1,632 research outputs found

    Evaluation of effectiveness of various devices for attenuation of trailing vortices based on model tests in a large towing basin

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    The effectiveness of various candidate aircraft-wing devices for attenuation of trailing vortices generated by large aircraft is evaluated on basis of results of experiments conducted with a 0.03-scale model of a Boeing 747 transport aircraft using a technique developed at the HYDRONAUTICS Ship Model Basin. Emphasis is on the effects produced by these devices in the far-field (up to 8 kilometers downstream of full-scale generating aircraft) where the unaltered vortex-wakes could still be hazardous to small following aircraft. The evaluation is based primarily on quantitative measurements of the respective vortex velocity distributions made by means of hot-film probe traverses in a transverse plane at selected stations downstream. The effects of these altered wakes on rolling moment induced on a small following aircraft are also studied using a modified lifting-surface theory with a synthesized Gates Learjet as a typical example. Lift and drag measurements concurrently obtained in the model tests are used to appraise the effects of each device investigated on the performance characteristics of the generating aircraft

    Mammalian Sperm Motility: Observation and Theory

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    Mammalian spermatozoa motility is a subject of growing importance because of rising human infertility and the possibility of improving animal breeding. We highlight opportunities for fluid and continuum dynamics to provide novel insights concerning the mechanics of these specialized cells, especially during their remarkable journey to the egg. The biological structure of the motile sperm appendage, the flagellum, is described and placed in the context of the mechanics underlying the migration of mammalian sperm through the numerous environments of the female reproductive tract. This process demands certain specific changes to flagellar movement and motility for which further mechanical insight would be valuable, although this requires improved modeling capabilities, particularly to increase our understanding of sperm progression in vivo. We summarize current theoretical studies, highlighting the synergistic combination of imaging and theory in exploring sperm motility, and discuss the challenges for future observational and theoretical studies in understanding the underlying mechanics.\ud Acronyms and Definitions\ud Acrosome: the cap of the sperm head containing enzymes allowing penetration of the zona pellucida via the acrosome reaction\ud Adenosine triphosphate (ATP): the currency unit of chemical energy transfer in living cells\ud Axoneme: a phylogenetically conserved structure within the eukaryotic flagellum consisting of a ring of nine microtubule doublets and a central pair, frequently referred to as 9 + 2\ud Bending moment density: the moment per unit length associated with flagellar bending; it can be divided into a hydrodynamic moment, an elastic moment (from the flagellar bending stiffness), an active moment (generated by dyneins exerting forces between adjacent microtubule doublets), and a passive moment resisting shear\ud Capacitation: the physiological state of a sperm required for fertilization, which is accompanied by the motility patterns associated with hyperactivation, characterized in saline by high-amplitude asymmetric beating\ud Central pair: a pair of microtubules along the length of the axoneme, symmetrically and slightly offset from the axoneme centerline\ud Cumulus oophorus: the outer vestment of the mammalian egg consisting of hundreds of cells radiating out from the egg embedded within a non-Newtonian hyaluronic acid gel\ud Dynein: a molecular motor within the axoneme, attached between adjacent microtubule doublets, that exerts a shearing force to induce axonemal bending\ud Flagellum: a motile cellular appendage that drives the swimming of sperm and other cells; this article focuses on the eukaryotic flagellum\ud Microtubule doublet: a pair of proteinaceous filament structures running the length of the axoneme; dyneins drive their bending, which induces flagellar motion\ud Mid-piece: the region of a sperm flagellum with a mitochondrial sheath, where ATP is generated\ud Oocyte: the egg\ud Outer dense fibers and fibrous sheath: accessory structures reinforcing the mammalian sperm flagellum; the combined axoneme and accessory structures are referred to as 9+9+2\ud Resistive-force theory: an approximation for the local drag of a slender filament element in Stokes flow (or a viscoelastic generalization thereof)\ud Rheotaxis: directed motility in response to the influence of fluid flow\ud Shear: in the context of the flagellum, the relative movement of adjacent microtubule doublets\ud Slender-body theory: an improved approximation for the local drag on a slender filament element in Stokes flow (or a viscoelastic generalization thereof)\ud Zona pellucida: a tough glycoprotein coat between the human egg and the cumulus oophorus, which a sperm must penetrate for successful fertilizatio

    Predicting QSO Continua in the Ly Alpha Forest

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    We present a method to make predictions with sets of correlated data values, in this case QSO flux spectra. We predict the continuum in the Lyman-Alpha forest of a QSO, from 1020 -- 1216 A, using the spectrum of that QSO from 1216 -- 1600 A . We find correlations between the unabsorbed flux in these two wavelengths regions in the HST spectra of 50 QSOs. We use principal component analysis (PCA) to summarize the variety of these spectra and we relate the weights of the principal components for 1020 -- 1600 A to the weights for 1216 -- 1600 A, and we apply this relation to make predictions. We test the method on the HST spectra, and we find an average absolute flux error of 9%, with a range 3 -- 30%, where individual predictions are systematically too low or too high. We mention several ways in which the predictions might be improved.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Ap

    A Catalog of Absorption Lines in Eight HST/STIS E230M 1.0 < z < 1.7 Quasar Spectra

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    We have produced a catalog of line identifications and equivalent width measurements for all absorption features in eight ultraviolet echelle quasar spectra. These spectra were selected as having the highest signal-to-noise among the HST/STIS spectra obtained with the E230M grating. We identify 56 metal-line systems toward the eight quasars, and present plots of detected transitions, aligned in velocity-space. We found that about 1/4 - 1/3 of the features in the Lya forest region, redward of the incidence of the Lyb forest, are metal lines. High ionization transitions are common. We see both O VI and C IV in 88 - 90% of the metal-line systems for which the spectra cover the expected wavelength. Si III is seen in 58%, while low ionization absorption in C II, Si II, and/or Al II is detected in 50% of the systems for which they are covered. This catalog will facilitate future studies of the Lya forest and of metal-line systems of various types.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, a complete version with the appendix and all figures is available at http://www.astro.psu.edu/users/misawa/pub/Paper/qalcat.pdf.g

    Stellenbosch Wine Route wineries: Management’s perspective on the advantages and key success factors of wine tourism

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    The South African wine tourism industry is currently regarded as one of the best developed in the world. However, the Western Cape still earns approximately 70% less per tourist than its rival, Napa Valley in California. Research has shown that South African wineries are not organised to derive the maximum benefit from wine tourism. An exploratory study conducted in 2009 and 2010 investigated wineries’ perceptions of wine tourism in the Stellenbosch region and identified some factors they deemed necessary for the development of a successful winery. This article presents the findings of the 2009– 2010 study. These findings confirmed international research results that demonstrate that some aspects of wine tourism are perceived to be advantageous to the winery, such as the ability to create brand awareness and opportunities to spend time with consumers, which were deemed the principal advantages of wine tourism. Certain tourism-related services and facilities are perceived to contribute to the development of a successful winery. It is recommended that wineries should capitalise on the opportunities presented by wine tourism to increase their income and develop the winery successfully.Key words: wineries, wine tourism, Stellenbosch Wine Route, key success factors, advantages and disadvantage

    Nonlinear instability in flagellar dynamics: a notel modulation mechanism in sperm migration

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    Throughout biology, cells and organisms use flagella and cilia to propel fluid and achieve motility. The beating of these organelles, and the corresponding ability to sense, respond to and modulate this beat is central to many processes in health and disease. While the mechanics of flagellum–fluid interaction has been the subject of extensive mathematical studies, these models have been restricted to being geometrically linear or weakly nonlinear, despite the high curvatures observed physiologically. We study the effect of geometrical nonlinearity, focusing on the spermatozoon flagellum. For a wide range of physiologically relevant parameters, the nonlinear model predicts that flagellar compression by the internal forces initiates an effective buckling behaviour, leading to a symmetry-breaking bifurcation that causes profound and complicated changes in the waveform and swimming trajectory, as well as the breakdown of the linear theory. The emergent waveform also induces curved swimming in an otherwise symmetric system, with the swimming trajectory being sensitive to head shape—no signalling or asymmetric forces are required. We conclude that nonlinear models are essential in understanding the flagellar waveform in migratory human sperm; these models will also be invaluable in understanding motile flagella and cilia in other systems

    The 1000 GeV gamma rays from ms pulsars

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    The detection of 1000 GeV gamma-rays with the characteristic 6.1 ms periodicity of the radio pulsar PSR 1953 +29 is reported. This result, significant at the 5.4 beta level, provides the first direct evidence for the association of the 6 ms radio pulsar PSR1953+29 with the gamma-ray source 2CG065+0. Extensive observations of the 1.5 ms pulsar PSR 1937 are also reported

    1000 GeV gamma rays from Cygnus X-3: An update

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    Measurements of 1000 GeV gamma-rays from Cygnus X-3 made with the University of Durham facility at Dugway, Utah in 1981/82 are reviewed. The light curve of the 4.8 hour modulated emission is updated and shows evidence significant at the 4.4 sigma level for strong emission (9% of the cosmic ray rate) at phase 0.625 and less significant (1.4 sigma level) indications of weaker emission (3% of the cosmic ray rate) at phase 0.125. The effect constituting the excess on the few nights showing the strongest emission appears to arise from the smallest Cerenkov light signals suggesting a steep gamma-ray spectrum. The 1982 data have been searched unsuccessfully for evidence of emission at phase 0.2, in coincidence with the results from the ultra-high energy (extensive Air Showers (EAS) measurements in 1979-1982. A systematic investigation of a long term variation in the strength of the peak of the 4.8 hr modulated 1000 GeV gamma-ray emission has been made. We find that in addition to the approximately 34 d variation reported by us previously, a stronger effect exists at around 19d
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