524 research outputs found

    Apoptosis in Displaced Temporomandibular Joint Disc with and without Reduction: An Immunohistochemical Study

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    Internal derangement (ID) of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is due to an abnormal relationship of the articular disc to the mandibular condyle, glenoid fossa and articular eminence. The two most common types of internal derangement are anterior disc displacement with (ADDwR) and without reduction (ADDwoR). Disc displacement is associated with degenerative tissue changes. The histological features of discs from patients with TMJ ID reflect a general remodelling caused by abnormal loading. A correlation has been demonstrated between TMJ ID and apoptosis. Few investigations have addressed the role of apoptosis or caspase activity in TMJ ID. The apoptosis activation process was studied in different areas of discs from 18 patients with ID (both ADDwR and ADDwoR) and four cadavers (controls), with emphasis on the expression of caspase 3, whose activation makes the death process irreversible. The results showed a greater proportion of caspase 3‐positive cells in ADDwR and ADDwoR than in control discs. Immunopositivity also varied between disc areas; in particular, in ADDwoR sections labelled cells were significantly more numerous (P \u3c 0.01) in the posterior disc attachment than in the anterior and intermediate bands. In addition, a significantly greater proportion of labelled cells was seen in the anterior (+) and intermediate (++) band of ADDwR compared with ADDwoR discs both bands (P \u3c 0.05). These data suggest the importance of programmed cell death in the progression of TMJ ID

    Occurrence and Regional Distribution of TRAIL and DR5 on Temporomandibular Joint Discs: Comparison of Disc Derangement with and without Reduction

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    Background Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)–related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) is an apoptosis-inducing member of the TNF gene family which triggers apoptotic signals by interaction with its receptors. It has been suggested to be a major contributing factor to tissue degeneration. Objective The present study investigated, through immunohistochemistry, the regional expression of TRAIL and in temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disc of anterior disc displacement with reduction (ADDwR) and without reduction (ADDwoR) patients, to help determine the relationship between TMJ disc displacement and apoptosis. Study design We studied 18 TMJ diseased discs affected by disc displacement without or with reduction and 4 normal TMJ discs. Specimens were processed for immunohistochemistry to evaluate TRAIL and its receptor DR5 expression. Results Disc tissues from internal derangements (both ADDwR and ADDwoR) exhibited a much higher percentage of TRAIL- and DR5-positive cells as well as stain intensity compared with normal tissue though with regional variation according to the portion of the disc. There was a significantly higher percentage of stained cells in the posterior disc attachment compared with the anterior or intermediate bands of both ADDwR and ADDwoR discs for TRAIL and DR5. Conclusions TRAIL and DR5 are overexpressed in displaced human TMJ disc, especially in the posterior disc attachment. These results suggest a possible pivotal role of the TRAIL/DR5 system in TMJ disc degeneration


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    In language learning, sometimes, the students made errors in written language. The students are difficult to master writing comprehension. They get difficulties to comprehend the grammatical system in writing English sentence. They also need to consider about the grammatical components of English that differ from Indonesian language. This article describes about errors made by the students in writing dialogue script. Thirty students from the second grade of SMPN 8 SKA were asked to write about free essay in dialogue script. All students writing are, then, analyzed in order to investigate students’ errors. Based on linguistic category and surface strategy, it can be concluded that the students have difficulties in grammar (tenses, preposition, agreement, article), lexicon (vocabulary and spelling), punctuation for linguistic category and addition (double marking, regularization, simple addition), omission, misformation (regularization, archiform, alternating form), misordering for surface strategy. Most students tend to have difficulties in spelling and omissio

    Epidural Analgesia Decreases Narcotic Requirements in Low Level Spina Bifida Patients Undergoing Urologic Laparotomy for Neurogenic Bladder and Bowel

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    Purpose Concern of anatomical anomalies and worsening neurologic symptoms has prevented widespread use of epidural catheters in patients with low level spina bifida (LLSB). We hypothesize that thoracic epidural placement in the T9-T10 interspace is safe and decreases narcotic requirements in LLSB patients following major open lower urinary tract reconstruction (LUTR). Materials and Methods We reviewed consecutive LLSB patients who had LUTR and epidurals for post-operative pain control. Controls were LLSB patients who received single shot transversus abdominis plane (TAP) blocks with similar procedures. Complications from epidural placement, including changes in motor and sensory status were recorded. Opioid consumption was calculated utilizing equivalent IV morphine doses. Mean and maximum pain scores on post-operative day (POD) 0-3 were calculated. Results 10 LLSB patients who had lower urinary tract reconstruction and epidurals were matched to 10 LLSB patients who had lower urinary tract reconstruction and transverse abdominis plane blocks. Groups were demographically similar. All had full abdominal sensation and functional levels at or below L3. No epidural complications or changes in neurological status were noted. The epidural group had decreased opioid consumption on POD 0-3 (0.75 mg/kg vs. 1.29 mg/kg, p=0.04). Pain scores were similar or improved in the epidural group. Conclusions Thoracic epidural analgesia appears to be a safe and effective opioid sparing option to assist with post-operative pain management following lower urinary tract reconstruction in LLSB patients

    Substrate influence on the ferroelectric properties of PTCa thin films

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    [ES] Se han estudiado las propiedades ferroeléctricas de láminas delgadas de titanato de plomo modificado con calcio (Pb0.76Ca0.24)TiO3 (PTCa) preparadas vía sol gel mediante cristalizaciones sucesivas sobre tres tipos de substratos: (A) Pt / Ti / SiO2 / Si (100), (B) Ti / Pt / Ti / SiO2 / Si(100) y (C) Pt / TiO2 / SiO2 /Si (100). Los resultados de la caracterización ferroeléctrica muestran valores del coeficiente piroeléctrico espontáneo entorno a » 5 .10-9 C cm-2 K-1. La baja conmutabilidad de las laminas facilita la estabilización del valor del coeficiente piroeléctrico en el tiempo. Un tratamiento térmico posterior de recocido a 650ºC 1 hora produce cambios en las propiedades ferro-piezoeléctricas que se pueden asociar con modificaciones de la textura en las láminas.[EN] The ferroelectric properties of calcium modified lead titanate (Pb0.76Ca0.24)TiO3 (PTCa) thin films prepared by a sol - gel method with successive crystallisations on three different substrates (A) Pt / Ti / SiO2 / Si (100), (B) Ti / Pt / Ti / SiO2 / Si(100) y (C) Pt / TiO2 / SiO2 /Si (100), have been studied. The results of the ferroelectric characterisation show values of the spontaneous pyroelectric coefficient close to » 5 .10-9 C cm-2 K-1. The low switching properties favour the stabilisation in time of the pyroelectric coefficient value. Alatter annealing thermal treatment (650ºC 1h) produces changes in the ferro - piezoelectric properties that can be related with changes in the texture of the films.Este trabajo ha sido realizado mediante la financiación recibida de los proyectos MAT98 - 1068 (CICYT) y BRPR - CT98 - 0777 (BRITE EURAM de la U.E.).Peer reviewe

    Perancangan Pengendali Pid Untuk Gerakan Pitch Dan Roll Pada Quadcopter

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    Recently, Quadcopter is used a lot due to it's capability to perform difficult movements compared with other type of air craft and also for its capability to take off and land on narrow space vertically. The Proportional Integral Derivate (PID) Controller is expected to control the Quadcopter's angle movement pitch and role back to the original position. Design process is conducted by creating a mathematical model of the system to stabilize pitch and roll movement of the Quadcopter and handle other types of disturbance. The parameters of the PID controller are determined by using MATLAB v.13 program through simulation process. The parameters are used as references for Arduino Mega Microcontroller to perform pitch and roll movement of the Quadcopter. By using PID controller coefficient Kp = 0.0316, Ki = 0.05, Kd = 0.26, the controller is able to reduce the oscillation of the system with error rate about two degrees from the input. Quadcopter saat ini banyak digunakan karena mempunyai kemampuan untuk melakukan gerakan yang sulit dilakukan oleh pesawat jenis lain, serta kemampuan untuk terbang dan mendarat secara vertikal di tempat yang sempit. Pengendali Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) untuk gerakan sudut pitch dan roll pada quadcopter ini diharapkan mampu mengembalikan posisi pitch dan roll sesuai dengan referensi yang dimasukkan ketika diberikan dorongan pada quadcopter. Proses perancangan dimulai dengan membuat model matematis sistem terlebih dahulu. Dibutuhkan sebuah sistem pengendali untuk mengatur gerakan sudut pitch dan roll pada quadcopter, sehingga dapat bergerak dengan stabil dan mampu mengatasi gangguan dari luar. Sebagai pengendali gerakan sudut pitch dan roll digunakan pengendali PID, yang parameternya ditentukan dengan program aplikasi MATLAB versi 13. Parameter PID ini diprogram ke mikrokontroler, dalam hal ini digunakan Arduino Mega. Osilasi pada sistem dapat diredam dengan koefisien PID Kp = 0,0316, Ki = 0,05, dan Kd = 0,2. Besarnya error rate sekitar dua derajat dari input yang diberikan

    Generation of a Xenopus laevis F1 albino J strain by genome editing and oocyte host-transfer

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    © The Author(s), 2016. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Developmental Biology 426 (2017): 188–193, doi:10.1016/j.ydbio.2016.03.006.Completion of the Xenopus laevis genome sequence from inbred J strain animals has facilitated the generation of germline mutant X. laevis using targeted genome editing. In the last few years, numerous reports have demonstrated that TALENs are able to induce mutations in F0 Xenopus embryos, but none has demonstrated germline transmission of such mutations in X. laevis. In this report we used the oocyte host-transfer method to generate mutations in both tyrosinase homeologs and found highly-penetrant germline mutations; in contrast, embryonic injections yielded few germline mutations. We also compared the distribution of mutations in several F0 somatic tissues and germ cells and found that the majority of mutations in each tissue were different. These results establish that X. laevis J strain animals are very useful for generating germline mutations and that the oocyte host-transfer method is an efficient technique for generating mutations in both homeologs.This work was supported by grants from the NIH (OD010997 and HD084409)