7 research outputs found

    Multiple quantitative trait loci influence intra-specific variation in genital morphology between phylogenetically distinct lines of Drosophila montana

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    The evolution of animal genitalia has gained renewed interest, because of their potential roles during sexual selection and early stages of species formation. Although central to understanding the evolutionary process, knowledge of the genetic basis of natural variation in genital morphology is limited to a very few species. Using an out-bred cross between phylogenetically distinct lines of Drosophila montana, we characterized quantitative trait loci (QTLs) affecting the size and shape of the distiphallus, a prominent part of the male intromittent organ. Our microsatellite-based linkage analysis shows that intra-specific variation of the distiphallus involves several QTLs of largely additive effect and that a highly significant QTL co-localizes with the same inversion where we have earlier localized a large QTL for a sexually selected courtship song trait. The latter indicates that inversions can play an important role in shaping the evolution of rapidly evolving traits with a potential influence on speciation

    A unique case of reversion to normal size of a maternal premutation FMR1 allele in a normal boy

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    Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is caused mostly by expansion and subsequent methylation of the CGG repeat in the 5'UTR of the FMR1 gene, resulting in silencing of the gene, absence of FMRP and development of the FXS phenotype. The expansion also predisposes the CGG repeat and the flanking regions to further instability that may lead to mosaics between a full mutation and a premutation or, rarely, a normal or deleted allele. Here, we report on a 10-year-old boy with no FXS phenotype, who has a normal CGG tract, although he inherited the maternal expanded allele that causes FXS in his two brothers. Southern blotting demonstrated that the mother carries a premutation allele ( approximately 190 CGG), whereas the propositus shows a normal 5.2 kb fragment after HindIII digestion and a smaller 2.2 kb fragment after double HindIII-EagI digestion, without any apparent mosaicism in peripheral blood leukocytes. PCR and sequence analysis of the FMR1 5'UTR revealed an allele of 43 repeats, with two interspersed AGG triplets in position 10 and 25 and an exceptional CCG triplet in position 17. This latter creates an abnormal EagI site compatible with the smaller 2.2 kb fragment observed with Southern blotting. Haplotype analysis proved that the rearranged allele originated from the maternal expanded allele. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first non-mosaic case of reduction in the CGG tract of the FMR1 gene, resulting in a normal allele