433 research outputs found

    Response of potential cucurbit rootstocks against Meloidogyne spp

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    the Cucurbita hybrids, usually used as cucurbit rootstocks, are susceptible to Meloidogyne. Its cultivation increases the nematode population densities at similar levels than ungrafted cucumber or melon crops, and higher 'Ievels than watermelon.Postprint (published version

    Grafting melons onto potential cucumis spp. rootstocks

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    Cucumís melo is an economically importar]t crop. Its culture is hampered by differen t types of soil stresses. Grafting melons onto different resistant cucurbits belonging to the genera, Cucurbíta, Lagenaría, Luffa, etc. have been successfully used to avoid these problems. However, me Ion quality has been nega.tively modified as a consequence of grafting. In general, variation in fruit shape, seed cavity and sugar content have been observed. The use of rootstocks more genetically c\oser to the melon scions could be useful to obtain fru i ts with better quality from melon grafted plantsPostprint (published version

    Resistance to melon vine decline derived from Cucumis melo spp. agrestis: genetic analysis of root structure and root response.

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    Melon vine decline is a major soilborne disease that causes severe economic losses around the world

    Sources of parthenocarpy for Zucchini breeding: relationship with ethylene production and sensitivity

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    Parthenocarpy is becoming an essential trait for off-season greenhouse production of Zucchini squash. Given that winter conditions promote a reduction in the number of male flowers and in the activity of pollinators, the application of synthetic auxins is currently the most widespread method to induce fruit set. We have evaluated the parthenocarpic tendency of 48 long-fruited accessions of Cucurbita pepo spp. pepo, from morphotypes Zucchini, Vegetable marrow and Cocozelle, including 45 traditional cultivars and 3 commercial hybrids, with the goal of identifying new sources of parthenocarpy for breeding programs. After the first screening, 20 selected accessions were evaluated for the growth rate of unpollinated fruit. Twelve of the selected accessions identified as either strongly parthenocarpic or non-parthenocarpic, were compared for fruit rate growth, ethylene production and ethylene sensitivity. Apart from the three control hybrids, the fastest parthenocarpic fruit growth was observed in 'CpCAL112', 'CM-37', 'E-27', 'PI261610', and 'V-185'. The source of the parthenocarpy of some of these accessions differs from that of the hybrids as it was not associated with the conversion of female into bisexual flowers or with the so-called "fruits with attached flowers" syndrome, which is an undesirable trait in current parthenocarpic hybrids. The alternative sources of parthenocarpy may be of great importance in current Zucchini breeding programs. We also demonstrate that the parthenocarpy of these accessions is associated with downregulation of ethylene production in unpollinated fruits during the first days post anthesis (DPA). In non-parthenocarpic accessions, unpollinated fruits boosted ethylene production at 3 DPA, concomitantly with fruit abortion and senescence, while in parthenocarpic accessions, fruits produced little ethylene at 3 DPA. Therefore, ethylene production in ovaries/fruits at 3 DPA can be used as a marker to identify and select parthenocarpy in Zucchini squash. However, in the cultivars tested here, ethylene production and sensitivity in vegetative organs and in male flowers earlier than 3 PDA do not appear well associated with parthenocarpy.Martinez, C.; Manzano, S.; Megias, Z.; Garrido, D.; Picó Sirvent, MB.; Jamilena, M. (2014). Sources of parthenocarpy for Zucchini breeding: relationship with ethylene production and sensitivity. Euphytica. 200(3):349-362. doi:10.1007/s10681-014-1155-83493622003Byers R, Baker L, Dilley D, Sell H (1972) Chemical induction of perfect flowers on a gynoecious line of muskmelon, Cucumis melo L. HortSci 9:321–331Carbonell-Bejerano P, Urbez C, Granell A, Carbonell J, Perez-Amador MA (2011) Ethylene is involved in pistil fate by modulating the onset of ovule senescence and the GA-mediated fruit set in Arabidopsis. BMC Plant Biol 11:84de Jong M, Mariani C, Vriezen WH (2009) The role of auxin and gibberellin in tomato fruit set. J Exp Bot 60:1523–1532de Menezes CB, Maluf WR, De Azevedo SM, Faria MV, Nascimento IR, Nogueira DW, Gomes LAA, Bearzoti E (2005) Inheritance of parthenocarpy in summer squash (Cucurbita pepo L.). Genet Mol Res 4:39–46de Ponti OMB, Garretsen F (1976) Inheritance of parthenocarpy in pickling cucumbers (Cucumis sativus L.) and linkage with other characters. Euphytica 25:633–642Decker DS (1988) Origin(s), evolution, and systematics of Cucurbita pepo (Cucurbitaceae). Econ Bot 42:4–15den Nijs APM, Balder J (1983) Growth of parthenocarpic and seed-bearing fruits of zucchini squash. Cucurbit Genet Coop Rep 6:84–85den Nijs APM, van Zanten N (1982) Parthenocarpic fruit set in glasshouse grown zucchini squash. Cucurbit Genet Coop Rep 5:44–45Durham G (1925) Has parthenogenesis been confused with hermaphroditism in Cucurbita? Am Nat 59:283–294Ferriol M, Picó B, Nuez F (2003) Genetic diversity of a germplasm collection of Cucurbita pepo using SRAP and AFLP markers. Theor Appl Genet 107:271–282Formisano G, Roig C, Esteras C, Ercolano MR, Nuez F, Monforte AJ, Picó MB (2012) Genetic diversity of Spanish Cucurbita pepo landraces: an unexploited resource for summer squash breeding. Genet Resour Crop Evol 59:1169–1184Globerson D (1971) Effects of pollination on set and growth of summer squash (Cucumis pepo) in Israel. Expt Agr 7:183–188Gómez P, Peñaranda A, Garrido D, Jamilena M (2004) Evaluation of flower abscission and sex expression in different cultivars of zucchini squash (Cucurbita pepo). In: Lebeda A, Paris H (eds) Progress in Cucurbit genetics and breeding research. Eucarpia-Cucurbitaceae 2004. Palacký University, Olomouc, pp 347–352Jobst J, King K, Hemleben V (1998) Molecular evolution of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS1 and ITS2) and phylogenetic relationships among species of the family Cucurbitaceae. Mol Phylogenet Evol 9:204–219Katzir N, Tadmor Y, Tzuri G, Leshzeshen E, Mozes-Daube N, Danin-Poleg Y, Paris HS (2000) Further ISSR and preliminary SSR analysis of relationships among accessions of Cucurbita pepo. Acta Hortic 510:433–439Loy JB (2012) Breeding squash and pumpkins. In: Wang Y, Behera T, Kole C (eds) Genetics, genomics and breeding of cucurbits. Hew Hampshire, Science Publisher, Enfield, pp 93–139Manzano S, Martínez C, Domínguez V, Avalos E, Garrido D, Gómez P, Jamilena M (2010) A major gene conferring reduced ethylene sensitivity and maleness in Cucurbita pepo. J Plant Growth Regul 29:73–80Manzano S, Martínez C, Megías Z, Gómez P, Garrido D, Jamilena M (2011) The role of ethylene and brassinosteroids in the control of sex expression and flower development in Cucurbita pepo. Plant Growth Regul 65:213–221Manzano S, Martínez C, Megías Z, Garrido D, Jamilena M (2013) Involvement of ethylene biosynthesis and signalling in the transition from male to female flowering in the monoecious Cucurbita pepo. J Plant Growth Regul 1–10Martínez C, Manzano S, Kraaman P, Jamilena M (2008) Producción de etileno: un marcador temprano para seleccionar ginoecia en melón. Actas Hortic 51:197–198Martínez C, Manzano S, Megías Z, Garrido D, Picó B, Jamilena M (2013) Involvement of ethylene biosynthesis and signalling in fruit set and early fruit development in zucchini squash (Cucurbita pepo L.). BMC Plant Biol 13:139Martínez C, Manzano S, Megías Z, Barrera A, Boualem A, Garrido D, Bendahmane A, Jamilena M (2014) Molecular and functional characterization of CpACS27A gene reveals its involvement in monoecy instability and other associated traits in squash (Cucurbita pepo L.). Planta 1–15Nee M (1990) The domestication of Cucurbita (Cucurbitaceae). Econ Bot 44:56–68Nepi M, Pacini E (1993) Pollination, pollen viability and pistil receptivity in Cucurbita pepo. Ann Bot 72:527–536Nitsch J, Kurtz E, Liverman J, Went F (1952) The development of sex expression in cucurbit flowers. Am J Bot 39:32–43Om Y, Hong K (1989) Evaluation of parthenocarpic fruit set in zucchini squash. Res Rpt Rural Dev Adm (Suweon) 31:30–33Orzáez D, Granell A (1997) DNA fragmentation is regulated by ethylene during carpel senescence in Pisum sativum. Plant J 11:137–144Owens K, Peterson C, Tolla G (1980) Production of hermaphrodite flowers on gynoecious muskmelon by silver nitrate and aminoethoxyvinylglycine. 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Acta Hortic 287:117–126Saito S, Fujii N, Miyazawa Y, Yamasaki S, Matsuura S, Mizusawa H, Fujita Y, Takahashi H (2007) Correlation between development of female flower buds and expression of the CS-ACS2 gene in cucumber plants. J Exp Bot 58:2897–2907Sanz M (1995) Fitorreguladores para el calabacín. Hortofruticultura 33:46–48Serrani JC, Carrera E, Ruiz-Rivero O, Gallego-Giraldo L, Peres LEP, García-Martínez JL (2010) Inhibition of auxin transport from the ovary or from the apical shoot induces parthenocarpic fruit-set in tomato mediated by gibberellins. Plant Physiol 153:851–862Srivastava A, Handa A (2005) Hormonal regulation of fruit development: a molecular perspective. J Plant Growth Regul 24:67–82Vriezen WH, Feron R, Maretto F, Keijman J, Mariani C (2008) Changes in tomato ovary transcriptome demonstrate complex hormonal regulation of fruit set. New Phytol 177:60–76Wien HC (2002) The cucurbits: cucumber, melon, squash and pumpkin. In: Wien HC (ed) The physiology of vegetable crops. CABI, New York, pp 345–386Yamasaki S, Fujii N, Matsuura S, Mizusawa H, Takahashi H (2001) The M locus and ethylene-controlled sex determination in andromonoecious cucumber plants. Plant Cell Physiol 42:608–61

    Habilidades del psicólogo en drogodependencias

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    Las habilidades del terapeuta constituyen un aspecto fundamental para la consecución de los distintos objetivos que al psicólogo se le plantean en el transcurso de su intervención con el usuario drogodependiente. En este articulo se presenta una revisión de las habilidades que los autores consideran imprescindibles, aportando ejemplos prácticos y con independencia de la orientación teórica del psicólogo. Las habilidades técnicas o profesionales se refieren a conocimientos teóricos y prácticos; el afltocontrol emocional, incluyendo tanto el afrontamiento ef caz por parte del psicólogo de ciertas situaciones ante el usuario, y especificamente si éste es un drogodelincuente, como el afrontamiento del burn out; y por último, las habilidades sociales, en las que se sustenta la interacción entre el psicólogo y el usuario, destacando la asertividad y la empatia. Finalmente se revisan distintos aspectos y principios generales referidos a la ética profesional en la práctica de la Psicologia Clínica

    RNA-seq transcriptome analysis provides candidate genes for resistance to Tomato leaf cur New Delhi virus in melon

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    [EN] Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV) emerged in the Mediterranean Basin in 2012 as the first DNA bipartite begomovirus (Geminiviridae family), causing severe yield and economic losses in cucurbit crops. A major resistance locus was identified in the wild melon accession WM-7 (Cucumis melo kachri group), but the mechanisms involved in the resistant response remained unknown. In this work, we used RNA-sequencing to identify disease-associated genes that are differentially expressed in the course of ToLCNDV infection and could contribute to resistance. Transcriptomes of the resistant WM-7 genotype and the susceptible cultivar Piñonet Piel de Sapo (PS)(C. melo ibericus group) in ToLCNDV and mock inoculated plants were compared at four time points during infection (0, 3, 6, and 12 days post inoculation). Different gene expression patterns were observed over time in the resistant and susceptible genotypes in comparison to their respective controls. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in ToLCNDV-infected plants were classified using gene ontology (GO) terms, and genes of the categories transcription, DNA replication, and helicase activity were downregulated in WM-7 but upregulated in PS, suggesting that reduced activity of these functions reduces ToLCNDV replication and intercellular spread and thereby contributes to resistance. DEGs involved in the jasmonic acid signaling pathway, photosynthesis, RNA silencing, transmembrane, and sugar transporters entail adverse consequences for systemic infection in the resistant genotype, and lead to susceptibility in PS. The expression levels of selected candidate genes were validated by qRT-PCR to corroborate their differential expression upon ToLCNDV infection in resistant and susceptible melon. Furthermore, single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) with an effect on structural functionality of DEGs linked to the main QTLs for ToLCNDV resistance have been identified. The obtained results pinpoint cellular functions and candidate genes that are differentially expressed in a resistant and susceptible melon line in response to ToLCNDV, an information of great relevance for breeding ToLCNDV-resistant melon cultivars.This work was supported by grants AGL201785563-C2-1-R and RTA2017-00061-C03-03 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by "ERDF A way of making Europe," by grant PID2020-116055RB-C21 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033; and by PROMETEO projects 2017/078 and 2021/072 (to promote excellence groups) by the Conselleria d'Educacio, Investigacio, Cultura i Esports (Generalitat Valenciana).Sáez-Sánchez, C.; Flores-León, A.; Montero-Pau, J.; Sifres, A.; Dhillon N.P.S:; López, C.; Picó, B. (2022). RNA-seq transcriptome analysis provides candidate genes for resistance to Tomato leaf cur New Delhi virus in melon. Frontiers in Plant Science. 12:1-26. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2021.7988581261

    Adsorption of peroxidase from Raphanus sativus L onto alginateguar gum matrix: Kinetic, equilibrium and thermodynamic analysis

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    This work explores the kinetics, equilibrium and thermodynamics of peroxidase adsorption onto spherical guar gumalginate matrices. The effect of contact time, solution pH, initial protein concentration and temperature was studied in batch experiments. The results show that peroxidase adsorption increased with rising contact time and initial enzyme concentration, and was higher at pH 4.0. The kinetic processes can be predicted by both the pseudo-first-order rate kinetics and the pseudo-second-order rate kinetics. Equilibrium adsorption data were analyzed with different isotherm models. The experimental data fitted to the Freundlich model in agreement with the low energy activation, demonstrating the presence of a high physical and unspecific interaction between the enzyme and the matrix.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: FonCyT, Projects PICT 2013–271 – Argentina Innovator 2020 and Biotechnologies to Valorize the regional food Biodiversity in Latin America – Marie Curie Actions – IRSES Project number 611493 – European Community.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Formation of high-order acoustic Bessel beams by spiral diffraction gratings

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    The formation of high-order Bessel beams by a passive acoustic device consisting of an Archimedes' spiral diffraction grating is theoretically, numerically, and experimentally reported in this paper. These beams are propagation-invariant solutions of the Helmholtz equation and are characterized by an azimuthal variation of the phase along its annular spectrum producing an acoustic vortex in the near field. In our system, the scattering of plane acoustic waves by the spiral grating leads to the formation of the acoustic vortex with zero pressure on axis and the angular phase dislocations characterized by the spiral geometry. The order of the generated Bessel beam and, as a consequence, the size of the generated vortex can be fixed by the number of arms in the spiral diffraction grating. The obtained results allow for obtaining Bessel beams with controllable vorticity by a passive device, which has potential applications in low-cost acoustic tweezers and acoustic radiation force devices.We acknowledge financial support from MINECO of the Spanish Government under Grants No. MTM2012-36740-C02-02, No. FIS2015-65998-C2-1-P, and No. FIS2015-65998-C2-2-P. N.J. acknowledges financial support from PAID-2011 Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.Jimenez, N.; Picó Vila, R.; Sánchez Morcillo, VJ.; Romero García, V.; García-Raffi, LM.; Staliünas, K. (2016). Formation of high-order acoustic Bessel beams by spiral diffraction gratings. Physical Review E. 94(5). doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.94.053004S05300494