greatly reduces the sensitivity of Congo red stained cell block sections of fat pad aspirates. Therefore, ultrastructural evaluation of fat pad aspirates by electron microscopy should be utilized, given its increased sensitivity for amyloid detection. This article demonstrates a simple and reproducible procedure for performing anterior fat pad aspiration for the detection of amyloid utilizing both Congo red staining of cell block sections and electron microscopy for ultrastructural identification

    SN 2007uy - metamorphosis of an aspheric Type Ib explosion

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    The supernovae of Type Ibc are rare and the detailed characteristics of these explosions have been studied only for a few events. Unlike Type II SNe, the progenitors of Type Ibc have never been detected in pre-explosion images. So, to understand the nature of their progenitors and the characteristics of the explosions, investigation of proximate events are necessary. Here we present the results of multi-wavelength observations of Type Ib SN 2007uy in the nearby (\sim 29.5 Mpc) galaxy NGC 2770. Analysis of the photometric observations revealed this explosion as an energetic event with peak absolute R band magnitude 18.5±0.16-18.5\pm0.16, which is about one mag brighter than the mean value (17.6±0.6-17.6\pm0.6) derived for well observed Type Ibc events. The SN is highly extinguished, E(B-V) = 0.63±\pm0.15 mag, mainly due to foreground material present in the host galaxy. From optical light curve modeling we determine that about 0.3 M_{\odot} radioactive 56^{56}Ni is produced and roughly 4.4 M_{\odot} material is ejected during this explosion with liberated energy 15×1051\sim 15\times10^{51} erg, indicating the event to be an energetic one. Through optical spectroscopy, we have noticed a clear aspheric evolution of several line forming regions, but no dependency of asymmetry is seen on the distribution of 56^{56}Ni inside the ejecta. The SN shock interaction with the circumburst material is clearly noticeable in radio follow-up, presenting a Synchrotron Self Absorption (SSA) dominated light curve with a contribution of Free Free Absorption (FFA) during the early phases. Assuming a WR star, with wind velocity \ga 10^3 {\rm km s}^{-1}, as a progenitor, we derive a lower limit to the mass loss rate inferred from the radio data as \dot{M} \ga 2.4\times10^{-5} M_{\odot}, yr1^{-1}, which is consistent with the results obtained for other Type Ibc SNe bright at radio frequencies.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA


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    Objective: Our earlier studies have characterized a compound from Melia dubia leaves, 4-ethyl resorcinol as an agonist of the Quorum Sensing (QS) receptor, CqsS agonist that had reverse engineered the QS circuit of V. cholerae from low-density to high-density state to effectively inhibit biofilm and enhance the production of protease to detach itself form the host tissue. So, the objective of this study was to synthesize structural derivatives of 4-ethyl resorcinol, to enhance its activity and to down regulate the host cell toxicity was validated.Methods: The antimicrobial (cell-density) and anti-virulent (protease, hemolysis, stress responds and biofilm inhibition) properties of the structural derivatives of 4-ethyl resorcinol were performed.Results: The results indicate that the compound has up surged protease expression along with a remarkable decrease in hemolytic activity at the 7th hour. The stress responds in treated culture has a higher survival rate while the bacterial cells in the control succumb to stress stating the potential of the drug to induce HCD (high cell density) condition in the LCD (low cell density) state. From CLSM analysis we state that there was significant amount of dead colonies and disrupted biofilm in the respective treated cultureConclusion: This could possibly open up a direction to curb the bacterial biofilm formation and may also turn out to be a potent drug against treating Vibrio cholerae infection at an early pointÂ

    The Drosophila Perlecan gene trol regulates multiple signaling pathways in different developmental contexts

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Heparan sulfate proteoglycans modulate signaling by a variety of growth factors. The mammalian proteoglycan Perlecan binds and regulates signaling by Sonic Hedgehog, Fibroblast Growth Factors (FGFs), Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) and Platelet Derived Growth Factor (PDGF), among others, in contexts ranging from angiogenesis and cardiovascular development to cancer progression. The <it>Drosophila </it>Perlecan homolog <it>trol </it>has been shown to regulate the activity of Hedgehog and Branchless (an FGF homolog) to control the onset of stem cell proliferation in the developing brain during first instar. Here we extend analysis of <it>trol </it>mutant phenotypes to show that <it>trol </it>is required for a variety of developmental events and modulates signaling by multiple growth factors in different situations.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Different mutations in <it>trol </it>allow developmental progression to varying extents, suggesting that <it>trol </it>is involved in multiple cell-fate and patterning decisions. Analysis of the initiation of neuroblast proliferation at second instar demonstrated that <it>trol </it>regulates this event by modulating signaling by Hedgehog and Branchless, as it does during first instar. Trol protein is distributed over the surface of the larval brain, near the regulated neuroblasts that reside on the cortical surface. Mutations in <it>trol </it>also decrease the number of circulating plasmatocytes. This is likely to be due to decreased expression of <it>pointed</it>, the response gene for VEGF/PDGF signaling that is required for plasmatocyte proliferation. Trol is found on plasmatocytes, where it could regulate VEGF/PDGF signaling. Finally, we show that in second instar brains but not third instar brain lobes and eye discs, mutations in <it>trol </it>affect signaling by Decapentaplegic (a Transforming Growth Factor family member), Wingless (a Wnt growth factor) and Hedgehog.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These studies extend the known functions of the <it>Drosophila </it>Perlecan homolog <it>trol </it>in both developmental and signaling contexts. These studies also highlight the fact that Trol function is not dedicated to a single molecular mechanism, but is capable of regulating different growth factor pathways depending on the cell-type and event underway.</p

    A single center phase II study of ixazomib in patients with relapsed or refractory cutaneous or peripheral T‐cell lymphomas

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    The transcription factor GATA‐3, highly expressed in many cutaneous T‐cell lymphoma (CTCL) and peripheral T‐cell lymphomas (PTCL), confers resistance to chemotherapy in a cell‐autonomous manner. As GATA‐3 is transcriptionally regulated by NF‐κB, we sought to determine the extent to which proteasomal inhibition impairs NF‐κB activation and GATA‐3 expression and cell viability in malignant T cells. Proteasome inhibition, NF‐κB activity, GATA‐3 expression, and cell viability were examined in patient‐derived cell lines and primary T‐cell lymphoma specimens ex vivo treated with the oral proteasome inhibitor ixazomib. Significant reductions in cell viability, NF‐κB activation, and GATA‐3 expression were observed preclinically in ixazomib‐treated cells. Therefore, an investigator‐initiated, single‐center, phase II study with this agent in patients with relapsed/refractory CTCL/PTCL was conducted. Concordant with our preclinical observations, a significant reduction in NF‐κB activation and GATA‐3 expression was observed in an exceptional responder following one month of treatment with ixazomib. While ixazomib had limited activity in this small and heterogeneous cohort of patients, inhibition of the NF‐κB/GATA‐3 axis in a single exceptional responder suggests that ixazomib may have utility in appropriately selected patients or in combination with other agents.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/139920/1/ajh24895.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/139920/2/ajh24895_am.pd