107 research outputs found

    Nonlinear response of a linear chain to weak driving

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    We study the escape of a chain of coupled units over the barrier of a metastable potential. It is demonstrated that a very weak external driving field with suitably chosen frequency suffices to accomplish speedy escape. The latter requires the passage through a transition state the formation of which is triggered by permanent feeding of energy from a phonon background into humps of localised energy and elastic interaction of the arising breather solutions. In fact, cooperativity between the units of the chain entailing coordinated energy transfer is shown to be crucial for enhancing the rate of escape in an extremely effective and low-energy cost way where the effect of entropic localisation and breather coalescence conspire

    Cooperative surmounting of bottlenecks

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    The physics of activated escape of objects out of a metastable state plays a key role in diverse scientific areas involving chemical kinetics, diffusion and dislocation motion in solids, nucleation, electrical transport, motion of flux lines superconductors, charge density waves, and transport processes of macromolecules, to name but a few. The underlying activated processes present the multidimensional extension of the Kramers problem of a single Brownian particle. In comparison to the latter case, however, the dynamics ensuing from the interactions of many coupled units can lead to intriguing novel phenomena that are not present when only a single degree of freedom is involved. In this review we report on a variety of such phenomena that are exhibited by systems consisting of chains of interacting units in the presence of potential barriers. In the first part we consider recent developments in the case of a deterministic dynamics driving cooperative escape processes of coupled nonlinear units out of metastable states. The ability of chains of coupled units to undergo spontaneous conformational transitions can lead to a self-organised escape. The mechanism at work is that the energies of the units become re-arranged, while keeping the total energy conserved, in forming localised energy modes that in turn trigger the cooperative escape. We present scenarios of significantly enhanced noise-free escape rates if compared to the noise-assisted case. The second part deals with the collective directed transport of systems of interacting particles overcoming energetic barriers in periodic potential landscapes. Escape processes in both time-homogeneous and time-dependent driven systems are considered for the emergence of directed motion. It is shown that ballistic channels immersed in the associated high-dimensional phase space are the source for the directed long-range transport

    Macroscopic limit cycle via pure noise-induced phase transition

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    Bistability generated via a pure noise-induced phase transition is reexamined from the view of bifurcations in macroscopic cumulant dynamics. It allows an analytical study of the phase diagram in more general cases than previous methods. In addition using this approach we investigate patially-extended systems with two degrees of freedom per site. For this system, the analytic solution of the stationary Fokker-Planck equation is not available and a standard mean field approach cannot be used to find noise induced phase transitions. A new approach based on cumulant dynamics predicts a noise-induced phase transition through a Hopf bifurcation leading to a macroscopic limit cycle motion, which is confirmed by numerical simulation.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Active Brownian particles with velocity-alignment and active fluctuations

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    We consider a model of active Brownian particles with velocity-alignment in two spatial dimensions with passive and active fluctuations. Hereby, active fluctuations refers to purely non-equilibrium stochastic forces correlated with the heading of an individual active particle. In the simplest case studied here, they are assumed as independent stochastic forces parallel (speed noise) and perpendicular (angular noise) to the velocity of the particle. On the other hand, passive fluctuations are defined by a noise vector independent of the direction of motion of a particle, and may account for example for thermal fluctuations. We derive a macroscopic description of the active Brownian particle gas with velocity-alignment interaction. Hereby, we start from the individual based description in terms of stochastic differential equations (Langevin equations) and derive equations of motion for the coarse grained kinetic variables (density, velocity and temperature) via a moment expansion of the corresponding probability density function. We focus here in particular on the different impact of active and passive fluctuations on the onset of collective motion and show how active fluctuations in the active Brownian dynamics can change the phase-transition behaviour of the system. In particular, we show that active angular fluctuation lead to an earlier breakdown of collective motion and to emergence of a new bistable regime in the mean-field case.Comment: 5 figures, 22 pages, submitted to New Journal of Physic

    Self-organized escape of oscillator chains in nonlinear potentials

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    We present the noise free escape of a chain of linearly interacting units from a metastable state over a cubic on-site potential barrier. The underlying dynamics is conservative and purely deterministic. The mutual interplay between nonlinearity and harmonic interactions causes an initially uniform lattice state to become unstable, leading to an energy redistribution with strong localization. As a result a spontaneously emerging localized mode grows into a critical nucleus. By surpassing this transition state, the nonlinear chain manages a self-organized, deterministic barrier crossing. Most strikingly, these noise-free, collective nonlinear escape events proceed generally by far faster than transitions assisted by thermal noise when the ratio between the average energy supplied per unit in the chain and the potential barrier energy assumes small values

    Rectification of motion in nonlinear media with asymmetric random drive

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    We consider moving particles in media with nonlinear friction and drive them by an asymmetric dichotomic Markov process. Due to different energy dissipations, during the forward and backward stroke, we obtain a mean non-vanishing directed flow of the particles. Starting with the stationary velocity distribution, we calculate the stationary current of particles, the variance and the relative variance in dependence on the degree of nonlinearity of the friction, on the asymmetry and for different strengths of friction. In two dimensions the particle performs diffusional motion, if in addition the direction of the asymmetric drive changes stochastically.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    Noise Induced Complexity: From Subthreshold Oscillations to Spiking in Coupled Excitable Systems

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    We study stochastic dynamics of an ensemble of N globally coupled excitable elements. Each element is modeled by a FitzHugh-Nagumo oscillator and is disturbed by independent Gaussian noise. In simulations of the Langevin dynamics we characterize the collective behavior of the ensemble in terms of its mean field and show that with the increase of noise the mean field displays a transition from a steady equilibrium to global oscillations and then, for sufficiently large noise, back to another equilibrium. Diverse regimes of collective dynamics ranging from periodic subthreshold oscillations to large-amplitude oscillations and chaos are observed in the course of this transition. In order to understand details and mechanisms of noise-induced dynamics we consider a thermodynamic limit NN\to\infty of the ensemble, and derive the cumulant expansion describing temporal evolution of the mean field fluctuations. In the Gaussian approximation this allows us to perform the bifurcation analysis; its results are in good agreement with dynamical scenarios observed in the stochastic simulations of large ensembles

    Canonical active Brownian motion

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    Active Brownian motion is the complex motion of active Brownian particles. They are active in the sense that they can transform their internal energy into energy of motion and thus create complex motion patterns. Theories of active Brownian motion so far imposed couplings between the internal energy and the kinetic energy of the system. We investigate how this idea can be naturally taken further to include also couplings to the potential energy, which finally leads to a general theory of canonical dissipative systems. Explicit analytical and numerical studies are done for the motion of one particle in harmonic external potentials. Apart from stationary solutions, we study non-equilibrium dynamics and show the existence of various bifurcation phenomena.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, a few remarks and references adde

    Asymptotic Scaling of the Diffusion Coefficient of Fluctuating "Pulled" Fronts

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    We present a (heuristic) theoretical derivation for the scaling of the diffusion coefficient DfD_f for fluctuating ``pulled'' fronts. In agreement with earlier numerical simulations, we find that as NN\to\infty, DfD_f approaches zero as 1/ln3N1/\ln^3N, where NN is the average number of particles per correlation volume in the stable phase of the front. This behaviour of DfD_f stems from the shape fluctuations at the very tip of the front, and is independent of the microscopic model.Comment: Some minor algebra corrected, to appear in Rapid Comm., Phys. Rev.

    Surmounting collectively oscillating bottlenecks

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    We study the collective escape dynamics of a chain of coupled, weakly damped nonlinear oscillators from a metastable state over a barrier when driven by a thermal heat bath in combination with a weak, globally acting periodic perturbation. Optimal parameter choices are identified that lead to a drastic enhancement of escape rates as compared to a pure noise-assisted situation. We elucidate the speed-up of escape in the driven Langevin dynamics by showing that the time-periodic external field in combination with the thermal fluctuations triggers an instability mechanism of the stationary homogeneous lattice state of the system. Perturbations of the latter provided by incoherent thermal fluctuations grow because of a parametric resonance, leading to the formation of spatially localized modes (LMs). Remarkably, the LMs persist in spite of continuously impacting thermal noise. The average escape time assumes a distinct minimum by either tuning the coupling strength and/or the driving frequency. This weak ac-driven assisted escape in turn implies a giant speed of the activation rate of such thermally driven coupled nonlinear oscillator chains