90,727 research outputs found

    Comment on Meir Dan-Cohen, Skirmishes on the Temporal Boundaries of States

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    Goldberg praises Meir Dan-Cohen\u27s creative thinking about state wrongdoing but argues that it is ultimately unclear how a nation gets relieved of responsibility for its past harms. Equally unclear is why as a normative matter nations should be permitted to obtain temporal shifts. Dyadic conflicts that redefine the wrongdoer might be easier to envision because the victim is empowered to redraw the boundary of the wrongdoer. When a nation commits wrong, the justification for redrawing its boundaries often must come from somewhere other than a single victim\u27s forgiveness

    Excitation Mechanisms of the Nitrogen Firstā€Positive and Firstā€Negative Radiation at High Temperature

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    The kinetic mechanisms responsible for the excitation of the first-positive and first-negative emission of nitrogen have been investigated in a re-examination of previously reported shock-tube measurements of the nonequilibrium radiation for these systems. The rate coefficients of the collisional quenching reactions, N_2(A^(3)Ī£^(+)_u)(^(k^(N)_(-2))ā‡’) N_2(X^(1)Ī£^(+)_g) + N(^(4)S) and N^(+)_2(B^(2)Ī£^(+)_u) + N_2(X^(1)Ī£^(+)_g)(^(k^(N)_(q))ā‡’) N^(+)_2(X^(2)Ī£^(+)_g) or N^(+)_2(A(^(2)II_u)+N_2(X^(1)Ī£^(+)_g) were found to be given by the empirical expressions, k_(2^(N))=5.1x10^(-3)T^(-2.23) cm^3 sec^(-1) and k_(q^(N_2))=1.9x10^(-2)T^(-2.33)cm^3 sec^(-1), respectively, over the approximate temperature range 6000-14 000Ā°K

    Quantum tomography for collider physics: Illustrations with lepton pair production

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    Quantum tomography is a method to experimentally extract all that is observable about a quantum mechanical system. We introduce quantum tomography to collider physics with the illustration of the angular distribution of lepton pairs. The tomographic method bypasses much of the field-theoretic formalism to concentrate on what can be observed with experimental data, and how to characterize the data. We provide a practical, experimentally-driven guide to model-independent analysis using density matrices at every step. Comparison with traditional methods of analyzing angular correlations of inclusive reactions finds many advantages in the tomographic method, which include manifest Lorentz covariance, direct incorporation of positivity constraints, exhaustively complete polarization information, and new invariants free from frame conventions. For example, experimental data can determine the entanglemententanglement entropyentropy of the production process, which is a model-independent invariant that measures the degree of coherence of the subprocess. We give reproducible numerical examples and provide a supplemental standalone computer code that implements the procedure. We also highlight a property of complexcomplex positivitypositivity that guarantees in a least-squares type fit that a local minimum of a Ļ‡2\chi^{2} statistic will be a global minimum: There are no isolated local minima. This property with an automated implementation of positivity promises to mitigate issues relating to multiple minima and convention-dependence that have been problematic in previous work on angular distributions.Comment: 25 pages, 3 figure

    Amalgams of Inverse Semigroups and C*-algebras

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    An amalgam of inverse semigroups [S,T,U] is full if U contains all of the idempotents of S and T. We show that for a full amalgam [S,T,U], the C*-algebra of the inverse semigroup amaglam of S and T over U is the C*-algebraic amalgam of C*(S) and C*(T) over C*(U). Using this result, we describe certain amalgamated free products of C*-algebras, including finite-dimensional C*-algebras, the Toeplitz algebra, and the Toeplitz C*-algebras of graphs

    Hydrodynamic Simulations of the Bardeen-Petterson Effect

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    We present SPH simulations of accretion discs in orbit about rotating compact objects such as black holes and neutron stars, and study the structure of warped discs produced by the Bardeen-Petterson effect. We calculate the transition radius out to which the disc specific angular momentum vector is aligned with that of the black hole. We focus on the parameter regime where the warp dynamics are controlled by bending wave propagation, but also consider models in which warps are subject to diffusion rather than wave transport, and are able to consider the fully nonlinear regime. Because of hydrodynamic or pressure effects, for the parameter range investigated, the transition radius is always found to be much smaller than that obtained by Bardeen & Petterson (1975). For discs with midplane Mach numbers of about 10, the transition occurs between 10 - 16 gravitational radii, whereas for a Mach number of about 30 it occurs at around 30 gravitational radii. A thicker disc with a Mach number of 5 is found to produce no discernible warped structure. The rate of black hole - disc alignment is found to be consistent with the ideas of Ress (1978), with the alignment torque behaving as if it arises from the accreted material transferring its misaligned component of angular momentum at the larger transition radius of Bardeen & Petterson (1975). The inclusion of Einstein precession in the calculations modified both the warped disc structure and, consistent with linear analysis, produced an increased alignment rate by up to a factor of 4 because of the effect that a non Keplerian potential has on the propagation of warps.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures. Accepted for publication in M.N.R.A.S. A version with posctcript figures included can be obtained from http://www.maths.qmw.ac.uk/~rp

    Compulsory Deep Mixing of 3He and CNO Isotopes in the Envelopes of low-mass Red Giants

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    Three-dimensional stellar modeling has enabled us to identify a deep-mixing mechanism that must operate in all low mass giants. This mixing process is not optional, and is driven by a molecular weight inversion created by the 3He(3He,2p)4He reaction. In this paper we characterize the behavior of this mixing, and study its impact on the envelope abundances. It not only eliminates the problem of 3He overproduction, reconciling stellar and big bang nucleosynthesis with observations, but solves the discrepancy between observed and calculated CNO isotope ratios in low mass giants, a problem of more than 3 decades' standing. This mixing mechanism, which we call `Ī“Ī¼\delta\mu-mixing', operates rapidly (relative to the nuclear timescale of overall evolution, ~ 10^8 yrs) once the hydrogen burning shell approaches the material homogenized by the surface convection zone. In agreement with observations, Pop I stars between 0.8 and 2.0\Msun develop 12C/13C ratios of 14.5 +/- 1.5, while Pop II stars process the carbon to ratios of 4.0 +/- 0.5. In stars less than 1.25\Msun, this mechanism also destroys 90% to 95% of the 3He produced on the main sequence.Comment: Final accepted version (submitted to Astrophys J in Jan 2007...
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