41 research outputs found

    Binary homodyne detection for observing quadrature squeezing in satellite links

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    Optical satellite links open up new prospects for realizing quantum physical experiments over unprecedented length scales. We analyze and affirm the feasibility of detecting quantum squeezing in an optical mode with homodyne detection of only one bit resolution, as is found in satellites already in orbit. We show experimentally that, in combination with a coherent displacement, a binary homodyne detector can still detect quantum squeezing efficiently even under high loss. The sample overhead in comparison to nondiscretized homodyne detection is merely a factor of 3.3.Optical satellite links open up new prospects for realizing quantum physical experiments over unprecedented length scales. We analyze and affirm the feasibility of detecting quantum squeezing in an optical mode with homodyne detection of only one bit resolution, as is found in satellites already in orbit. We show experimentally that, in combination with a coherent displacement, a binary homodyne detector can still detect quantum squeezing efficiently even under high loss. The sample overhead in comparison to nondiscretized homodyne detection is merely a factor of 3.3

    Quantum nature of Gaussian discord : experimental evidence and role of system-environment correlations

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    L.M. acknowledges Project No. P205/12/0694 of Czech Science Foundation (GACR). N.K. is grateful for the support provided by the A. von Humboldt Foundation. N.Q. and N.K. acknowledge the support from the Scottish Universities Physics Alliance (SUPA) and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). The project was supported within the framework of the BMBF grant “QuORep” and in the framework of the International Max Planck Partnership (IMPP) with Scottish Universities.We provide experimental evidence of quantum features in bipartite states classified as entirely classical according to a conventional criterion based on the Glauber P function but possessing nonzero Gaussian quantum discord. Their quantum nature is experimentally revealed by acting locally on one part of the discordant state. We experimentally verify and investigate the effect of discord increase under the action of local loss and link it to the entanglement with the environment. Adding an environmental system purifying the state, we unveil the flow of quantum correlations within a global pure system using the Koashi-Winter inequality. For a discordant state generated by splitting a state in which the initial squeezing is destroyed by random displacements, we demonstrate the recovery of entanglement highlighting the role of system-environment correlations.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Quantum polarization tomography of bright squeezed light

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    We reconstruct the polarization sector of a bright polarization squeezed beam starting from a complete set of Stokes measurements. Given the symmetry that underlies the polarization structure of quantum fields, we use the unique SU(2) Wigner distribution to represent states. In the limit of localized and bright states, the Wigner function can be approximated by an inverse three-dimensional Radon transform. We compare this direct reconstruction with the results of a maximum likelihood estimation, finding an excellent agreement.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures. Contribution to New Journal of Physics, Focus Issue on Quantum Tomography. Comments welcom

    Entanglement distribution and quantum discord

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    Establishing entanglement between distant parties is one of the most important problems of quantum technology, since long-distance entanglement is an essential part of such fundamental tasks as quantum cryptography or quantum teleportation. In this lecture we review basic properties of entanglement and quantum discord, and discuss recent results on entanglement distribution and the role of quantum discord therein. We also review entanglement distribution with separable states, and discuss important problems which still remain open. One such open problem is a possible advantage of indirect entanglement distribution, when compared to direct distribution protocols.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, contribution to "Lectures on general quantum correlations and their applications", edited by Felipe Fanchini, Diogo Soares-Pinto, and Gerardo Adess

    Binary Homodyne Detection for Observing Quadrature Squeezing in Satellite Links

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    Optical satellite links open up new prospects for realizing quantum physical experiments over unprecedented length scales. We analyze and affirm the feasibility of detecting quantum squeezing in an optical mode with homodyne detection of only one bit resolution, as is found in satellites already in orbit. We show experimentally that, in combination with a coherent displacement, a binary homodyne detector can still detect quantum squeezing efficiently even under high loss. The sample overhead in comparison to non-discretized homodyne detection is merely a factor of 3.3

    Selective Coupling Enhances Harmonic Generation of Whispering-Gallery Modes

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    We demonstrate second-harmonic generation (SHG) in an x-cut congruent lithium niobate (LN) whispering-gallery mode (WGM) resonator. First, we show theoretically that independent control of the coupling of the pump and signal modes is optimal for high conversion rates. A coupling scheme based on our earlier work [F. Sedlmeir et al., Phys. Rev. Applied 7, 024029 (2017)] is then implemented experimentally to verify this improvement. Thereby, we are able to improve on the efficiency of SHG by more than an order of magnitude by selectively outcoupling using a LN prism, utilizing the birefringence of it and the resonator in kind. This method is also applicable to other nonlinear processes in WGM resonators

    Distribution of Squeezed States through an Atmospheric Channel

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    Continuous variable quantum states of light are used in quantum information protocols and quantum metrology and known to degrade with loss and added noise. We were able to show the distribution of bright polarization squeezed quantum states of light through an urban free-space channel of 1.6 km length. To measure the squeezed states in this extreme environment, we utilize polarization encoding and a postselection protocol that is taking into account classical side information stemming from the distribution of transmission values. The successful distribution of continuous variable squeezed states is accentuated by a quantum state tomography, allowing for determining the purity of the state

    Entanglement of Gaussian states and the applicability to quantum key distribution over fading channels

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    Entanglement properties of Gaussian states of light as well as the security of continuous variable quantum key distribution with Gaussian states in free-space fading channels are studied. These qualities are shown to be sensitive to the statistical properties of the transmittance distribution in the cases when entanglement is strong or when channel excess noise is present. Fading, i.e. transmission fluctuations, caused by beam wandering due to atmospheric turbulence, is a frequent challenge in free-space communication. We introduce a method of fading discrimination and subsequent post-selection of the corresponding sub-states and show that it can improve the entanglement resource and restore the security of the key distribution over a realistic fading link. Furthermore, the optimal post-selection strategy in combination with an optimized entangled resource is shown to drastically increase the protocol's robustness to excess noise, which is confirmed for experimentally measured fading channel characteristics. The stability of the result against finite data ensemble size and imperfect channel estimation is also addressed