985 research outputs found

    Tensions in the dark: shedding light on Dark Matter-Dark Energy interactions

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    The emergence of an increasingly strong tension between the Hubble rate inferred from early- and late-time observations has reinvigorated interest in nonstandard scenarios, with the aim of reconciling these measurements. One such model involves interactions between Dark Matter and Dark Energy. Here we consider a specific form of the coupling between these two fluids proportional to the Dark Energy energy density, which has been studied extensively in the literature and claimed to substantially alleviate the Hubble tension. We complement the work already discussed in several previous analyses and show that, once all relevant cosmological probes are included simultaneously, the value of the Hubble parameter in this model is H0=69.820.76+0.63H_0=69.82_{-0.76}^{+0.63} km/(s Mpc), which reduces the Hubble tension to 2.5σ2.5\sigma. Furthermore, we also perform a statistical model comparison, finding a Δχ2\Delta\chi^2 of 2.15-2.15 (corresponding to a significance of 1.5σ\sigma) with the inclusion of one additional free parameter, showing no clear preference for this model with respect to Λ\LambdaCDM, which is further confirmed with an analysis of the Bayes ratio.Comment: 6+3 pages with 2 figures and 2 tables, published versio

    Redox signaling, Nox5 and vascular remodeling in hypertension

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    Purpose of review: Extensive data indicate a role for reactive oxygen species (ROS) and redox signaling in vascular damage in hypertension. However, molecular mechanisms underlying these processes remain unclear, but oxidative post-translational modification of vascular proteins is critical. This review discusses how proteins are oxidatively modified and how redox signaling influences vascular smooth muscle cell growth and vascular remodeling in hypertension. We also highlight Nox5 as a novel vascular ROS-generating oxidase. Recent findings: Oxidative stress in hypertension leads to oxidative imbalance that affects vascular cell function through redox signaling. Many Nox isoforms produce ROS in the vascular wall, and recent findings show that Nox5 may be important in humans. ROS regulate signaling by numerous processes including cysteine oxidative post-translational modification such as S-nitrosylation, S-glutathionylation and sulfydration. In vascular smooth muscle cells, this influences cellular responses to oxidative stimuli promoting changes from a contractile to a proliferative phenotype. Summary: In hypertension, Nox-induced ROS production is increased, leading to perturbed redox signaling through oxidative modifications of vascular proteins. This influences mitogenic signaling and cell cycle regulation, leading to altered cell growth and vascular remodeling in hypertension

    The Total Synthesis Of (-)-cryptocaryol A.

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    A stereoselective total synthesis of (-)-cryptocaryol A () is described. Key features of the 17-step route include the use of three boron-mediated aldol reaction-reduction sequences to control all stereocenters and an Ando modification of the Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons olefination that permitted the installation of the Z double bond of the α-pyrone ring.133575-8

    Decay accelerating factor (CD55) protects neuronal cells from chemical hypoxia-induced injury

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    Background: Activated complement system is known to mediate neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration following exposure to hypoxic-ischemic insults. Therefore, inhibition of the complement activation cascade may represent a potential therapeutic strategy for the management of ischemic brain injury. Decay-accelerating factor (DAF, also known as CD55) inhibits complement activation by suppressing the function of C3/C5 convertases, thereby limiting local generation or deposition of C3a/C5a and membrane attack complex (MAC or C5b-9) production. The present study investigates the ability of DAF to protect primary cultured neuronal cells subjected to sodium cyanide (NaCN)-induced hypoxia from degeneration and apoptosis. Methods: Cultured primary cortical neurons from embryonic Sprague-Dawley rats were assigned one of four groups: control, DAF treatment alone, hypoxic, or hypoxic treated with DAF. Hypoxic cultures were exposed to NaCN for 1 hour, rinsed, followed by 24 hour exposure to 200 ng/ml of recombinant human DAF in normal medium. Human DAF was used in the present study and it has been shown to effectively regulate complement activation in rats. Neuronal cell function, morphology and viability were investigated by measuring plateau depolarization potential, counting the number dendritic spines, and observing TUNEL and MTT assays. Complement C3, C3a, C3a receptor (R) production, C3a-C3aR interaction and MAC formation were assessed along with the generation of activated caspase-9, activated caspase-3, and activated Src. Results: When compared to controls, hypoxic cells had fewer dendritic spines, reduced plateau depolarization accompanied by increased apoptotic activity and accumulation of MAC, as well as up-regulation of C3, C3a and C3aR, enhancement of C3a-C3aR engagement, and elevated caspase and Src activity. Treatment of hypoxic cells with 200 ng/ml of recombinant human DAF resulted in attenuation of neuronal apoptosis and exerted significant protection against neuronal dendritic spine loss and plateau depolarization reduction. Furthermore, treatment with DAF resulted in decreased accumulation of C3a, MAC, C3a-C3aR interaction, caspase-9, activated caspase-3, and pTyr416-Src (activated Src) tyrosine kinase. Conclusion: DAF was found to reduce neuronal cell death and apoptosis in NaCN induced hypoxia. This effect is attributed to the ability of DAF to limit complement activation and inhibit the activity of Src and caspases 9 and 3. This study supports the inhibiting of complement as a neuroprotective strategy against CNS ischemia/reperfusion injury

    Vascular smooth muscle contraction in hypertension

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    Hypertension is a major risk factor for many common chronic diseases, such as heart failure, myocardial infarction, stroke, vascular dementia and chronic kidney disease. Pathophysiological mechanisms contributing to the development of hypertension include increased vascular resistance, determined in large part by reduced vascular diameter due to increased vascular contraction and arterial remodelling. These processes are regulated by complex interacting systems such as the renin angiotensin aldosterone system (RAAS), sympathetic nervous system, immune activation and oxidative stress, which influence vascular smooth muscle function. Vascular smooth muscle cells are highly plastic and in pathological conditions undergo phenotypic changes from a contractile to a proliferative state. Vascular smooth muscle contraction is triggered by an increase in intracellular free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i), promoting actin-myosin cross-bridge formation. Growing evidence indicates that contraction is also regulated by calcium-independent mechanisms involving RhoA-Rho kinase (ROCK), protein kinase C (PKC) and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling, reactive oxygen species and reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton. Activation of immune/inflammatory pathways and noncoding RNAs are also emerging as important regulators of vascular function. Vascular smooth muscle cell [Ca2+]i, not only determines the contractile state but also influences activity of many calcium-dependent transcription factors and proteins thereby impacting the cellular phenotype and function. Perturbations in vascular smooth muscle cell signaling and altered function influence vascular reactivity and tone, important determinants of vascular resistance and blood pressure. Here we discuss mechanisms regulating vascular reactivity and contraction in physiological and pathophysiological conditions and highlight some new advances in the field, focusing specifically on hypertension

    The total synthesis of (-)-cryptocaryol A

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    A stereoselective total synthesis of (-)-cryptocaryol A (1) is described. Key features of the 17-step route include the use of three boron-mediated aldol reaction-reduction sequences to control all stereocenters and an Ando modification of the Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons olefination that permitted the installation of the Z double bond of the alpha-pyrone ring131235753584CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP573.564/2008-6sem informação2012/02230-0; 2013/07600-

    Importance of cholesterol-rich microdomains in the regulation of Nox isoforms and redox signaling in human vascular smooth muscle cells

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    Vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) function is regulated by Nox-derived reactive oxygen species (ROS) and redox-dependent signaling in discrete cellular compartments. Whether cholesterol-rich microdomains (lipid rafts/caveolae) are involved in these processes is unclear. Here we examined the sub-cellular compartmentalization of Nox isoforms in lipid rafts/caveolae and assessed the role of these microdomains in VSMC ROS production and pro-contractile and growth signaling. Intact small arteries and primary VSMCs from humans were studied. Vessels from Cav-1−/− mice were used to test proof of concept. Human VSMCs express Nox1, Nox4, Nox5 and Cav-1. Cell fractionation studies showed that Nox1 and Nox5 but not Nox4, localize in cholesterol-rich fractions in VSMCs. Angiotensin II (Ang II) stimulation induced trafficking into and out of lipid rafts/caveolae for Nox1 and Nox5 respectively. Co-immunoprecipitation studies showed interactions between Cav-1/Nox1 but not Cav-1/Nox5. Lipid raft/caveolae disruptors (methyl-β-cyclodextrin (MCD) and Nystatin) and Ang II stimulation variably increased O2− generation and phosphorylation of MLC20, Ezrin-Radixin-Moesin (ERM) and p53 but not ERK1/2, effects recapitulated in Cav-1 silenced (siRNA) VSMCs. Nox inhibition prevented Ang II-induced phosphorylation of signaling molecules, specifically, ERK1/2 phosphorylation was attenuated by mellitin (Nox5 inhibitor) and Nox5 siRNA, while p53 phosphorylation was inhibited by NoxA1ds (Nox1 inhibitor). Ang II increased oxidation of DJ1, dual anti-oxidant and signaling molecule, through lipid raft/caveolae-dependent processes. Vessels from Cav-1−/− mice exhibited increased O2− generation and phosphorylation of ERM. We identify an important role for lipid rafts/caveolae that act as signaling platforms for Nox1 and Nox5 but not Nox4, in human VSMCs. Disruption of these microdomains promotes oxidative stress and Nox isoform-specific redox signalling important in vascular dysfunction associated with cardiovascular diseases

    Metal-catalyzed asymmetric aldol reactions

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    The aldol reaction is one of the most powerful and versatile methods for the construction of C-C bonds. Traditionally, this reaction was developed in a stoichiometric version; however, great efforts in the development of chiral catalysts for aldol reactions were performed in recent years. Thus, in this review article, the development of metal-mediated chiral catalysts in Mukaiyama-type aldol reaction, reductive aldol reaction and direct aldol reaction are discussed. Moreover, the application of these catalysts in the total synthesis of complex molecules is discussed.A reação aldólica é uma das ferramentas mais poderosas e versáteis para a construção de ligações C-C. Tradicionalmente, esta reação foi desenvolvida em sua versão estequiométrica, no entanto, grandes esforços no desenvolvimento de catalisadores quirais para reações aldólicas foram realizados nos últimos anos. Desta forma, neste artigo de revisão, é discutido o desenvolvimento de catalisadores metálicos em reação aldólica do tipo Mukaiyama, reação aldólica redutiva e reação aldólica direta. Além disto, a aplicação destes catalisadores na síntese total de moléculas complexas será abordada.21372158Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES