183 research outputs found

    de Broglie-Proca and Bopp-Podolsky massive photon gases in cosmology

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    We investigate the influence of massive photons on the evolution of the expanding universe. Two particular models for generalized electrodynamics are considered, namely de Broglie-Proca and Bopp-Podolsky electrodynamics. We obtain the equation of state (EOS) P=P(ε)P=P(\varepsilon) for each case using dispersion relations derived from both theories. The EOS are inputted into the Friedmann equations of a homogeneous and isotropic space-time to determine the cosmic scale factor a(t)a(t). It is shown that the photon non-null mass does not significantly alter the result at1/2a\propto t^{1/2} valid for a massless photon gas; this is true either in de Broglie-Proca's case (where the photon mass mm is extremely small) or in Bopp-Podolsky theory (for which mm is extremely large).Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures; v2 matches the published versio

    Malacosporean myxozoans exploit a diversity of fish hosts

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    Myxozoans are widespread and common endoparasites of fish with complex life cycles, infecting vertebrate and invertebrate hosts. There are two classes: Myxosporea and Malacosporea. To date about 2500 myxosporean species have been described. By comparison, there are only five described malacosporean species. Malacosporean development in the invertebrate hosts (freshwater bryozoans) has been relatively well studied but is poorly known in fish hosts. Our aim was to investigate the presence and development of malacosporeans infecting a diversity of fish from Brazil, Europe and the USA. We examined kidney from 256 fish belonging variously to the Salmonidae, Cyprinidae, Nemacheilidae, Esocidae, Percidae, Polyodontidae, Serrasalmidae, Cichlidae and Pimelodidae. Malacosporean infections were detected and identified by polymerase chain reaction and small subunit ribosomal DNA sequencing, and the presence of sporogonic stages was evaluated by ultrastructural examination. We found five malacosporean infections in populations of seven European fish species (brown trout, rainbow trout, white fish, dace, roach, gudgeon and stone loach). Ultrastructural analyses revealed sporogonic stages in kidney tubules of three fish species (brown trout, roach and stone loach), providing evidence that fish belonging to at least three families are true hosts. These results expand the range of fish hosts exploited by malacosporeans to complete their life cycle

    Excitation Wavelength- and Medium-Dependent Photoluminescence of Reduced Nanostructured TiO2 Films

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    The performance of TiO2 nanomaterials in solar energy conversion applications can be tuned by means of thermal treatments in reducing atmospheres, which introduce defects (such as oxygen vacancies), allowing, for instance, a better charge transport or a higher photocatalytic activity. The characterization of these defects and the understanding of their role are pivotal to carefully engineer the properties of TiO2, and, among various methods, they have been addressed by photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. A definitive framework to describe the PL properties of TiO2, however, is still lacking. In this work, we report on the PL of nanostructured anatase TiO2 thin films, annealed in different atmospheres (oxidizing and reducing), and consider the effects of different excitation energies and different surrounding media on their PL spectra. A broad PL signal centered around 1.8–2.0 eV is found for all the films with UV excitation in air as well as in vacuum, while the same measurements in ethanol lead to a blueshift and to intensity changes in the spectra. On the other hand, measurements with different sub-bandgap excitations show PL peaking at 1.8 eV, with an intensity trend only dependent on the thermal treatment and not on the surrounding medium. The results of PL spectroscopy, together with electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, suggest the critical role of oxygen vacancies and Ti3+ ions as radiative recombination centers. The complex relationship between thermal treatments and PL data in the explored conditions is discussed, suggesting the importance of such investigations for a deeper understanding on the relationship between defects in TiO2 and photoactivity

    Malacosporean myxozoans exploit a diversity of fish hosts

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    Myxozoans are widespread and common endoparasites of fish with complex life cycles, infecting vertebrate and invertebrate hosts. There are two classes: Myxosporea and Malacosporea. To date about 2500 myxosporean species have been described. By comparison, there are only five described malacosporean species. Malacosporean development in the invertebrate hosts (freshwater bryozoans) has been relatively well studied but is poorly known in fish hosts. Our aim was to investigate the presence and development of malacosporeans infecting a diversity of fish from Brazil, Europe and the USA. We examined kidney from 256 fish belonging variously to the Salmonidae, Cyprinidae, Nemacheilidae, Esocidae, Percidae, Polyodontidae, Serrasalmidae, Cichlidae and Pimelodidae. Malacosporean infections were detected and identified by polymerase chain reaction and small subunit ribosomal DNA sequencing, and the presence of sporogonic stages was evaluated by ultrastructural examination. We found five malacosporean infections in populations of seven European fish species (brown trout, rainbow trout, white fish, dace, roach, gudgeon and stone loach). Ultrastructural analyses revealed sporogonic stages in kidney tubules of three fish species (brown trout, roach and stone loach), providing evidence that fish belonging to at least three families are true hosts. These results expand the range of fish hosts exploited by malacosporeans to complete their life cycle.The attached document is the authors’ submitted version of the journal article. You are advised to consult the publisher’s version if you wish to cite from it

    Unfolding the Origin of the Ultrafast Optical Response of Titanium Nitride

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    Ultrafast plasmonics is driving growing interest for the search of novel plasmonic materials, overcoming the main limitations of noble metals. In this framework, titanium nitride (TiN) is brought in the spotlight for its refractory properties combined with an extremely fast electron-lattice cooling time (<100 fs) compared to gold (approximate to 1 ps). Despite the results reported in literature, a clear-cut explanation of the origin of the ultrafast and giant optical response of TiN-based materials upon excitation with femtosecond laser pulses is still missing. To address this issue, an original model is introduced, capable of unfolding the modulation of TiN optical properties on a broad bandwidth, starting from the variations of electronic and lattice temperatures following ultrafast photoexcitation. The numerical analysis is validated on ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy experiments on a simple structure, a TiN film on glass. This approach enables a complete disentanglement of the interband and intraband contributions to the permittivity modulation. Moreover, it is also shown that, varying the synthesis conditions of the TiN film, not only the static, but also the dynamical optical response can be efficiently tuned. These findings pave the way for a breakthrough in the field: the design of TiN-based ultrafast nanodevices for all-optical modulation of light

    Mastectomy rates are decreasing in the era of service screening: a population-based study in Italy (1997-2001)

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    We enrolled all 2162 in situ and 21 148 invasive cases of breast cancer in 17 areas of Italy, diagnosed in 1997-2001. Rates of early cancer increased by 13.7% in the screening age group (50-69 years), and breast conserving surgery by 24.6%. Advanced cancer rates decreased by 19.4%, and mastectomy rates by 24.2%. Service screening did not increase mastectomy rates in the study population

    Copper NPs decorated titania to improve the photoactivity under visible light: a novel synthesis by high energy US

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    Different samples of commercial and micrometer TiO2 were decorated with copper nanoparticles by means of high-energy ultrasounds, and they were tested on the photodegradation of VOC\u2019s in gas phase under visible light, studying in particular the effect of the copper amount first, and also the difference performances using a LED lamp at different irradiation power. The results are consistent with the characterization data, showing an increase of the photoactivity and the absorption in the visible spectra with the increase of the copper amount, but only up to a certain value

    Mineralisation of surfactants using ultrasound and the Advanced Fenton Process

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    The destruction of the surfactants, sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate (DBS) and dodecyl pyridinium chloride (DPC), using an advanced oxidation process is described. The use of zero valent iron (ZVI) and hydrogen peroxide at pH = 2.5 (the advanced Fenton process), with and without, the application of 20 kHz ultrasound leads to extensive mineralisation of both materials as determined by total organic carbon (TOC)measurements. For DBS, merely stirring with ZVI and H2O2 at 20°C leads to a 51% decrease in TOC, but using 20 kHz ultrasound at 40°C, maintaining the pH at 2.5 throughout and adding extra amounts of ZVI and H2O2 during the degradation, then the extent of mineralisation of DBS is substantially increased to 93%. A similar result is seen for DPC where virtually no degradation occurs at 20°C, but if extra amounts of both ZVI and hydrogen peroxide are introduced during the reaction at 40°C and the pH is maintained at 2.5, then an 87% mineralisation of DPC is obtained. The slow latent remediation of both surfactants and the mechanism of degradation are also discussed

    3D-printed photo-spectroelectrochemical devices for in situ and in operando X-ray absorption spectroscopy investigation

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    Three-dimensional printed multi-purpose electrochemical devices for X-ray absorption spectroscopy are presented in this paper. The aim of this work is to show how three-dimensional printing can be a strategy for the creation of electrochemical cells for in situ and in operando experiments by means of synchrotron radiation. As a case study, the description of two cells which have been employed in experiments on photoanodes for photoelectrochemical water splitting are presented. The main advantages of these electrochemical devices are associated with their compactness and with the precision of the threedimensional printing systems which allows details to be obtained that would otherwise be difficult. Thanks to these systems it was possible to combine synchrotron-based methods with complementary techniques in order to study the mechanism of the photoelectrocatalytic process

    Mastectomy rates are decreasing in the era of service screening: a population-based study in Italy (1997–2001)

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    We enrolled all 2162 in situ and 21 148 invasive cases of breast cancer in 17 areas of Italy, diagnosed in 1997–2001. Rates of early cancer increased by 13.7% in the screening age group (50–69 years), and breast conserving surgery by 24.6%. Advanced cancer rates decreased by 19.4%, and mastectomy rates by 24.2%. Service screening did not increase mastectomy rates in the study population