1,842 research outputs found

    Magnetic Raman scattering of the ordered tetrahedral spin-1/2 clusters in Cu_2Te_2O_5(Br_(1-x)Cl_x)_2 compounds

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    Raman light-scattering experiments in the antiferromagnetic phase of the Cu_2Te_2O_5(Br_(1-x)Cl_x)_2 compounds are analyzed in terms of a dimerized spin model for the tetrahedral Cu-clusters. It is shown that the longitudinal magnetic excitation in the pure Br system hybridizes with a localized singlet excitation due to the presence of a Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya anisotropy term. The drastic change of the magnetic scattering intensities observed when a proportion of Br is replaced by Cl ions, is proposed to be caused by a change of the magnetic order parameter. Instead of being parallel/antiparallel with each other, the spins in the two pairs of spin-1/2 order perpendicular to each other, when the composition x is larger than about 0.25.Comment: EPL, in pres

    On The Predictive Content Of Production Surveys: A Pan-European Study

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    For over forty years, Business Tendency Surveys have been collected in multiple member states of the European Union. Previous research has studied the predictive accuracy of the expectation variables included in those surveys through bivariate, within-country, Granger-causality tests, which has resulted in mixed conclusions. We extend previous research in various ways, as we (i) explicitly allow for cross-country influences, and (ii) do so using both bivariate and multivariate Granger-causality tests. Specifically, the multivariate El-Himdi and Roy test is adapted to jointly test the forecasting value of multiple production expectation series, to assess whether part of this joint effect is indeed due to cross-country influences, and to determine which countries' expectation series have most "clout" in predicting the production levels in the other member countries, or have higher "receptivity", in that their production levels are Granger-caused by the other countries' expectations.business surveys;cross-correlations;granger causality;production expectations

    Modeling Within- and Across-Customer Association in Lifetime Value with Copulas

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    Recent advances in linking Recency-Frequency-Monetary value (RFM) data to Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) in non-contractual settings rely on the assumption of independence between the transaction and spend processes. We propose to model jointly the inter- and intra-customer dependency between both processes using copulas, hereby accounting for the double correlation within and across customers. Applied to a unique data set of securities' transactions, we nd that modeling both associations enhances the accuracy of CLV predictions, thus improving customer valuation and selection tasks.Association;Copula;Customer Lifetime Value;Across and Within Customers

    Low Energy Singlets in the Excitation Spectrum of the Spin Tetrahedra System Cu_2Te_2O_5Br_2

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    Low energy Raman scattering of the s=1/2 spin tetrahedra system Cu_2Te_2O_5Br_2 is dominated by an excitation at 18 cm^{-1} corresponding to an energy E_S=0.6\Delta, with \Delta the spin gap of the compound. For elevated temperatures this mode shows a soft mode-like decrease in energy pointing to an instability of the system. The isostructural reference system Cu_2Te_2O_5Cl_2 with a presumably larger inter-tetrahedra coupling does not show such a low energy mode. Instead its excitation spectrum and thermodynamic properties are compatible with long range Neel-ordering. We discuss the observed effects in the context of quantum fluctuations and competing ground states.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, ISSP-Kashiwa 2001, Conference on Correlated Electron

    Substitution effects on spin fluctuations in the spin-Peierls compound CuGeO_3

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    Using Raman scattering we studied the effect of substitutions on 1D spin fluctuations in CuGeO_3 observed as a spinon continuum in frustration induced exchange scattering. For temperatures below the spin-Peierls transition (T_{SP}=14K) the intensity of this continuum at 120-500 cm^{-1} is exponentially suppressed and transferred into a 3D two-magnon density of states. Besides a spin-Peierls gap-induced mode at 30 cm^{-1} and additional modes at 105 and 370 cm^{-1} are observed. Substitution of Zn on the Cu-site and Si on the Ge-site of CuGeO_3 quenches easily the spin-Peierls state. Consequently a suppression of the spin-Peierls gap observable below T_{SP}=14K as well as a change of the temperature dependence of the spinon continuum are observed. These effects are discussed in the context of a dimensional crossover of this compound below T_{SP} and strong spin-lattice interaction.Comment: 9 pages, 2 eps figures include

    Use of apomorphine in Parkinsonian patients with neuropsychiatric complications to oral treatment

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    Neuropsychiatric side effects often complicate anti-Parkinsonian therapy and pose a significant problem in the optimal management of idiopathic Parkinson's disease. Several publications report a relative lack of neuropsychiatric side effects in Parkinsonian patients treated with subcutaneous apomorphine. To investigate this further, we have used subcutaneous apomorphine to treat 12 non-demented IPD patients with previous oral drug-related neuropsychiatric problems. Treatment with apomorphine allowed alteration of anti-Parkinsonian medication and led to the abolition or reduction of neuropsychiatric complications in all patients. The mechanism remains unclear but may be due, in part, to a reduction in oral medication or a psychotropic action of apomorphine, possibly due to the piperidine moiety in its structure, or both

    Energy-level ordering and ground-state quantum numbers for frustrated two-leg spin-1/2 ladder model

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    The Lieb-Mattis theorem about antiferromagnetic ordering of energy levels on bipartite lattices is generalized to finite-size two-leg spin-1/2 ladder model frustrated by diagonal interactions. For reflection-symmetric model with site-dependent interactions we prove exactly that the lowest energies in sectors with fixed total spin and reflection quantum numbers are monotone increasing functions of total spin. The nondegeneracy of most levels is proved also. We also establish the uniqueness and obtain the spin value of the lowest-level multiplet in the whole sector formed by reflection-symmetric (antisymmetric) states. For a wide range of coupling constants, we prove that the ground state is a unique spin singlet. For other values of couplings, it may be also a unique spin triplet or may consist of both multiplets. Similar results have been obtained for the ladder with arbitrary boundary impurity spin. Some partial results have also been obtained in the case of periodical boundary conditions.Comment: 17 page

    Momentum distribution of confined bosons: temperature dependence

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    The momentum distribution function of a parabolically confined gas of bosons with harmonic interparticle interactions is derived. In the Bose-Einstein condensation region, this momentum distribution substantially deviates from a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. It is argued that the determination of the temperature of the boson gas from the Bose-Einstein momentum distribution function is more appropriate than the currently used fitting to the high momentum tail of the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution.Comment: 5 REVTEX pages + 2 postscript figures. Accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Magnetic Bound States in Dimerized Quantum Spin Systems

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    Magnetic bound states are a general phenomenon in low dimensional antiferromagnets with gapped singlet states. Using Raman scattering on three compounds as dedicated examples we show how exchange topology, dimensionality, defects and thermal fluctuations influence the properties and the spectral weight of these states.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure, proceedings of the SCES'98, Paris, to be published in Physica