192 research outputs found

    Comparison of selected startup ecosystems in Germany and in the USA Explorative analysis of the startup environments

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    The startup ecosystems in Germany and in the US aredifferent in several dimensions and they have a huge impact onthe success of startups. In this study the factors that affects thestartup ecosystems are compared. It is analyzed what startupsconsider as critical to their success and how this varies based onthe location of the startups. Using the developed scoringmechanism, the study compares the relative scores of varioussuccess factors between the German and American startups toidentify areas for improvement. The findings suggest thatGermany is successful in implementing co-working spaces andincubators but it lacks on accelerator programs. Further, it needsto develop a better support system for their startups while theGerman startups themselves need to focus on building a strongerinternal team in order to boost the startup ecosystem

    IOT Based Intelligent Bin for Smart Cities

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    The method of connecting the objects or things through wireless connectivity, Internet called Internet Of Things. Nowadays a variety of tasks are based on IOT. Cities in the world are becoming smarter by implementing the things around using IOT. This is a new trend in technology. Smart cities include obstacle tracking, object sensing, traffic control, tracking of our activities, examining the baby, monitoring home lights and so on. One of the objective of smart cities is keeping the environment clean and neat. This aim is not fulfilled without the garbage bin management system. Hence the paper “IOT Based Intelligent Bin for Smart Cities” has been developed. Bin management is one of the major applications of IOT. Here sensors are connected to the all the bins at different areas. It senses the level of garbage in bin. When it reaches threshold a message is sent via GSM to the concerned person to clean it as soon as possible. The completed task is done in LabVIEW environment

    Laparoscopic management of an endometrioma complicated by an ovarian abscess

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    An ovarian abscess is defined as a primary infection of the ovary without the involvement of the fallopian tube. The possible factors for the cause of ovarian abscess are: disruption of the ovarian capsule, giving access to bacteria, haematogenous and lymphatic spread. A woman with a ruptured ovarian abscess presents with features of diffuse peritonitis. An unruptured abscess is more difficult to diagnose. Unruptured abscess can be dealt with either laparotomy or laparoscopy. Ruptured ovarian abscess requires an aggressive and primarily surgical approach.

    Advice to clinicians on communication from adolescents and young adults with cancer and parents of children with cancer

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    Effective communication is integral to patient and family-centered care in pediatric and adolescent and young adult (AYA) oncology and improving healthcare delivery and outcomes. There is limited knowledge about whether AYAs and parents have similar communication preferences and needs. By eliciting and comparing communication advice from AYAs and parents, we can identify salient guidance for how clinicians can better communicate. We performed secondary analysis of semi-structured interviews from 2 qualitative communication studies. In one study, 80 parents of children with cancer during treatment, survivorship, or bereavement were interviewed. In the second study, AYAs with cancer during treatment or survivorship were interviewed. We asked AYAs and parents to provide communication advice for oncology clinicians. Using thematic analysis, we identified categories of advice related to three overarching themes: interpersonal relationships, informational preferences, and delivery of treatment, resources, and medical care. AYAs and parents provided similar advice about the need for compassion, strong connections, hopefulness, commitment, and transparent honesty However, AYAs placed additional emphasis on clinicians maintaining a calm demeanor

    MATLAB Based Realtime Face Recognition for Attendance Monitoring using PCA

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    Face acknowledgment is a testing issue because of variety in demeanor, posture, brightening and maturing and so on. The presented paper basically deals with the working of face recognition system using Principal Component analysis (PCA). PCA is a quantifiable approach used for diminishing the quantity of factors in confront acknowledgement. In PCA, each photo in the planning set is considered as an immediate mix of weighted eigenvectors called eigenfaces. These eigenvectors are obtained from covariance lattice of an arrangement picture set. The weights are found in the way of picking a game plan of most noteworthy Eigenfaces. Affirmation is done by anticipating a test picture onto the subspace crossed by the eigenfaces and after that course of action is done by assessing the minimum Euclidean division

    Prognostic Role of Serum Chloride Levels in Acute Decompensated Heart Failure

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    BACKGROUND: Acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) can be complicated by electrolyte abnormalities, but the major focus has been concentrated on the clinical significance of serum sodium levels

    Implementing Electro-Optical Diagnostics for Measuring the CSR far-field at KARA

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    For measuring the temporal profile of the coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) at the KIT storage ring KARA (Karlsruhe Research Accelerator) an experimental setup based on electro-optical spectral decoding (EOSD) is currently being implemented. The EOSD technique allows single-shot, phase-sensitive measurements of the far-field radiation on a turn-by-turn basis at rates in the MHz range. Therefore, the resulting THz radiation from the dynamics of the bunch evolution, e.g. the microbunching, can be observed with high temporal resolution. This far-field setup is part of the distributed sensor network at KARA. Additionally to the information acquired from the near-field EOSD spectral decoding and the horizontal bunch profile monitor, it enables to monitor the longitudinal phase-space of the bunch. In this contribution, the characterization of the far-field setup is summarized and its implementation is discussed