119 research outputs found

    Infrared spectra of one- and two-dimensional fullerene polymer structures: RbC60 and rhombohedral C-60

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    We compare the infrared spectra of two types of fullerene polymers: the linear-chain RbC60 and the two-dimensional pressure-polymerized rhombohedral C-60. Both the splitting of the F-1u modes and the structure of newly activated Lines are in agreement with fully ordered structures of molecular symmetry D-2h and D-3d, respectively

    Distortion of the QRS in elderly patients with myocardial infarction

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    Background: Distortion of the terminal portion of the QRS in the initial electrocardiogram (ECG) is a strong predictor of adverse outcome in myocardial infarction. Our purpose is to assess the relationship of distortion of QRS and other ECG characteristics with older age. Methods and results: We analysed 634 consecutive patients (age 62.6 &#177; 13.7, 77% male) admitted in the first 12 hours of ST-elevation myocardial infarction. Two groups of age were defined: < 75 years-old and &#8805; 75 years-old. Additionally, we defined two ECG groups according to the presence of ST segment elevation with distortion of the terminal portion of the QRS in two or more adjacent leads (QRS+) or the absence of this pattern (QRS&#8211;). Older people had more often QRS+ (30% vs. 20%, p = 0.023). The older group with QRS+ had an in-hospital mortality of 18%, vs. 7% with QRS&#8211; (p = 0.04), and an incidence of major adverse events of 40% vs. 14% (p = 0.002). In the multivariate analysis, age &#8805; 75 years was an independent predictor of distortion of the QRS (odds ratio 2.1, 1.2&#8211;4.9, p = 0.016). Conclusions: The distortion of the terminal portion of the QRS in myocardial infarction is more frequent in elderly people, and is significantly related to adverse prognosis. This ECG finding can be helpful to promptly stratify the risk in elderly patient

    Determinación de hidrocarburos del petróleo en matrices acuosas mediante el empleo de la espectroscopía infrarroja

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    Los hidrocarburos totales de petróleo constituyen los agentes contaminantes del agua de mayor relevancia; pueden estar presentes en los sistemas de almacenamiento y las fuentes de abastecimiento subterráneas y superficiales debido a fugas, derrames, vertimientos y al deficiente manejo de residuos que contengan estos compuestos orgánicos. El objetivo de este trabajo es desarrollar un procedimiento analítico para cuantificar hidrocarburos en matrices acuosas mediante el empleo de la espectroscopía infrarroja de rango medio y tetracloroetileno como solvente de extracción. Se empleó la técnica de transmisión en celdas de cuarzo de 30 mm de espesor y se realizó la medición de la altura máxima de la señal en 2930 cm-1 correspondiente a la vibración de estiramiento C-H asimétrico de metilenos. El error medio de calibración y el límite de cuantificación fueron igual a 0,0002 mg/ml. Se obtuvieron recobrados de 77 y 84 % para los niveles de concentración 0,2640 y 0,5280 mg/l, respectivamente. El error global en las concentraciones fue 0,0001 mg/l y las desviaciones estándares relativas fueron inferiores al 5 %. El procedimiento propuesto es adecuado para el fin previsto en el intervalo de concentraciones de. 0,0002 a 0,0819 mg/ml

    Vibrational spectra of C60C8H8 and C70C8H8 in the rotor-stator and polymer phases

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    C60-C8H8 and C70-C8H8 are prototypes of rotor-stator cocrystals. We present infrared and Raman spectra of these materials and show how the rotor-stator nature is reflected in their vibrational properties. We measured the vibrational spectra of the polymer phases poly(C60C8H8) and poly(C70C8H8) resulting from a solid state reaction occurring on heating. Based on the spectra we propose a connection pattern for the fullerene in poly(C60C8H8), where the symmetry of the C60 is D2h. On illuminating the C60-C8H8 cocrystal with green or blue light a photochemical reaction was observed leading to a similar product to that of the thermal polymerization.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figures, to appear in Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2nd version: minor changes in wording, accepted version by journa

    Degradation mechanism analysis in temperature stress tests on III-V ultra-high concentrator solar cells using a 3D distributed model

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    A temperature stress test was carried out on GaAs single-junction solar cells to analyze the degradation suffered when working at ultra-high concentrations. The acceleration of the degradation was realized at two different temperatures: 130 °C and 150 °C. In both cases, the degradation trend was the same, and only gradual failures were observed. A fit of the dark I–V curve at 25 °C with a 3D distributed model before and after the test was done. The fit with the 3D distributed model revealed degradation at the perimeter because the recombination current in the depletion region of the perimeter increased by about fourfold after the temperature stress test. Therefore, this test did not cause any morphological change in the devices, and although the devices were isolated with silicone, the perimeter region was revealed as the most fragile component of the solar cell. Consequently, the current flowing beneath the busbar favors the progression of defects in the device in the perimeter region

    Desempeño del mercado de los seguros agropecuarios en las Américas. Periodo 2008-2013

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    Este informe es el resultado de la actualización de la información sobre el mercado de los seguros agropecuarios que realiza el Instituto periódicamente entre sus países miembros. El antecedente de este documento es la publicación “Los seguros agropecuarios en las Américas: un instrumento para la gestión del riesgo”, realizada en 2012 y recibida con beneplácito por los diferentes actores de los sectores público y privado, productivo y asegurador, que admitieron que constituía un aporte singular, dada la falta de materiales de este tipo donde se sistematize de modo homogéneo la información sobre los diferentes instrumentos de políticas públicas e institucionalidad en relación con la gestión del riesgo en la agricultura y donde se presente una descripción de la situación actual del mercado de los seguros agropecuarios en las distintas regiones de América y los países que las componen

    Coagulation Tests and Selected Biochemical Analytes in Dairy Cows with Hepatic Lipidosis

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    The aim of this study was to determine the values and changes in conventional and optimised clotting tests, as well as in selected biochemical analytes during hepatic lipidosis in postpartum dairy cows. Ten healthy and ten Holstein cows with hepatic lipidosis were selected based upon clinical history, clinical examination, liver biopsy, flotation test and histological analysis of hepatic tissue. Prothrombin time (PT) and partial thromboplastin time (PTT) were determined in non-diluted and diluted blood plasma samples. Clotting times determined in diluted plasma samples were prolonged in cows with hepatic lipidosis and there was a difference in the PT value at both 50% and 25% plasma dilutions between both groups of animals (P = 0.004 and P = 0.001). Significant differences between healthy animals and cows with hepatic lipidosis were observed in blood serum values for free fatty acids (FFA), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and triacyglycerols (P = 0.001, P = 0.007 and P = 0.044), respectively. FFA and liver biopsy are better diagnostic indicators for hepatic lipidosis than coagulation tests. The optimised PT is prolonged in cows with hepatic lipidosis and can detect this alteration that cannot be appreciated using conventional PT test

    General Brane Geometries from Scalar Potentials: Gauged Supergravities and Accelerating Universes

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    We find broad classes of solutions to the field equations for d-dimensional gravity coupled to an antisymmetric tensor of arbitrary rank and a scalar field with non-vanishing potential. Our construction generates these configurations from the solution of a single nonlinear ordinary differential equation, whose form depends on the scalar potential. For an exponential potential we find solutions corresponding to brane geometries, generalizing the black p-branes and S-branes known for the case of vanishing potential. These geometries are singular at the origin with up to two (regular) horizons. Their asymptotic behaviour depends on the parameters of the model. When the singularity has negative tension or the cosmological constant is positive we find time-dependent configurations describing accelerating universes. Special cases give explicit brane geometries for (compact and non-compact) gauged supergravities in various dimensions, as well as for massive 10D supergravity, and we discuss their interrelation. Some examples lift to give new solutions to 10D supergravity. Limiting cases with a domain wall structure preserve part of the supersymmetries of the vacuum. We also consider more general potentials, including sums of exponentials. Exact solutions are found for these with up to three horizons, having potentially interesting cosmological interpretation. We give several additional examples which illustrate the power of our techniques.Comment: 54 pages, 6 figures. Uses JHEP3. Published versio

    The shadow of the past: Convergence of young and old South American desert lizards as measured by head shape traits

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    Convergence is a pervasive phenomenon in the Tree of Life, and evolution of similar phenotypes sharing the same environmental conditions is expected in phylogenetically closely related species. In contrast, contingent factors are probably more influential in shaping phenotypic diversity for distantly related taxa. Here, we test putative convergent evolution of lizard head morphologies among relatively closely related desert dwelling Liolaemus species, and the very distantly related Ctenoblepharys adspersa. We estimated a multilocus time-calibrated phylogeny of 57 species of South American liolaemus lizards, based on seven molecular markers. We collected head shape data for 468 specimens, and used three phylogenetic comparative methods (SURFACE, CONVEVOL, and WHEATSHEAF index) to test for and estimate the strength of convergence. We found strong evidence for convergence among Pacific desert lizard C. adspersa, Liolaemus audivetulatus, Liolaemus insolitus, Liolaemus poconchilensis, Liolaemus stolzmanni, and a candidate species (Liolaemus “Moquegua”). Our results suggest that, despite the long divergence and phylogenetic distance of C. adspersa with respect to convergent Liolaemus species, natural selection was probably more important than historical contingency in shaping phenotypic evolution in these desert lizards.Fil: Aguilar Puntriano, César. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; Perú. Museo de Historia Natural de San Marcos; PerúFil: Avila, Luciano Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Instituto Patagónico para el Estudio de los Ecosistemas Continentales; ArgentinaFil: de la Riva, Ignacio María. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales; EspañaFil: Johnson, Leigh. University Brigham Young; Estados UnidosFil: Morando, Mariana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Instituto Patagónico para el Estudio de los Ecosistemas Continentales; ArgentinaFil: Troncoso-Palacios, Jaime. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Wood, Perry L.. University of Kansas; Estados UnidosFil: Sites, Jack W.. University Brigham Young; Estados Unido