101 research outputs found

    Optical properties of silicon-implanted polycrystalline diamond membranes

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    We investigate the optical properties of polycrystalline diamond membranes containing silicon-vacancy (SiV) color centers in combination with other nano-analytical techniques. We analyze the correlation between the Raman signal, the SiV emission, and the background luminescence in the crystalline grains and in the grain boundaries, identifying conditions for the addressability of single SiV centers. Moreover, we perform a scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) analysis, which associates the microscopic structure of the membranes and the evolution of the diamond crystal along the growth direction with the photoluminescence properties, as well as a time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) to address the distribution of silicon in implanted and un-implanted membranes. The results of the STEM and ToF-SIMS studies are consistent with the outcome of the optical measurements and provide useful insight into the preparation of polycrystalline samples for quantum nano-optics.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figure

    Optical properties of structurally-relaxed Si/SiO2_2 superlattices: the role of bonding at interfaces

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    We have constructed microscopic, structurally-relaxed atomistic models of Si/SiO2_2 superlattices. The structural distortion and oxidation-state characteristics of the interface Si atoms are examined in detail. The role played by the interface Si suboxides in raising the band gap and producing dispersionless energy bands is established. The suboxide atoms are shown to generate an abrupt interface layer about 1.60 \AA thick. Bandstructure and optical-absorption calculations at the Fermi Golden rule level are used to demonstrate that increasing confinement leads to (a) direct bandgaps (b) a blue shift in the spectrum, and (c) an enhancement of the absorption intensity in the threshold-energy region. Some aspects of this behaviour appear not only in the symmetry direction associated with the superlattice axis, but also in the orthogonal plane directions. We conclude that, in contrast to Si/Ge, Si/SiO2_2 superlattices show clear optical enhancement and a shift of the optical spectrum into the region useful for many opto-electronic applications.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures (submitted to Phys. Rev. B

    Chemical composition of nanoporous layer formed by electrochemical etching of p-type GaAs

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    Abstract : We have performed a detailed characterization study of electrochemically etched p-type GaAs in a hydrofluoric acid-based electrolyte. The samples were investigated and characterized through cathodoluminescence (CL), X-ray diffraction (XRD), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). It was found that after electrochemical etching, the porous layer showed a major decrease in the CL intensity and a change in chemical composition and in the crystalline phase. Contrary to previous reports on p-GaAs porosification, which stated that the formed layer is composed of porous GaAs, we report evidence that the porous layer is in fact mainly constituted of porous As2O3. Finally, a qualitative model is proposed to explain the porous As2O3 layer formation on p-GaAs substrate

    Physicochemical Characterization of Passive Films and Corrosion Layers by Differential Admittance and Photocurrent Spectroscopy

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    Two different electrochemical techniques, differential admittance and photocurrent spectroscopy, for the characterization of electronic and solid state properties of passive films and corrosion layers are described and critically evaluated. In order to get information on the electronic properties of passive film and corrosion layers as well as the necessary information to locate the characteristic energy levels of the passive film/electrolyte junction like: flat band potential (Ufb), conduction band edge (EC) or valence band edge (EV), a wide use of Mott-Schottky plots is usually reported in corrosion science and passivity studies. It has been shown, in several papers, that the use of simple M-S theory to get information on the electronic properties and energy levels location at the film/electrolyte interface can be seriously misleading and/or conflicting with the physical basis underlying the M-S theory. A critical appraisal of this approach to the study of very thin and thick anodic passive film grown on base-metals (Cr, Ni, Fe, SS etc..) or on valve metals (Ta, Nb, W etc..) is reported in this work, together with possible alternative approach to overcome some of the mentioned inconsistencies. At this aim the theory of amorphous semiconductor Schottky barrier, introduced several years ago in the study of passive film/electrolyte junction, is reviewed by taking into account some of the more recent results obtained by the present authors. Future developments of the theory appears necessary to get more exact quantitative information on the electronic properties of passive films, specially in the case of very thin film like those formed on base metals and their alloys. The second technique described in this chapter, devoted to the physico-chemical characterization of passive film and corrosion layers, is a more recent technique based on the analysis of the photo-electrochemical answer of passive film/electrolyte junction under illumination with photons having suitable energy. Such a technique usually referred to as Photocurrent Spectroscopy (PCS) has been developed on the basis of the large research effort carried out by several groups in the 1970’s and aimed to investigate the possible conversion of solar energy by means of electrochemical cells. In this work the fundamentals of semiconductor/electrolyte junctions under illumination will be highlighted both for crystalline and amorphous materials. The role of amorphous nature and film thickness on the photo-electrochemical answer of passive film/solution interface is reviewed as well the use of PCS for quantitative analysis of the film composition based on a semi-empirical correlation between optical band gap and difference of electronegativity of film constituents previously suggested by the present authors. In this frame the results of PCS studies on valve metal oxides and valve metal mixed oxides will be discussed in order to show the validity of the proposed method. The results of PCS studies aimed to get information on passive film composition and carried out by different authors on base metals (Fe, Cr, Ni) and their alloys, including stainless steel, will be also compared with compositional analysis carried out by well-established surface analysis techniques

    Corrosion behaviour of new quaternary ZrNbTiAl alloys in simulated physiological solution using electrochemical techniques and surface analysis methods

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    The potential biomedical application of three new quaternary Zr alloys, namely Zr6Ti15Nb4Al, Zr32Ti15Nb4Al, and Zr49Ti15Nb4Al, was evaluated in vitro using electrochemical methods complemented with surface analysis of corrosion resistance. Cyclic potentiodynamic polarization (CCP) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) tests were performed in Ringer’s solution at 37 ºC. The electrochemical behavior of the ZrTiNbAl quaternary alloys was consistent with the formation of passivating oxide films on the surfaces of these materials. Localized breakdown of the oxide layer occurred on Zr6Ti15Nb4Al and Zr32Ti15Nb4Al alloys subjected to positive anodic polarization, a feature confirmed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) on retrieved samples. The Zr49Ti15Nb4Al alloy, which had the highest titanium (49 wt.%) content, exhibited a larger passive range in the polarization curve and was immune to localized corrosion breakdown in a simulated physiological solution for the range of polarizations that can occur in the human bod

    When log-dwellers meet loggers: impacts of forest fragmentation on two endemic log-dwelling beetles in south-eastern Australia.

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    Anthropogenic activities continue to cause massive fragmentation and reduction of forest area worldwide. With fragmentation and reduction of habitat recognized as the greatest threats to biodiversity, the implementation of improved, informed and conservation-based forestry practices is essential, and requires a greater understanding of the responses of different organisms to forest fragmentation. While genetic techniques can add invaluable insights to fragmentation studies they have rarely been employed, particularly for multiple species. In the present study, we combined genetic information, obtained from allozyme loci and anonymous single copy nuclear DNA markers, with ecological data to investigate the impacts of forest fragmentation on two log-dwelling beetles with different life histories, in an 'islands of bush in a sea of pine' model, at Tumut in New South Wales, Australia. Both the relatively mobile (i.e. has high dispersal ability and/or broad habitat range) Adelium calosomoides and the less mobile Apasis puncticeps showed reduced mobility and gene flow in fragmented compared to continuous forest: there was significantly greater isolation by distance and stronger local structure revealed by spatial autocorrelation in fragmented forest. Analysis of patch and species characteristics revealed that genetic and demographic structure may be influenced by log degradation class for both species, and number of potential dispersal barriers, distance from continuous forest and desiccation intolerance/moisture preference for Ap. puncticeps. Thus the pine plantation matrix poses a barrier or filter for gene flow and mobility in both beetle species

    Initiation and Formation of Porous GaAs

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    The present work deals with localized dissolution processes (pit and pore initiation and growth) of p- and n-type (100) GaAs. Pit and pore growth can be electrochemically initiated on both conduction types in chloride-containing solutions and leads after extended periods of time to the formation of a porous GaAs structure. In the case of p-type material, localized dissolution is only observed if a passivating film is present on the surface, otherwise, e.g., in acidic solutions, the material suffers from a uniform attack (electropolishing) which is independent of the anion present. In contrast, localized dissolution (pitting corrosion) and pore formation on n-type material can be triggered independent of the presence of an oxide film. This is explained in terms of the different current limiting factor for the differently doped materials (oxide film in the case of the p- and a space charge layer in the case of the n-GaAs). The porous structure was characterized by scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive x-ray analysis, and Auger electron spectroscopy, and consists mainly of GaAs. From scratch experiments it is clear that the pit initiation process is strongly influenced by surface defects. For n-type material, atomic force microscopy investigations show that light induced roughening of the order of several hundred nanometers occurs under nonpassivating conditions. This nanometer-scale roughening however does not affect the pitting process.NRC publication: Ye