54 research outputs found

    Dynamics based alignment of proteins: an alternative approach to quantify dynamic similarity

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The dynamic motions of many proteins are central to their function. It therefore follows that the dynamic requirements of a protein are evolutionary constrained. In order to assess and quantify this, one needs to compare the dynamic motions of different proteins. Comparing the dynamics of distinct proteins may also provide insight into how protein motions are modified by variations in sequence and, consequently, by structure. The optimal way of comparing complex molecular motions is, however, far from trivial. The majority of comparative molecular dynamics studies performed to date relied upon prior sequence or structural alignment to define which residues were equivalent in 3-dimensional space.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we discuss an alternative methodology for comparative molecular dynamics that does not require any prior alignment information. We show it is possible to align proteins based solely on their dynamics and that we can use these dynamics-based alignments to quantify the dynamic similarity of proteins. Our method was tested on 10 representative members of the PDZ domain family.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>As a result of creating pair-wise dynamics-based alignments of PDZ domains, we have found evolutionarily conserved patterns in their backbone dynamics. The dynamic similarity of PDZ domains is highly correlated with their structural similarity as calculated with Dali. However, significant differences in their dynamics can be detected indicating that sequence has a more refined role to play in protein dynamics than just dictating the overall fold. We suggest that the method should be generally applicable.</p

    Absolute Convergence of Rational Series is Semi-decidable

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    International audienceWe study \emph{real-valued absolutely convergent rational series}, i.e. functions r:ΣRr: \Sigma^* \rightarrow {\mathbb R}, defined over a free monoid Σ\Sigma^*, that can be computed by a multiplicity automaton AA and such that wΣr(w)<\sum_{w\in \Sigma^*}|r(w)|<\infty. We prove that any absolutely convergent rational series rr can be computed by a multiplicity automaton AA which has the property that rAr_{|A|} is simply convergent, where rAr_{|A|} is the series computed by the automaton A|A| derived from AA by taking the absolute values of all its parameters. Then, we prove that the set Arat(Σ){\cal A}^{rat}(\Sigma) composed of all absolutely convergent rational series is semi-decidable and we show that the sum wΣr(w)\sum_{w\in \Sigma^*}|r(w)| can be estimated to any accuracy rate for any rArat(Σ)r\in {\cal A}^{rat}(\Sigma). We also introduce a spectral radius-like parameter ρr\rho_{|r|} which satisfies the following property: rr is absolutely convergent iff ρr<1\rho_{|r|}<1

    Impact Of The Energy Model On The Complexity Of RNA Folding With Pseudoknots

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    International audiencePredicting the folding of an RNA sequence, while allowing general pseudoknots (PK), consists in finding a minimal free-energy matching of its nn positions. Assuming independently contributing base-pairs, the problem can be solved in Θ(n3)\Theta(n^3)-time using a variant of the maximal weighted matching. By contrast, the problem was previously proven NP-Hard in the more realistic nearest-neighbor energy model. In this work, we consider an intermediate model, called the stacking-pairs energy model. We extend a result by Lyngs\o, showing that RNA folding with PK is NP-Hard within a large class of parametrization for the model. We also show the approximability of the problem, by giving a practical Θ(n3)\Theta(n^3) algorithm that achieves at least a 55-approximation for any parametrization of the stacking model. This contrasts nicely with the nearest-neighbor version of the problem, which we prove cannot be approximated within any positive ratio, unless P=NPP=NP.La prédiction du repliement, avec pseudonoeuds généraux, d'une séquence d'ARN de taille nn est équivalent à la recherche d'un couplage d'énergie libre minimale. Dans un modèle d'énergie simple, où chaque paire de base contribue indépendamment à l'énergie, ce problème peut être résolu en temps Θ(n3)\Theta(n^3) grâce à une variante d'un algorithme de couplage pondéré maximal. Cependant, le même problème a été démontré NP-difficile dans le modèle d'énergie dit des plus proches voisins. Dans ce travail, nous étudions les propriétés du problème sous un modèle d'empilements, constituant un modèle intermédiaire entre ceux d'appariement et des plus proches voisins. Nous démontrons tout d'abord que le repliement avec pseudo-noeuds de l'ARN reste NP-difficile dans de nombreuses valuations du modèle d'énergie. . Par ailleurs, nous montrons que ce problème est approximable, en proposant un algorithme polynomial garantissant une 1/51/5-approximation. Ce résultat illustre une différence essentielle entre ce modèle et celui des plus proches voisins, pour lequel nous montrons qu'il ne peut être approché à aucun ratio positif par un algorithme en temps polynomial sauf si N=NPN=NP

    Inapproximability of maximal strip recovery

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    In comparative genomic, the first step of sequence analysis is usually to decompose two or more genomes into syntenic blocks that are segments of homologous chromosomes. For the reliable recovery of syntenic blocks, noise and ambiguities in the genomic maps need to be removed first. Maximal Strip Recovery (MSR) is an optimization problem proposed by Zheng, Zhu, and Sankoff for reliably recovering syntenic blocks from genomic maps in the midst of noise and ambiguities. Given dd genomic maps as sequences of gene markers, the objective of \msr{d} is to find dd subsequences, one subsequence of each genomic map, such that the total length of syntenic blocks in these subsequences is maximized. For any constant d2d \ge 2, a polynomial-time 2d-approximation for \msr{d} was previously known. In this paper, we show that for any d2d \ge 2, \msr{d} is APX-hard, even for the most basic version of the problem in which all gene markers are distinct and appear in positive orientation in each genomic map. Moreover, we provide the first explicit lower bounds on approximating \msr{d} for all d2d \ge 2. In particular, we show that \msr{d} is NP-hard to approximate within Ω(d/logd)\Omega(d/\log d). From the other direction, we show that the previous 2d-approximation for \msr{d} can be optimized into a polynomial-time algorithm even if dd is not a constant but is part of the input. We then extend our inapproximability results to several related problems including \cmsr{d}, \gapmsr{\delta}{d}, and \gapcmsr{\delta}{d}.Comment: A preliminary version of this paper appeared in two parts in the Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2009) and the Proceedings of the 4th International Frontiers of Algorithmics Workshop (FAW 2010

    Combinatorial RNA Design: Designability and Structure-Approximating Algorithm

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    In this work, we consider the Combinatorial RNA Design problem, a minimal instance of the RNA design problem which aims at finding a sequence that admits a given target as its unique base pair maximizing structure. We provide complete characterizations for the structures that can be designed using restricted alphabets. Under a classic four-letter alphabet, we provide a complete characterization of designable structures without unpaired bases. When unpaired bases are allowed, we provide partial characterizations for classes of designable/undesignable structures, and show that the class of designable structures is closed under the stutter operation. Membership of a given structure to any of the classes can be tested in linear time and, for positive instances, a solution can be found in linear time. Finally, we consider a structure-approximating version of the problem that allows to extend bands (helices) and, assuming that the input structure avoids two motifs, we provide a linear-time algorithm that produces a designable structure with at most twice more base pairs than the input structure.Comment: CPM - 26th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching, Jun 2015, Ischia Island, Italy. LNCS, 201

    Codesigning a Measure of Person-Centred Coordinated Care to Capture the Experience of the Patient: The Development of the P3CEQ

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    Background: Person-centred coordinated care (P3C) is a priority for stakeholders (ie, patients, carers, professionals, policy makers). As a part of the development of an evaluation framework for P3C, we set out to identify patient-reported experience measures (PREMs) suitable for routine measurement and feedback during the development of services. Methods: A rapid review of the literature was undertaken to identity existing PREMs suitable for the probing person-centred and/or coordinated care. Of 74 measures identified, 7 met our inclusion criteria. We critically examined these against core domains and subdomains of P3C. Measures were then presented to stakeholders in codesign workshops to explore acceptability, utility, and their strengths/weaknesses. Results: The Long-Term Condition 6 questionnaire was preferred for its short length, utility, and tone. However, it lacked key questions in each core domain, and in response to requests from our codesign group, new questions were added to cover consideration as a whole person, coordination, care plans, carer involvement, and a single coordinator. Cognitive interviews, on-going codesign, and mapping to core P3C domains resulted in the refinement of the questionnaire to 11 items with 1 trigger question. The 11-item modified version was renamed the P3C Experiences Questionnaire. Conclusions: Due to a dearth of brief measures available to capture people’s experience of P3C for routine practice, an existing measure was modified using an iterative process of adaption and validation through codesign workshops. Next steps include psychometric validation and modification for people with dementia and learning difficulties.</p