493 research outputs found

    The evaluation of buildings energy consumption and the optimization of district heating networks: a GIS-based model

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    The European buildings occupy a key place among the major energy consumer sectors, with high savings potential. The development of urban planning tools helpful to understand the right policy strategies turning the settled sustainable targets into real energy consumption savings is now a real challenge. Into this paper is described a methodology, for the mid-long term scenarios analysis, able to asses the buildings energy consumption of a municipality by means of a simulation approach and of a geo-referenced characterization of the stock. A thermal model, based on real consumption data, has been used to evaluate space heating energy demand; different savings opportunities have been simulated. Moreover, from the geo-referenced representation of the district heating network, through the integrated procedure, it is possible to perform the optimization of the network layout. A case study application in Turin is presented. Main results are the evaluation of energy consumptions, total costs of the interventions and the release of policy suggestions. Thanks to geo-referenced maps is allowed to put in evidence criticalities and policy effects through thematic maps. The methodology highlights the advantages of coupling a geographical information system application and energy demand forecasting model to build up a tool aimed at supporting decision-making

    Integral-Based Identification of an Inhomogeneity Model in Respiratory Mechanics

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    4-pagesIndividualized models of respiratory mechanics may help to reduce potential harmful effects of ventilation therapy by predicting the outcome of certain ventilator settings. The underlying models are commonly identified by iterative error-mapping methods, such as the Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm, requiring initial estimates for the patient specific parameters. The quality of the initial estimates has a significant influence on identification efficiency and results. An iterative integral-based parameter identification method was applied to a linear 2nd order respiratory mechanics model. The method was compared to the Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm using clinical data from 13 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) patients. The Iterative Integral-Based Method converged to the Levenberg-Marquardt solution two times faster and was independent of initial estimates. These investigations reveal that the Iterative Integral-Based Method is beneficial with respect to computing time, operator independence and robustness

    Induced ferroelectric phases in TbMn_2O_5

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    The magnetostructural transitions and magnetoelectric effects reported in TbMn2O5 are described theoretically and shown to correspond to two essentially different mechanisms for the induced ferroelectricity. The incommensurate and commensurate phases observed between 38 and 24 K exhibit a hybrid pseudoproper ferroelectric nature resulting from an effective bilinear coupling of the polarization with the antiferromagnetic order parameter. This explains the high sensitivity of the dielectric properties of the material under applied magnetic field. Below 24 K the incommensurate phase shows a standard improper ferroelectric character induced by the coupling of two distinct magnetic order parameters. The complex dielectric behavior observed in the material reflects the crossover from one to the other transition regime. The temperature dependences of the pertinent physical quantities are worked out, and previous theoretical models are discussed

    Traversing the Fuzzy Valley: Problems caused by reliance on default simulation and parameter identification programs for discontinuous models

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    invited, 6-pagesThe Levenberg-Marquardt parameter identification method is often used in tandem with numerical Runge-Kutta model simulation to find optimal model parameter values to match measured data. However, these methods can potentially find erroneous parameter values. The problem is exacerbated when discontinuous models are analyzed. A highly parameterized respiratory mechanics model defines a pressure-volume response to a low flow experiment in an acute respiratory distress syndrome patient. Levenberg-Marquardt parameter identification is used with various starting values and either a typical numerical integration model simulation or a novel error-stepping method. Model parameter values from the error-stepping method were consistently located close to the error minima (median deviation: 0.4%). In contrast, model values from numerical integration were erratic and distinct from the error minima (median deviation: 1.4%). The comparative failure of Runge-Kutta model simulation was due to the method’s poor handling of model discontinuities and the resultant lack of smoothness in the error surface. As the Leven-berg-Marquardt identification system is an error gradient decent method, it depends on accurate measurement of the model-to-measured data error surface. Hence, the method failed to converge accurately due to poorly defined error surfaces. When the error surface is imprecisely identified, the parameter identification process can produce sub-optimal results. Particular care must be used when gradient decent methods are used in conjunction with numerical integration model simulation methods and discontinuous models

    3D printed splint designed by 3D surface scanner for patients with hand allodynia.

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    Allodynia is a neuropathic pain triggered by a normally painless stimulus: for example, a slight touch on the skin or slight sensation of hot or cold is extremely painful. Rehabilitation is long and uncertain. Protecting the painful area from stimuli is a priority of care. This type of care is complex and challenging for the care team: the pain caused in manufacturing a classic molded orthosis is unbearable for the patient, and the orthosis has a limited lifetime, and experience shows that it is not possible to produce two identical splints. The present study consisted in creating protective splints by 3D printing, designed from data collected with the 3D surface scanner used in our forensic imaging and anthropology unit. The pros and cons of the 3D orthosis versus standard molded orthoses from the point of view of the patient and the practitioner are discussed, with evaluation of related indications of this technology

    Measuring pelvises in 3D surface scans and in MDCT generated virtual environment: Considerations for applications in the forensic context.

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    Virtual Anthropology (VA) transposes the traditional methods of physical anthropology to virtual environments using imaging techniques and exploits imaging technologies to devise new methodological protocols. In this research, we investigate whether the measurements used in the Diagnose Sexuelle Probabiliste (DSP) and Ischio-Pubic Index (IPI) differ significantly when 3D models of a bone are generated using 3D surface scans (3DSS) and Multidetector Computed Tomography (MDCT) scans. Thirty pelvises were selected from the SIMON identified skeletal collection. An equal ratio of females to males was sought, as well as a good preservation of the bones. The pelvises were scanned using an MDCT scanner and a 3D surface scanner. The measurements of the DSP and IPI methods on the dry bones (referred to as macroscopic measurements here), and then to the 3D models. The intra- and interobserver, using the Technical Error of Measurement (TEM) and relative Technical Error of Measurement (rTEM) error was assessed, and we aimed to observe if the measurements made on the MDCT and 3DSS generated models were significantly different from those taken on the dry bones. Additionally, the normality of the data was tested (Shapiro-Wilk test) and the differences in measurements was evaluated using parametric (Student t-tests) and non-parametric (Wilcoxon) tests. The TEM and rTEM calculations show high intra and interobserver consistency in general. However, some measurements present insufficient inter- and intraobserver agreement. Student t and Wilcoxon tests indicate potentially significant differences of some measurements between the different environments. The results show that especially in the virtual environment, it is not easy to find the right angle for some of the DSP measurements, However, when comparing the measurement differences between dry and virtual bones, the results show that most of the differences are less than or equal to 2.5 mm. Considering the IPI, the landmarks are already difficult to determine on the dry bone, but they are even more difficult to locate in the virtual environment. Nevertheless, this study shows that quantitative methods may be better suited for application in the virtual environment, but further research using different methods is needed

    Finite strain Landau theory of high pressure phase transformations

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    The properties of materials near structural phase transitions are often successfully described in the framework of Landau theory. While the focus is usually on phase transitions, which are induced by temperature changes approaching a critical temperature T-c, here we will discuss structural phase transformations driven by high hydrostatic pressure, as they are of major importance for understanding processes in the interior of the earth. Since at very high pressures the deformations of a material are generally very large, one needs to apply a fully nonlinear description taking physical as well as geometrical nonlinearities (finite strains) into account. In particular it is necessary to retune conventional Landau theory to describe such phase transitions. In Troster et al (2002 Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 55503) we constructed a Landau-type free energy based on an order parameter part, an order parameter-(finite) strain coupling and a nonlinear elastic term. This model provides an excellent and efficient framework for the systematic study of phase transformations for a wide range of materials up to ultrahigh pressures