2,853 research outputs found

    Multidimensional Simulations of Rotating Pair Instability Supernovae

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    We study the effects of rotation on the dynamics, energetics and Ni-56 production of Pair Instability Supernova explosions by performing rotating two-dimensional ("2.5-D") hydrodynamics simulations. We calculate the evolution of eight low metallicity (Z = 10^-3, 10^-4 Zsun) massive (135-245 Msun) PISN progenitors with initial surface rotational velocities 50% that of the critical Keplerian value using the stellar evolution code MESA. We allow for both the inclusion and the omission of the effects of magnetic fields in the angular momentum transport and in chemical mixing, resulting in slowly-rotating and rapidly-rotating final carbon-oxygen cores, respectively. Increased rotation for carbon-oxygen cores of the same mass and chemical stratification leads to less energetic PISN explosions that produce smaller amounts of Ni-56 due to the effect of the angular momentum barrier that develops and slows the dynamical collapse. We find a non-monotonic dependence of Ni-56 production on rotational velocity in situations when smoother composition gradients form at the outer edge of the rotating cores. In these cases, the PISN energetics are determined by the competition of two factors: the extent of chemical mixing in the outer layers of the core due to the effects of rotation in the progenitor evolution and the development of angular momentum support against collapse. Our 2.5-D PISN simulations with rotation are the first presented in the literature. They reveal hydrodynamic instabilities in several regions of the exploding star and increased explosion asymmetries with higher core rotational velocity.Comment: 31 pages, 23 figures, accepted for publication in the Ap

    Metropolitan Planning and the Phenomenon of Reurbanisation: The Example of Liverpool

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    This paper considers the process and dynamics of reurbanisation and its implications for metropolitan planning. After brief consideration of reurbanisation trends in the UK, through a case study of the city of Liverpool in North West England, the paper explores how these recent trends of population regrowth and changing patterns of housing production (including purpose-built student accommodation) have affected the social structure of the city and what are the implications for planning policy? The paper concludes that population regrowth has been associated with increased spatial social segregation but is likely to continue and will shape future metropolitan planning

    Galaxy Morphologies in the Cluster CL1358+62 at z=0.33

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    We describe the morphological composition of a sample of 518 galaxies in the field of CL1358+62 at z=0.33, drawn from a large HST mosaic covering 53 sq. arcmin. The sample is complete to I=22, corresponding to M_V=-18.5 in the rest frame. The galaxies have been independently classified by the authors of this paper and by Alan Dressler. For galaxies with I<21, the two sets of classifiers agree on the total early-type population, but disagree on the S0/E ratio. We discuss the constraints on morphological evolution and the implication of the differing S0/E ratios. We use our large body of spectra to make the correspondence between morphological and spectral type.Comment: includes 10 fig

    Morphological number-count and redshift distributions to I < 26 from the Hubble Deep Field: Implications for the evolution of Ellipticals, Spirals and Irregulars

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    We combine the photometric redshift data of Fernandez-Soto et al. (1997) with the morphological data of Odewahn et al. (1996) for all galaxies with I < 26.0 detected in the Hubble Deep Field. From this combined catalog we generate the morphological galaxy number-counts and corresponding redshift distributions and compare these to the predictions of high normalization zero- and passive- evolution models. From this comparison we conclude the following: (1) E/S0s are seen in numbers and over a redshift range consistent with zero- or minimal passive- evolution to I = 24. Beyond this limit fewer E/S0s are observed than predicted implying a net negative evolutionary process --- luminosity dimming, disassembly or masking by dust --- at I > 24. (2) Spiral galaxies are present in numbers consistent with zero- evolution predictions to I = 22. Beyond this magnitude some net- positive evolution is required. Although the number-counts are consistent with the passive-evolution predictions to I=26.0 the redshift distributions favor number AND luminosity evolution. (3) There is no obvious explanation for the late-type/irregular class and this category requires further subdivision. While a small fraction of the population lies at low redshift (i.e. true irregulars), the majority lie at redshifts, 1 < z < 3. At z > 1.5 mergers are frequent and, taken in conjunction with the absence of normal spirals at z > 2, the logical inference is that they represent the progenitors of normal spirals forming via hierarchical merging.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters, colour plates available from http://www.phys.unsw.edu.au/~spd/bib.htm

    Research and evidence based environmental health

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    Environmental health (EH) professionals have often spoken of the need to become more research active (Burke et al., 2002; McCarthy, 1996) and make their work more evidence based, but to date little has been written about how to achieve this in practice. This chapter is therefore written as an introductory guide to research for EH professionals, students, and policy makers. By developing your knowledge it is hoped you will feel more confident navigating the world of research; motivated towards making your own work more evidence based; and enthused about contributing to the evidence base from which others can learn. This chapter is not a research methods textbook, a step by step guide to research or evidence based environmental health, nor does it seek to make definitive statements about these complex areas. However it highlights the most important issues regarding research in environmental health, considers the importance of research to the environmental health profession and provides useful signposts towards further resources. The chapter is divided into three sections. The first defines evidence based environmental health and why it remains a priority for EH professionals. The second section explores the key stages of environmental health research and provides guidance on the development of your reading skills. The final section suggests ways to become more research active and evidence based, acknowledging the many challenges EH professionals face and concluding with a vision for evidence based environmental health. The chapter ends with an annex including a glossary of environmental health research terms, a list of references and suggested further reading

    Stromgren Photometry from z=0 to z~1. The Method

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    We use rest-frame Stromgren photometry to observe clusters of galaxies in a self-consistent manner from z=0 to z=0.8. Stromgren photometry of galaxies is an efficient compromise between standard broad-band photometry and spectroscopy, in the sense that it is more sensitive to subtle variations in spectral energy distributions than the former, yet much less time-consuming than the latter. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is used to extract maximum information from the Stromgren data. By calibrating the Principal Components using well-studied galaxies (and stellar population models), we develop a purely empirical method to detect, and subsequently classify, cluster galaxies at all redshifts smaller than 0.8. Interlopers are discarded with unprecedented efficiency (up to 100%). The first Principal Component essentially reproduces the Hubble Sequence, and can thus be used to determine the global star formation history of cluster members. The (PC2, PC3) plane allows us to identify Seyfert galaxies (and distinguish them from starbursts) based on photometric colors alone. In the case of E/S0 galaxies with known redshift, we are able to resolve the age-dust- metallicity degeneracy, albeit at the accuracy limit of our present observations. This technique will allow us to probe galaxy clusters well beyond their cores and to fainter magnitudes than spectroscopy can achieve. We are able to directly compare these data over the entire redshift range without a priori assumptions because our observations do not require k-corrections. The compilation of such data for different cluster types over a wide redshift range is likely to set important constraints on the evolution of galaxies and on the clustering process.Comment: 35 pages, 18 figures, accepted by ApJ

    Tools for integrated sequence-structure analysis with UCSF Chimera

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    BACKGROUND: Comparing related structures and viewing the structures in the context of sequence alignments are important tasks in protein structure-function research. While many programs exist for individual aspects of such work, there is a need for interactive visualization tools that: (a) provide a deep integration of sequence and structure, far beyond mapping where a sequence region falls in the structure and vice versa; (b) facilitate changing data of one type based on the other (for example, using only sequence-conserved residues to match structures, or adjusting a sequence alignment based on spatial fit); (c) can be used with a researcher's own data, including arbitrary sequence alignments and annotations, closely or distantly related sets of proteins, etc.; and (d) interoperate with each other and with a full complement of molecular graphics features. We describe enhancements to UCSF Chimera to achieve these goals. RESULTS: The molecular graphics program UCSF Chimera includes a suite of tools for interactive analyses of sequences and structures. Structures automatically associate with sequences in imported alignments, allowing many kinds of crosstalk. A novel method is provided to superimpose structures in the absence of a pre-existing sequence alignment. The method uses both sequence and secondary structure, and can match even structures with very low sequence identity. Another tool constructs structure-based sequence alignments from superpositions of two or more proteins. Chimera is designed to be extensible, and mechanisms for incorporating user-specific data without Chimera code development are also provided. CONCLUSION: The tools described here apply to many problems involving comparison and analysis of protein structures and their sequences. Chimera includes complete documentation and is intended for use by a wide range of scientists, not just those in the computational disciplines. UCSF Chimera is free for non-commercial use and is available for Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS X, Linux, and other platforms from

    Genome-scale identification of cellular pathways required for cell surface recognition.

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    Interactions mediated by cell surface receptors initiate important instructive signaling cues but can be difficult to detect in biochemical assays because they are often highly transient and membrane-embedded receptors are difficult to solubilize in their native conformation. Here, we address these biochemical challenges by using a genome-scale, cell-based genetic screening approach using CRISPR gene knockout technology to identify cellular pathways required for specific cell surface recognition events. By using high-affinity monoclonal antibodies and low-affinity ligands, we determined the necessary screening parameters, including the importance of establishing binding contributions from the glycocalyx, that permitted the unequivocal identification of genes encoding directly interacting membrane-embedded receptors with high statistical confidence. Importantly, we show that this genome-wide screening approach additionally identified receptor-specific pathways that are required for functional display of receptors on the cell surface that included chaperones, enzymes that add post-translational modifications, trafficking proteins, and transcription factors. Finally, we demonstrate the utility of the approach by identifying IGF2R (insulin like growth factor 2 receptor) as a binding partner for the R2 subunit of GABAB receptors. We show that this interaction is direct and is critically dependent on mannose-6-phosphate, providing a mechanism for the internalization and regulation of GABAB receptor signaling. We conclude that this single approach can reveal both the molecular nature and the genetic pathways required for functional cell surface display of receptors recognized by antibodies, secreted proteins, and membrane-embedded ligands without the need to make any prior assumptions regarding their biochemical properties. © 2018 Sharma et al.; Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
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