222 research outputs found

    Elemental composition and potential health impacts of phaseolus vulgaris L. ash and its filtrate used for cooking in Northern Uganda

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    Ash from burnt crop residue of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is typically used to generate filtrate in rural Northern Uganda. The filtrate is added to hard-to-cook foods, like dried legumes, to decrease cooking time and improve flavor. However, the elemental composition of ash filtrate and health implications of its use is poorly understood. This study aimed to determine the elemental composition of Phaseolus vulgaris L. ash and its filtrate, to identify variation among study sites, and to assess the potential health impact of ash filtrate consumption in Northern Uganda. Dried ash and ash filtrate samples of P. vulgaris from Dog Abam, Telela, Arok, and Tit villages in Northern Uganda were analyzed for chemical composition. Ash filtrate samples were procured from ash according to local methods. Nutritional impact was assessed by comparing recommended daily intake (RDI) guidelines for Canada and Uganda. Potassium (K), sodium (Na), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), and iron (Fe) concentration in dry crop ash samples varied significantly among study sites. Ash filtrate contained lower concentrations of all elements, suggesting considerable losses through filtration; but showed an alkaline pH (10.1 to 10.8). Elemental concentration present in probable daily intake of ash filtrate (approximately 15 milliliters/person) was within acceptable RDI ranges for elements of known dietary importance. The alkaline pH levels of the ash filtrate may have potential negative effect on diet by decreasing bioavailability of specific minerals (for example, Fe and Zn) and/or having destructive effects on various nutrients (for example thiamine). Further research should be conducted in Northern Uganda and other areas where ash filtrate is in use to determine the specific health effects of this cultural practice. Such studies could include, but not limited to, biological analysis, detailed nutritional studies, and/or long-term monitoring of filtrate consumers. The information gathered from such studies could be critical in formulating appropriate policies regarding the use of ash filtrate.Key words: Food composition, nutrients, Phaseolus vulgaris L. ash filtrate, potential health problem, Ugand


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    ABSTRACT Ash from burnt crop residue of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is typically used to generate filtrate in rural Northern Uganda. The filtrate is added to hard-to-cook foods, like dried legumes, to decrease cooking time and improve flavor. However, the elemental composition of ash filtrate and health implications of its use is poorly understood. This study aimed to determine the elemental composition of Phaseolus vulgaris L. ash and its filtrate, to identify variation among study sites, and to assess the potential health impact of ash filtrate consumption in Northern Uganda. Dried ash and ash filtrate samples of P. vulgaris from Dog Abam, Telela, Arok, and Tit villages in Northern Uganda were analyzed for chemical composition. Ash filtrate samples were procured from ash according to local methods. Nutritional impact was assessed by comparing recommended daily intake (RDI) guidelines for Canada and Uganda. Potassium (K), sodium (Na), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), and iron (Fe) concentration in dry crop ash samples varied significantly among study sites. Ash filtrate contained lower concentrations of all elements, suggesting considerable losses through filtration; but showed an alkaline pH (10.1 to 10.8). Elemental concentration present in probable daily intake of ash filtrate (approximately 15 milliliters/person) was within acceptable RDI ranges for elements of known dietary importance. The alkaline pH levels of the ash filtrate may have potential negative effect on diet by decreasing bioavailability of specific minerals (for example, Fe and Zn) and/or having destructive effects on various nutrients (for example thiamine). Further research should be conducted in Northern Uganda and other areas where ash filtrate is in use to determine the specific health effects of this cultural practice. Such studies could include, but not limited to, biological analysis, detailed nutritional studies, and/or long-term monitoring of filtrate consumers. The information gathered from such studies could be critical in formulating appropriate policies regarding the use of ash filtrate

    Socio–economic benefits and pollution levels of water resources, Pece Wetland, Gulu Municipality - Uganda

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    Communities are dependent on wetlands resources for income generation. However, anthropogenic activities that result into pollution of water are one of the major public health problems. Assessment of socio–economic activities and pollution levels of domestic water sources in Gulu Municipality, Pece wetland was done. The technique for socio–economic data collection was an exploratory method using transect walk along the wetland. Questionnaires and interviews were used. Domestic water sources around the wetland were sampled and analyzed according to APHA (1992). The major activities in the wetland were edge gardening, waste disposal, petty business center called ‘Owino’ market, water collection for sale, livestock grazing, agro–forestry, brick laying, papyrus harvesting and vehicle washing. The climax of some of the activities was affected by seasons. Over all, the activities contributed to > 50% of the monthly income of the respondents. A section of the wetland seems to be sacrificed for socio–economic activities due to the prevailing insecurity as evidenced in the unclear coordination and monitoring plan for conservation of the wetland. Temperature was not significantly different (p = 0.672) and pH was significantly different (p = 0.000). The values ranged from 23.4 to 26.0°C and 5.37 to 5.83 for all the water sources respectively. There was significant difference (p = 0.00 and p = 0.03) in EC and TSS that ranged from 52 to 330 μScm-1 and 0.89 to 2.93 mgL-1 respectively. Spring water had higher EC and TSS than the boreholes. Faecal coliforms ranged from 14 to 50 CFU/100 ml and was significantly higher (p = 0.006) for the spring water than the boreholes. The chloride ion concentration was significantly different (p = 0.000) in the water sources and ranged from 89.2 to 331.1 mgL-1. The correlation for faecal coliforms and chloride ions was positive (r = 0.3577). The domestic water sources were contaminated, although the assumption in the community is that, boreholes are clean and safe. The communities should be sensitized to treat water before drinking. This could reduce the chances of infection by the pathogenic organisms.Key words: Benefits, pollution, water sources, wetlands, socio–economics

    Splanchnic venous thrombosis driven by a constitutively activated JAK2 V617F philadelphia-negative myeloproliferative neoplasm: a case report

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    Introduction: Splanchnic venous thrombosis (SVT) has varied etiology with Philadelphia-negative myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) being the most frequent underlying prothrombotic factor. Hematological indices often remain within normal range because of portal hypertension and its sequelae, causing diagnostic challenges. The high frequency of JAK2 mutation among patients with SVT reinforces the diagnostic utility of JAK2 V617F testing.Case report: We report a case of a 62-year-old black man with progressive abdominal swelling and features of decompensated chronic liver disease found to have SVT-portal vein thrombosis and how JAK2 V617F was useful in unmasking an underlying myeloproliferative neoplasm.Conclusion: A high index of suspicion for an underlying prothrombotic factor is critical for patients presenting with thrombosis in unusual sites. This is useful in prognostic stratification and patient outcomes. JAK2 mutation screening is now part of the standard diagnostic workup in SVT.Keywords: venous thrombosis, myeloproliferative neoplasm

    Development and utilization of a decision support tool for the optimization of fertilizer application in smallholder farms in Uganda

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    This paper presents the development and pilot of the Fertilizer Optimization Tool (FOT), a decision support tool for use by extension agents in  advising smallholder farmers in Uganda in applying optimum (rather than maximum) fertilizer by considering the farmers’ financial abilities. The FOT is made up of three components which includes, the optimizer tool, the nutrient substitution table, and a fertilizer calibration tool. The FOT was developed using field trial data collected on specific agro-ecological zones and mapped using global positioning systems in 13 Sub-Saharan Africa countries. The FOT provides site- and farmer-specific fertilizer recommendations, providing both economic and environmental benefits. Results are based on a survey of 241 households, 57 technical personnel and tracking of 33 FOT users over a 3-season period. Results show a progressive shift in farmers’ attitude towards the value of fertilizer. More FOT users (71%) disagreed with the statement that fertilizers destroy soils, compared with  non-FOT users (52%). Crop yields (tons/ha) were significantly higher for crops receiving fertilizers compared to those not. While it is generally accepted that using fertilizer improves crop response and achieves better yields, the value of FOT was reported in terms of rationalization of investment by farmers. The average seasonal investment was approx. $43, giving a return on investment of over 107%. Given the evidence  generated from Uganda, there is a need for considering out scaling the FOT technology to other countries in Africa, which are faced with the same challenges of low fertilizer use among smallholder farmers. Using the mobile FOT app provides a further cost-effective opportunity to out scale the approach to benefit more smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa. Further development of the FOT is suggested, particularly in the wake of increased focus on multi-nutrient fertilizer blends, and the need to adjust for soil PH, moisture, and long-term impacts of nutrient substitution. Key words: decision support tool, fertilizer optimization tool, precision agriculture, site-specific fertilizer recommendation

    Global assessment of manure management policies and practices

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    In 2014 an assessment of livestock manure policies was performed in 34 countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America, followed by an in-depth assessment of manure management practices in Bangladesh, Viet Nam, Ethiopia, Malawi, Argentina and Costa Rica. The assessments revealed the key barriers for improving integrated manure management and identified six opportunities for actual practice changes to improve manure related policies as well as farm practices with the overall objective of improving food security while mitigating methane emissions at the same tim

    Profiling lifetime episodes of upper gastrointestinal bleeding among patients from rural Sub-Saharan Africa where schistosoma mansoni is endemic

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    © Christopher Kenneth Opio et al.Introduction: Severe chronic hepatic schistosomiasis is a common cause of episodes upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB) in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). However, there is paucity of data on clinical epidemiology of episodes of UGIB from rural Africa despite on going public health interventions to control and eliminate schistosomiasis. Methods: Through a cross sectional study we profiled lifetime episodes of upper gastrointestinal bleeding and associated factors at a rural primary health facility in sub-Saharan Africa were schistosomiasis is endemic. The main outcome was number of lifetime episodes of UGIB analyzed as count data. Results: From 107 enrolled participants, 323 lifetime episodes of UGIB were reported. Fifty-seven percent experienced ≥ 2 lifetime episodes of UGIB. Ninety-four percent had severe chronic hepatic schistosomiasis and 80% esophageal varices. Alcohol use and viral hepatitis was infrequent. Eighty-eight percent were previously treated with praziquantel and 70% had a history of blood transfusion. No patient had ever had an endoscopy or treatment for prevention of recurrent variceal bleeding. Multivariable analysis identified a cluster of eight clinical factor variables (age ≥ 40, female sex, history of blood transfusion, abdominal collaterals, esophageal varices, pattern x periportal fibrosis, anemia, and thrombocytopenia) significantly associated (P-value < 0.05) with increased probability of experiencing two or more lifetime episodes of UGIB in our study. Conclusion: Upper gastrointestinal bleeding is a common health problem in this part of rural SSA where schistosomiasis is endemic. The clinical profile described is unique and is important for improved case management, and for future research

    Dietary options to reduce the environmental impact of milk production

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    A range of options was explored to test the hypothesis that diets for dairy cows could be formulated to reduce the carbon footprint (CFP) of feed, increase efficiency of conversion of potentially human-edible feed into milk, increase nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and reduce methane (CH4) emissions per kg milk. Diets based on grazed grass, grass silage, maize silage or straw, supplemented with raw material feeds, were formulated to meet requirements for metabolizable energy and metabolizable protein for a range of daily milk yields. At similar levels of milk yield, NUE, predicted CH4 emissions and diet CFP were generally higher for diets based on maize silage than for those based on grazed grass, grass silage or straw. Predicted CH4 emissions and human-edible proportion decreased, while NUE increased with the increasing level of milk yield. It is concluded that there is potential to reduce the environmental impact of milk production by altering diet formulation, but the extent to which this might occur is likely to depend on availability of raw material feeds with low CFPs

    Adverse impact of banana Xanthomonas Wilt on farmers’ livelihoods in Eastern and Central Africa

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    Banana is a key crop in the livelihoods of many people in the Great Lakes region of East and Central Africa. For more than a decade now, the crop has been threatened by Banana Xanthomonas Wilt (BXW) which has spread throughout the region but at different rates. The disease attacks all banana cultivars and can cause up to 100% yield losses at farm level if effective control measures are not put in place. However, limited information on impact of BXW at regional level is available to guide interventions. Thus, this study assessed the impact of BXW on farmers’ livelihoods in Kagera basin of Tanzania, Burundi and Rwanda. A total of 436 households (Tanzania 120, Burundi 208 and Rwanda 108) mostly from major banana-producing and BXW-affected districts were sampled and interviewed in a household survey. Thirty-three to seventy-five of the total banana mats per farm in the three countries were infected with BXW. Banana production losses caused by BXW were valued at US10.2millionandUS 10.2 million and US 2.95 million in Tanzania and Rwanda, respectively, banana sales by farmers dropped by 35% while bunch prices unpredictably doubled. Since banana is a key component of these farming communities, the banana production losses resulted in significant reduction in household food security and incomes. To cope with these challenges, most households are diversifying into other food crops such as maize, cassava and sweet potatoes. This poses a number of socio-economic and biological implications that require further investigation
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