2,698 research outputs found

    Generalized Rayleigh and Jacobi processes and exceptional orthogonal polynomials

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    We present four types of infinitely many exactly solvable Fokker-Planck equations, which are related to the newly discovered exceptional orthogonal polynomials. They represent the deformed versions of the Rayleigh process and the Jacobi process.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Early appraisal of the fixation probability in directed networks

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    In evolutionary dynamics, the probability that a mutation spreads through the whole population, having arisen in a single individual, is known as the fixation probability. In general, it is not possible to find the fixation probability analytically given the mutant's fitness and the topological constraints that govern the spread of the mutation, so one resorts to simulations instead. Depending on the topology in use, a great number of evolutionary steps may be needed in each of the simulation events, particularly in those that end with the population containing mutants only. We introduce two techniques to accelerate the determination of the fixation probability. The first one skips all evolutionary steps in which the number of mutants does not change and thereby reduces the number of steps per simulation event considerably. This technique is computationally advantageous for some of the so-called layered networks. The second technique, which is not restricted to layered networks, consists of aborting any simulation event in which the number of mutants has grown beyond a certain threshold value, and counting that event as having led to a total spread of the mutation. For large populations, and regardless of the network's topology, we demonstrate, both analytically and by means of simulations, that using a threshold of about 100 mutants leads to an estimate of the fixation probability that deviates in no significant way from that obtained from the full-fledged simulations. We have observed speedups of two orders of magnitude for layered networks with 10000 nodes

    Consequences of an incorrect model specification on population growth

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    We consider stochastic differential equations to model the growth of a population ina randomly varying environment. These growth models are usually based on classical deterministic models, such as the logistic or the Gompertz models, taken as approximate models of the "true" (usually unknown) growth rate. We study the effect of the gap between the approximate and the "true" model on model predictions, particularly on asymptotiv behavior and mean and variance of the time to extinction of the population

    Enhanced electron correlations at the SrxCa1-xVO3 surface

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    We report hard x-ray photoemission spectroscopy measurements of the electronic structure of the prototypical correlated oxide SrxCa1-xVO3. By comparing spectra recorded at different excitation energies, we show that 2.2 keV photoelectrons contain a substantial surface component, whereas 4.2 keV photoelectrons originate essentially from the bulk of the sample. Bulk-sensitive measurements of the O 2p valence band are found to be in good agreement with ab initio calculations of the electronic structure, with some modest adjustments to the orbital-dependent photoionization cross sections. The evolution of the O 2p electronic structure as a function of the Sr content is dominated by A-site hybridization. Near the Fermi level, the correlated V 3d Hubbard bands are found to evolve in both binding energy and spectral weight as a function of distance from the vacuum interface, revealing higher correlation at the surface than in the bulk

    Transition probabilities for general birth-death processes with applications in ecology, genetics, and evolution

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    A birth-death process is a continuous-time Markov chain that counts the number of particles in a system over time. In the general process with nn current particles, a new particle is born with instantaneous rate λn\lambda_n and a particle dies with instantaneous rate μn\mu_n. Currently no robust and efficient method exists to evaluate the finite-time transition probabilities in a general birth-death process with arbitrary birth and death rates. In this paper, we first revisit the theory of continued fractions to obtain expressions for the Laplace transforms of these transition probabilities and make explicit an important derivation connecting transition probabilities and continued fractions. We then develop an efficient algorithm for computing these probabilities that analyzes the error associated with approximations in the method. We demonstrate that this error-controlled method agrees with known solutions and outperforms previous approaches to computing these probabilities. Finally, we apply our novel method to several important problems in ecology, evolution, and genetics

    Minimal Absent Words in Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Genomes

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    Minimal absent words have been computed in genomes of organisms from all domains of life. Here, we explore different sets of minimal absent words in the genomes of 22 organisms (one archaeota, thirteen bacteria and eight eukaryotes). We investigate if the mutational biases that may explain the deficit of the shortest absent words in vertebrates are also pervasive in other absent words, namely in minimal absent words, as well as to other organisms. We find that the compositional biases observed for the shortest absent words in vertebrates are not uniform throughout different sets of minimal absent words. We further investigate the hypothesis of the inheritance of minimal absent words through common ancestry from the similarity in dinucleotide relative abundances of different sets of minimal absent words, and find that this inheritance may be exclusive to vertebrates

    An Evolutionary Reduction Principle for Mutation Rates at Multiple Loci

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    A model of mutation rate evolution for multiple loci under arbitrary selection is analyzed. Results are obtained using techniques from Karlin (1982) that overcome the weak selection constraints needed for tractability in prior studies of multilocus event models. A multivariate form of the reduction principle is found: reduction results at individual loci combine topologically to produce a surface of mutation rate alterations that are neutral for a new modifier allele. New mutation rates survive if and only if they fall below this surface - a generalization of the hyperplane found by Zhivotovsky et al. (1994) for a multilocus recombination modifier. Increases in mutation rates at some loci may evolve if compensated for by decreases at other loci. The strength of selection on the modifier scales in proportion to the number of germline cell divisions, and increases with the number of loci affected. Loci that do not make a difference to marginal fitnesses at equilibrium are not subject to the reduction principle, and under fine tuning of mutation rates would be expected to have higher mutation rates than loci in mutation-selection balance. Other results include the nonexistence of 'viability analogous, Hardy-Weinberg' modifier polymorphisms under multiplicative mutation, and the sufficiency of average transmission rates to encapsulate the effect of modifier polymorphisms on the transmission of loci under selection. A conjecture is offered regarding situations, like recombination in the presence of mutation, that exhibit departures from the reduction principle. Constraints for tractability are: tight linkage of all loci, initial fixation at the modifier locus, and mutation distributions comprising transition probabilities of reversible Markov chains.Comment: v3: Final corrections. v2: Revised title, reworked and expanded introductory and discussion sections, added corollaries, new results on modifier polymorphisms, minor corrections. 49 pages, 64 reference