288 research outputs found

    Writing superiority in cued recall

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    In list learning paradigms with free recall, written recall has been found to be less susceptible to intrusions of related concepts than spoken recall when the list items had been visually presented. This effect has been ascribed to the use of stored orthographic representations from the study phase during written recall (Kellogg, 2001). In other memory retrieval paradigms, by contrast, either better recall for modality-congruent items or an input-independent writing superiority effect have been found (Grabowski, 2005). In a series of four experiments using a paired associate learning paradigm we tested (a) whether output modality effects on verbal recall can be replicated in a paradigm that does not involve the rejection of semantically related intrusion words, (b) whether a possible superior performance for written recall was due to a slower response onset for writing as compared to speaking in immediate recall, and (c) whether the performance in paired associate word recall was correlated with performance in an additional episodic memory recall task. We observed better written recall in the first half of the recall phase, irrespective of the modality in which the material was presented upon encoding. An explanation for this effect based on longer response latencies for writing and hence more time for memory retrieval could be ruled out by showing that the effect persisted in delayed response versions of the task. Although there was some evidence that stored additional episodic information may contribute to the successful retrieval of associate words, this evidence was only found in the immediate response experiments and hence is most likely independent from the observed output modality effect. In sum, our results from a paired associate learning paradigm suggest that superior performance for written vs. spoken recall cannot be (solely) explained in terms of additional access to stored orthographic representations from the encoding phase. Our findings rather suggest a general writing-superiority effect at the time of memory retrieval

    Consumer acceptance of patient-performed mobile teledermoscopy for the early detection of melanoma

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    Background Mobile teledermoscopy allows consumers to send images of skin lesions to a teledermatologist for remote diagnosis. Currently, technology acceptance of mobile teledermoscopy by people at high risk of melanoma is unknown. Objectives We aimed to determine the acceptance of mobile teledermoscopy by consumers based on perceived usefulness, ease of use, compatibility, attitude/intention, subjective norms, facilitators and trust before use. Consumer satisfaction was explored after use

    Ubiquitous distribution and different subcellular localization of sorbitol dehydrogenase in fruit and leaf of apple

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    NAD+-dependent sorbitol dehydrogenase (NAD-SDH, EC, a key enzyme in sorbitol metabolism, plays an important role in regulating sink strength and determining the quality of apple fruit. Understanding the tissue and subcellular localization of NAD-SDH is helpful for understanding sorbitol metabolism in the apple. In this study, two NAD-SDH cDNA sequences were isolated from apple fruits (Malus domestica Borkh cv. Starkrimson) and named MdSDH5 and MdSDH6. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that NAD-SDH is distributed in both the flesh and the vascular tissue of the fruit, and the vascular tissue and mesophyll tissue in the young and old leaves, indicating that it is a ubiquitous protein expressed in both sink and source organs. Immunogold electron microscopy analysis demonstrated that NAD-SDH is localized mainly in the cytoplasm and chloroplast of the fruit and leaves. The chloroplast localization of NAD-SDH was confirmed by the transient expression of MdSDH5-GFP and MdSDH6-GFP in the mesophyll protoplast of Arabidopsis. NAD-SDH was also found in electron opaque deposits of vacuoles in young and mature leaves. These data show that NAD-SDH has different subcellular localizations in fruit and leaves, indicating that it might play a different role in sorbitol metabolism in different tissues of apple

    Retrieval and Validation of Carbon Dioxide, Methane, and Water Vapor for the Canary Islands IR-Laser Occultation Experiment

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    The first ground-based experiment to prove the concept of a novel space-based observation technique for microwave and infrared-laser occultation between low-Earthorbit satellites was performed in the Canary Islands between La Palma and Tenerife. For two nights from 21 to 22 July 2011 the experiment delivered the infrared-laser differential transmission principle for the measurement of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the free atmosphere. Such global and long-term stable measurements of GHGs, accompanied also by measurements of thermodynamic parameters and line-of-sight wind in a self-calibrating way, have become very important for climate change monitoring. The experiment delivered promising initial data for demonstrating the new observation concept by retrieving volume mixing ratios of GHGs along a ~ 144 km signal path at altitudes of ~ 2.4 km. Here, we present a detailed analysis of the measurements, following a recent publication that introduced the experiment\u27s technical setup and first results for an example retrieval of CO2. We present the observational and validation data sets, the latter simultaneously measured at the transmitter and receiver sites; the measurement data handling; and the differential transmission retrieval procedure. We also determine the individual and combined uncertainties influencing the results and present the retrieval results for 12CO2, 13CO2, C18OO, H2O and CH4. The new method is found to have a reliable basis for monitoring of greenhouse gases such as CO2, CH4, and H2O in the free atmosphere

    Relation of carbohydrate reserves with the forthcoming crop, flower formation and photosynthetic rate, in the alternate bearing Salustiana sweet orange (Citrus sinensis L.)

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    [EN] The aim of this work was to assess the relation between carbohydrate levels and flower and fruit production, as well as the role of carbohydrates on CO(2) fixation activity, by analysis of leaves, twigs and roots from the alternate bearing 'Salustiana' cultivar of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis [L.] Osbeck). A heavy crop load (on year) did not affect photosynthesis activity when compared to non-fruiting trees (off year). Fruiting trees accumulated most of the fixed carbon in mature fruits, whilst no accumulation was observed in roots before harvest. Non-fruiting trees transported part of the fixed carbon to the roots and mobilize it for growth processes and, at the end of the season (December), store it as reserves. Reserve carbohydrates accumulation in leaves started by early December for both tree types, showing the same levels in on and off trees until spring bud sprouting. A heavy flowering after an off year caused the rapid mobilization of the stored reserves, which were exhausted at full bloom. We found no evidence on carbon fixation regulation by either fruit demand or carbohydrate levels in leaves. Carbohydrate reserves played little or no role over fruit set, which actually relied on current photosynthesisWe thank Ing. Agr. J.M. Torres (ANECOOP, Valencia, Spain) for providing the orchard facilities and logistic help, the R + D + i Linguistic Assistance Office at the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia for their help in revising this article and Y. Bordon for her cooperation in some experiments. Thanks are due also to Dr. Olivares for the critical review of the manuscript. This research was funded by grants from the Conselleria de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentacion (GV-CAPA00-11) and the Conselleria diEmpresa, Universitat i Ciencia, Generalitat Valenciana (Grupos 04/059).Monerri Huguet, MC.; Fortunato De Almeida, A.; Molina Romero, RV.; González Nebauer, S.; García Luís, MD.; Guardiola Barcena, JL. (2011). Relation of carbohydrate reserves with the forthcoming crop, flower formation and photosynthetic rate, in the alternate bearing Salustiana sweet orange (Citrus sinensis L.). Scientia Horticulturae. 129(1):71-78. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scienta.2011.03.009S7178129

    Chromatin-associated regulation of sorbitol synthesis in flower buds of peach

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    [EN] Key message PpeS6PDH gene is postulated to mediate sorbitol synthesis in flower buds of peach concomitantly with specific chromatin modifications. Abstract Perennial plants have evolved an adaptive mechanism involving protection of meristems within specialized structures named buds in order to survive low temperatures and water deprivation during winter. A seasonal period of dormancy further improves tolerance of buds to environmental stresses through specific mechanisms poorly known at the molecular level. We have shown that peach PpeS6PDH gene is down-regulated in flower buds after dormancy release, concomitantly with changes in the methylation level at specific lysine residues of histone H3 (H3K27 and H3K4) in the chromatin around the translation start site of the gene. PpeS6PDH encodes a NADPH-dependent sorbitol-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, the key enzyme for biosynthesis of sorbitol. Consistently, sorbitol accumulates in dormant buds showing higher PpeS6PDH expression. Moreover, PpeS6PDH gene expression is affected by cold and water deficit stress. Particularly, its expression is up-regulated by low temperature in buds and leaves, whereas desiccation treatment induces PpeS6PDH in buds and represses the gene in leaves. These data reveal the concurrent participation of chromatin modification mechanisms, transcriptional regulation of PpeS6PDH and sorbitol accumulation in flower buds of peach. In addition to its role as a major translocatable photosynthate in Rosaceae species, sorbitol is a widespread compatible solute and cryoprotectant, which suggests its participation in tolerance to environmental stresses in flower buds of peach.This work was funded by the Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA)-FEDER (RF2013-00043-C02-02) and the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain (AGL2010-20595). AL was funded by a fellowship co-financed by the European Social Fund and the Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (IVIA).Lloret, A.; Martinez Fuentes, A.; Agustí Fonfría, M.; Badenes, ML.; Rios, G. (2017). Chromatin-associated regulation of sorbitol synthesis in flower buds of peach. Plant Molecular Biology. 95(4-5):507-517. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11103-017-0669-6S507517954-5Andersen CL, Jensen JL, Ørntoft TF (2004) Normalization of real-time quantitative reverse transcription-PCR data: a model-based variance estimation approach to identify genes suited for normalization, applied to bladder and colon cancer data sets. Cancer Res 64:5245–5250. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-04-0496Bai S, Saito T, Ito A et al (2016) Small RNA and PARE sequencing in flower bud reveal the involvement of sRNAs in endodormancy release of Japanese pear (Pyrus pyrifolia ‘Kosui’). 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