3,831 research outputs found

    Thermodynamic analysis of turbulent combustion in a spark ignition engine. Experimental evidence

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    A method independent of physical modeling assumptions is presented to analyze high speed flame photography and cylinder pressure measurements from a transparent piston spark ignition research engine. The method involves defining characteristic quantities of the phenomena of flame propagation and combustion, and estimating their values from the experimental information. Using only the pressure information, the mass fraction curves are examined. An empirical burning law is presented which simulates such curves. Statistical data for the characteristics delay and burning angles which show that cycle to cycle fractional variations are of the same order of magnitude for both angles are discussed. The enflamed and burnt mass fractions are compared as are the rates of entrainment and burning

    The Music Box : Imitation

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    Combustion and operating characteristics of spark-ignition engines

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    The spark-ignition engine turbulent flame propagation process was investigated. Then, using a spark-ignition engine cycle simulation and combustion model, the impact of turbocharging and heat transfer variations or engine power, efficiency, and NO sub x emissions was examined

    Coupling DNA-binding and ATP hydrolysis in Escherichia coli RecQ: role of a highly conserved aromatic-rich sequence

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    RecQ enzymes are broadly conserved Superfamily-2 (SF-2) DNA helicases that play critical roles in DNA metabolism. RecQ proteins use the energy of ATP hydrolysis to drive DNA unwinding; however, the mechanisms by which RecQ links ATPase activity to DNA-binding/unwinding are unknown. In many Superfamily-1 (SF-1) DNA helicases, helicase sequence motif III links these activities by binding both single-stranded (ss) DNA and ATP. However, the ssDNA-binding aromatic-rich element in motif III present in these enzymes is missing from SF-2 helicases, raising the question of how these enzymes link ATP hydrolysis to DNA-binding/unwinding. We show that Escherichia coli RecQ contains a conserved aromatic-rich loop in its helicase domain between motifs II and III. Although placement of the RecQ aromatic-rich loop is topologically distinct relative to the SF-1 enzymes, both loops map to similar tertiary structural positions. We examined the functions of the E.coli RecQ aromatic-rich loop using RecQ variants with single amino acid substitutions within the segment. Our results indicate that the aromatic-rich loop in RecQ is critical for coupling ATPase and DNA-binding/unwinding activities. Our studies also suggest that RecQ's aromatic-rich loop might couple ATP hydrolysis to DNA-binding in a mechanistically distinct manner from SF-1 helicases

    The Transition State in a Noisy Environment

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    Transition State Theory overestimates reaction rates in solution because conventional dividing surfaces between reagents and products are crossed many times by the same reactive trajectory. We describe a recipe for constructing a time-dependent dividing surface free of such recrossings in the presence of noise. The no-recrossing limit of Transition State Theory thus becomes generally available for the description of reactions in a fluctuating environment

    Glendale Waltz

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    Stochastic Transition States: Reaction Geometry amidst Noise

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    Classical transition state theory (TST) is the cornerstone of reaction rate theory. It postulates a partition of phase space into reactant and product regions, which are separated by a dividing surface that reactive trajectories must cross. In order not to overestimate the reaction rate, the dynamics must be free of recrossings of the dividing surface. This no-recrossing rule is difficult (and sometimes impossible) to enforce, however, when a chemical reaction takes place in a fluctuating environment such as a liquid. High-accuracy approximations to the rate are well known when the solvent forces are treated using stochastic representations, though again, exact no-recrossing surfaces have not been available. To generalize the exact limit of TST to reactive systems driven by noise, we introduce a time-dependent dividing surface that is stochastically moving in phase space such that it is crossed once and only once by each transition path

    Turbulent flame propagation and combustion in spark ignition engines

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    Pressure measurements synchronized with high-speed motion picture records of flame propagation have been made in a transparent piston engine. The data show that the initial expansion speed of the flame front is close to that of a laminar flame. As the flame expands, its speed rapidly accelerates to a quasi-steady value comparable with that of the turbulent velocity fluctuations in the unburned gas. During the quasi-steady propagation phase, a significant fraction of the gas behind the visible front is unburned. Final burnout of the charge may be approximated by an exponential decay in time. The data have been analyzed in a model independent way to obtain a set of empirical equations for calculating mass burning rates in spark ignition engines. The burning equations contain three parameters: the laminar burning speed s l, a characteristic speed u T, and a characteristic length l T. The laminar burning speed is known from laboratory measurements. Tentative correlations relating u T and l T to engine geometry and operating variables have been derived from the engine data. © 1983

    Topological bands in two-dimensional networks of metamaterial elements

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    We show that topological frequency band structures emerge in two-dimensional electromagnetic lattices of metamaterial components without the application of an external magnetic field. The topological nature of the band structure manifests itself by the occurrence of exceptional points in the band structure or by the emergence of one-way guided modes. Based on an EM network with nearly flat frequency bands of nontrivial topology, we propose a coupled-cavity lattice made of superconducting transmission lines and cavity QED components which is described by the Janes-Cummings-Hubbard model and can serve as simulator of the fractional quantum Hall effect
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