1,090 research outputs found

    Nuclear stellar discs in early-type galaxies --- II. Photometric properties

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    Hubble Space Telescope images of two early-type galaxies harboring both nuclear and outer stellar discs are studied in detail. By means of a photometric decomposition, the images of NGC 4342 and NGC 4570 are analyzed and the photometric properties of the nuclear discs investigated. We find a continuity of properties in the parameter space defined by the central surface brightness and the scalelength of discs in spirals, S0s and embedded discs in ellipticals, in the sense that the nuclear discs extend the observed disc properties even further towards smaller scalelengths and brighter central surface brightnesses. When including the nuclear discs, disc properties span more than four orders of magnitude in both scalelength and central surface brightness. The nuclear discs studied here are the smallest and brightest stellar discs known, and as such, they are as extreme in their photometric properties as Malin I, when compared to typical galactic discs that obey Freeman's law. We discuss a possible formation scenario in which the double-disc structure observed in these galaxies has been shaped by now dissolved bars. Based on the fact that the black holes known to exist in some of these galaxies have masses comparable to those of the nuclear discs, we explore a possible link between the black holes and the nuclear discs.Comment: 9 pages (TeX) with 7 figures (postscript). Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Extrapulmonary onset manifestations of COVID-19

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    Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) usually starts with pulmonary signs and symptoms. However, in some cases, the initial clinical presentations are extrapulmonary. This literature review aimed at summarizing and discussing the extrapulmonary onset manifestations of COVID-19. The most frequent initial extrapulmonary manifestations include hypogeusia, hyposmia, non-specific abdominal symptoms, corneal congestion, and deep venous thrombosis. Several rarer extrapulmonary manifestations in locations such as the brain, peripheral nerves, muscles, eyes, ears, myocardium, intestines, skin, or vessels have been additionally reported as onset presentations of COVID-19. In conclusion, it is crucial for clinicians and health care providers to consider extrapulmonary presentations at the onset of COVID-19 to avoid overlooking the infection and contributing to the spread of the disease

    Galaxy Morphologies in the Cluster CL1358+62 at z=0.33

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    We describe the morphological composition of a sample of 518 galaxies in the field of CL1358+62 at z=0.33, drawn from a large HST mosaic covering 53 sq. arcmin. The sample is complete to I=22, corresponding to M_V=-18.5 in the rest frame. The galaxies have been independently classified by the authors of this paper and by Alan Dressler. For galaxies with I<21, the two sets of classifiers agree on the total early-type population, but disagree on the S0/E ratio. We discuss the constraints on morphological evolution and the implication of the differing S0/E ratios. We use our large body of spectra to make the correspondence between morphological and spectral type.Comment: includes 10 fig

    Pesquisas em epilepsia 150 anos após a teoria da evolução de Darwin

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    On February 12, 2009, we commemorated the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin's birth and the 150th anniversary of the publication of the ûrst edition of the "On the origin of species". Only in the sixth edition of the Origin Darwin explicitly stated that natural selection applied to the brain as to all other organs and contemporary epilepsy research plays an interesting role in this scenario. Epilepsy affects approximately 3 percent of the general population and is a complex disease. At least 11 genes have now been described for human epilepsy and over 50 more genes have been identified in animal models of epilepsy. The complex gene to gene interactions and gene-environment interactions may account for epilepsy susceptibility and antiepileptic drug response. Darwin's thoughts on evolution are relevant to understand these gene interactions, contributing to current development of new treatments and prevention of chronic diseases, such as epilepsy.Em 12 de Fevereiro de 2009 nós comemoramos o aniversário de 200 anos de Charles Darwin e os 150 anos da publicação da primeira edição do livro "A Origem das Espécies". Apenas na sexta edição do livro A Origem, Darwin explicitamente definiu que a seleção natural se aplicava ao cérebro, assim como a todos os outros órgãos e as pesquisas contemporâneas em epilepsia tem um papel interessante neste cenário. A epilepsia afeta aproximadamente 3% da população geral e é uma doença complexa. Ao menos 11 genes foram descritos até o momento na epilepsia humana e mais de 50 genes foram identificados em modelos animais de epilepsia. As complexas interações gene-gene e genes-meio ambiente podem estar relacionadas com a susceptibilidade à epilepsia e respostas às drogas antiepilépticas. Os pensamentos de Darwin quanto à evolução são relevantes para a compreensão dessas interações gênicas, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento de novos tratamentos e na prevenção de doenças crônicas, como a epilepsia.FAPESPCInAPCe-FAPESPCNP

    Exploring the role of auxin in the androgynophore movement in passiflora

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    The flowers of the species belonging to the genus Passiflora show a range of features that are thought to have arisen as adaptations to different pollinators. Some Passiflora species belonging to the subgenus Decaloba sect. Xerogona, show touch-sensitive motile androgynophores. We tested the role of auxin polar transport in the modulation of the androgynophore movement by applying auxin (IAA) or an inhibitor of auxin polar transport (NPA) in the flowers. We recorded the movement of the androgynophore during mechano-stimulation and analyzed the duration, speed, and the angle formed by the androgynophore before and after the movement, and found that both IAA and NPA increase the amplitude of the movement in P. sanguinolenta. We hypothesize that auxin might have a role in modulating the fitness of these Decaloba species to different pollination syndromes and demonstrate that an interspecific hybrid between insect- and hummingbird-pollinated Xerogona species present a heterosis effect on the speed of the androgynophore383301307CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPES

    Parkinson's disease in LGBT+ older adults: The unexplored connection

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    Large stellar disks in small elliptical galaxies

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    We present the rotation velocities V and velocity dispersions sigma along the principal axes of seven elliptical galaxies less luminous than M_B= -19.5. These kinematics extend beyond the half-light radii for all systems in this photometrically selected sample. At large radii the kinematics not only confirm that rotation and "diskiness" are important in faint ellipticals, as was previously known, but also demonstrate that in most sample galaxies the stars at large galactocentric distances have (V/sigma)_max of about 2, similar to the disks in bona-fide S0 galaxies. Comparing this high degree of ordered stellar motion in all sample galaxies with numerical simulations of dissipationless mergers argues against mergers with mass ratios <=3:1 as an important mechanism in the final shaping of low-luminosity ellipticals, and favors instead the dissipative formation of a disk.Comment: 11 pages LaTex with 4 Postscript figure