1,806 research outputs found

    What Drives the Adoption of Smart Travel Planning Apps? The Relationship between Experiential Consumption and Mobile App Acceptance

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    The increased use of the smart travel planning apps as a new tool in hospitality and hotel industry has changed the way travelers make their travel plans. The apps users obtained their preferred tour itinerary and subsequently determine the choice of theirs tour destinations. Therefore, the objective of this study is to investigate the effects of itinerary plans developed by smart travel planning apps on the choiceof tour destination. The underpinning theories were unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model and experiential consumption(UTAUT).The study was conducted in Malaysia and the sample consisted of 307 travelers who are familiar with apps usage. Variance-based-PLS technique was used to analyze and test the hypotheses. The resultconfirmedthatUTAUTdimensionshavesignificantrelationshipwiththeintention to use the itinerary. Both hedonic and utilitarian values from personal consumption perspectivesignificantlymotivatetravelers’behavioralintentiontousethesmarttravel apps. This study contributes to the research on the intention and usage behavior of mobile apps technologies by developing an integrative model to explain the intentions and usage behavior of the tour itinerary

    New results for virial coefficients of hard spheres in D dimensions

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    We present new results for the virial coefficients B_k with k <= 10 for hard spheres in dimensions D=2,...,8.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, to appear in conference proceedings of STATPHYS 2004 in Pramana - Journal of Physic

    Scattering properties of a cut-circle billiard waveguide with two conical leads

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    We examine a two-dimensional electron waveguide with a cut-circle cavity and conical leads. By considering Wigner delay times and the Landauer-B\"{u}ttiker conductance for this system, we probe the effects of the closed billiard energy spectrum on scattering properties in the limit of weakly coupled leads. We investigate how lead placement and cavity shape affect these conductance and time delay spectra of the waveguide.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. E (Jan. 2001

    Condensation of Hard Spheres Under Gravity

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    Starting from Enskog equation of hard spheres of mass m and diameter D under the gravity g, we first derive the exact equation of motion for the equilibrium density profile at a temperature T and examine its solutions via the gradient expansion. The solutions exist only when \beta\mu \le \mu_o \approx 21.756 in 2 dimensions and \mu_o\approx 15.299 in 3 dimensions, where \mu is the dimensionless initial layer thickness and \beta=mgD/T. When this inequality breaks down, a fraction of particles condense from the bottom up to the Fermi surface.Comment: 9 pages, one figur


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    Molecular and immunological characterization of profilin from mugwort pollen

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    In late summer in Europe, pollen of mugwort is one of the major sources of atopic allergens. No information about the complete molecular structure of any mugwort allergen has been published so far. Here we report the isolation and characterization of mugwort pollen cDNA clones coding for two isoforms of the panallergen profilin. Thirtysix percent of the mugwort allergic patients tested displayed IgE antibodies against natural and recombinant profilin, and no significant differences were observed in the IgEbinding properties of the isoforms. One profilin isoform was purified to homogeneity and detailed structural analysis indicated that the protein exists in solution as dimers and tetramers stabilized by sulfydryl and/or ionic interactions. Profilin monomers were detectable only after exposure of multimers to harsh denaturing conditions. Dimers and tetramers did not significantly differ in their ability to bind serum IgE from mugwort pollenallergic patients. However, oligomeric forms might have a higher allergenic potential than monomers because larger molecules would have additional epitopes for IgEmediated histamine release. Profilin isolated from mugwort pollen also formed multimers. Thus, oligomerization is not an artifact resulting from the recombinant production of the allergen. Inhibition experiments showed extensive IgE crossreactivity of recombinant mugwort profilin and profilin from various pollen and food extracts

    Properties of planetary fluids at high pressure and temperature

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    In order to derive models of the interiors of Uranus, Neptune, Jupiter and Saturn, researchers studied equations of state and electrical conductivities of molecules at high dynamic pressures and temperatures. Results are given for shock temperature measurements of N2 and CH4. Temperature data allowed demonstration of shock induced cooling in the the transition region and the existence of crossing isotherms in P-V space

    A Reading Study Skills Course for a Community College

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    The ability to read is no longer limited to the literal meaning of the word, but is increasingly dependent upon the reader\u27s ability to recognize the style of writing, so that he knows whether to apply denotative or connotative meanings to what he is reading. Because reading needs have changed and will continue to change as rapidly as our culture changes, it is necessary to continuously develop and improve reading skills. The purpose of this study is to: (1) enumerate the reading study skills needed by college students, (2) describe the details of a reading study skills program, (3) and to list materials needed for that program