3,308 research outputs found

    AKARI near-infrared spectroscopy of the aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbon emission features in the galactic superwind of M 82

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    Aims. We investigate the properties of hydrocarbon grains in the galactic superwind of M 82. Methods. With AKARI, we performed near-infrared (2.5 - 4.5 um) spectroscopic observations of 34 regions in M 82 including its northern and southern halos. Results. Many of the spectra show strong emission at 3.3 um due to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and relatively weak features at 3.4 - 3.6 um due to aliphatic hydrocarbons. In particular, we clearly detect the PAH 3.3 um emission and the 3.4 - 3.6 um features in halo regions, which are located at a distance of 2 kpc away from the galactic center. We find that the ratios of the 3.4 - 3.6 um features to the 3.3 um feature intensity significantly increase with distance from the galactic center, while the ratios of the 3.3 um feature to the AKARI 7 um band intensity do not. Conclusions. Our results clearly confirm the presence of small PAHs even in a harsh environment of the halo of M 82. The results also reveal that the aliphatic hydrocarbons emitting the 3.4 - 3.6 um features are unusually abundant in the halo, suggesting that small carbonaceous grains are produced by shattering of larger grains in the galactic superwind.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in A&

    Decaying Sterile Neutrinos as a Heating Source in the Milky Way Center

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    Recent Chandra and Newton observations indicate that there are two-temperature components (TT \sim 8 keV, 0.8 keV) of the diffuse x-rays emitted from deep inside the center of Milky Way. We show that this can be explained by the existence of sterile neutrinos, which decay to emit photons that can be bound-free absorbed by the isothermal hot gas particles in the center of Milky Way. This model can account for the two-temperature components naturally as well as the energy needed to maintain the \sim 8 keV temperature in the hot gas. The predicted sterile neutrino mass is between 16-18 keV.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS with minor correction

    Dynamics aspect of subbarrier fusion reaction in light heavy ion systems

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    Subbarrier fusion of the 7Li + 12C reaction is studied using an antisymmetrized molecular dynamics model (AMD) with an after burner, GEMINI. In AMD, 7Li shows an \alpha + t structure at its ground state and it is significantly deformed. Simulations are made near the Coulomb barrier energies, i.e., E_{cm} = 3 - 8 MeV. The total fusion cross section of the AMD + GEMINI calculations as a function of incident energy is compared to the experimental results and both are in good agreement at E_{cm} > 3 MeV. The cross section for the different residue channels of the AMD + GEMINI at E_{cm} = 5 MeV is also compared to the experimental results.Comment: Talk given by Meirong Huang at the 11th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (NN2012), San Antonio, Texas, USA, May 27-June 1, 2012. To appear in the NN2012 Proceedings in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS

    Chandra detection of diffuse X-ray emission from the globular cluster Terzan 5

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    Terzan 5, a globular cluster (GC) prominent in mass and population of compact objects, is searched for diffuse X-ray emission, as proposed by several models. We analyzed the data of an archival Chandra observation of Terzan 5 to search for extended diffuse X-ray emission outside the half-mass radius of the GC. We removed detected point sources from the data to extract spectra from diffuse regions around Terzan 5. The Galactic background emission was modeled by a 2-temperature thermal component, which is typical for Galactic diffuse emission. We detected significant diffuse excess emission above the particle background level from the whole field-of-view. The surface brightness appears to be peaked at the GC center and decreases smoothly outwards. After the subtraction of particle and Galactic background, the excess spectrum of the diffuse emission between the half-mass radius and 3' can be described by a power-law model with photon index Γ\Gamma = 0.9±\pm0.5 and a surface flux of FX_X = (1.17±\pm0.16) 107^{-7} erg s1^{-1} cm2^{-2} sr1^{-1} in the 1--7 keV band. We estimated the contribution from unresolved point sources to the observed excess to be negligible. The observations suggest that a purely thermal origin of the emission is less likely than a non-thermal scenario. However, from simple modeling we cannot identify a clearly preferred scenario.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication by A&

    Properties of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in local elliptical galaxies revealed by the Infrared Spectrograph on Spitzer

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    We performed mid-infrared spectroscopic observations of 18 local dusty elliptical galaxies by using the Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) on board Spitzer. We have significantly detected polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) features from 14 out of the 18 galaxies, and thus found that the presence of PAHs is not rare but rather common in dusty elliptical galaxies. Most of these galaxies show an unusually weak 7.7 um emission feature relative to 11.3 um and 17 um emission features. A large fraction of the galaxies also exhibit H2 rotational line and ionic fine-structure line emissions, which have no significant correlation with the PAH emissions. The PAH features are well correlated with the continuum at 35 um, whereas they are not correlated with the continuum at 6 um. We conclude that the PAH emission of the elliptical galaxies is mostly of interstellar origin rather than of stellar origin, and that the unusual PAH interband strength ratios are likely to be due to a large fraction of neutral to ionized PAHs.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in the Ap

    AKARI Far-Infrared All Sky Survey

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    We demonstrate the capability of AKARI for mapping diffuse far-infrared emission and achieved reliability of all-sky diffuse map. We have conducted an all-sky survey for more than 94 % of the whole sky during cold phase of AKARI observation in 2006 Feb. -- 2007 Aug. The survey in far-infrared waveband covers 50 um -- 180 um with four bands centered at 65 um, 90 um, 140 um, and 160 um and spatial resolution of 3000 -- 4000 (FWHM).This survey has allowed us to make a revolutionary improvement compared to the IRAS survey that was conducted in 1983 in both spatial resolution and sensitivity after more than a quarter of a century. Additionally, it will provide us the first all-sky survey data with high-spatial resolution beyond 100 um. Considering its extreme importance of the AKARI far-infrared diffuse emission map, we are now investigating carefully the quality of the data for possible release of the archival data. Critical subjects in making image of diffuse emission from detected signal are the transient response and long-term stability of the far-infrared detectors. Quantitative evaluation of these characteristics is the key to achieve sensitivity comparable to or better than that for point sources (< 20 -- 95 [MJy/sr]). We describe current activities and progress that are focused on making high quality all-sky survey images of the diffuse far-infrared emission.Comment: To appear in Proc. Workshop "The Space Infrared Telescope for Cosmology & Astrophysics: Revealing the Origins of Planets and Galaxies". Eds. A.M. Heras, B. Swinyard, K. Isaak, and J.R. Goicoeche

    Shape Effects of Finite-Size Scaling Functions for Anisotropic Three-Dimensional Ising Models

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    The finite-size scaling functions for anisotropic three-dimensional Ising models of size L1×L1×aL1L_1 \times L_1 \times aL_1 (aa: anisotropy parameter) are studied by Monte Carlo simulations. We study the aa dependence of finite-size scaling functions of the Binder parameter gg and the magnetization distribution function p(m)p(m). We have shown that the finite-size scaling functions for p(m)p(m) at the critical temperature change from a two-peak structure to a single-peak one by increasing or decreasing aa from 1. We also study the finite-size scaling near the critical temperature of the layered square-lattice Ising model, when the systems have a large two-dimensional anisotropy. We have found the three-dimensional and two-dimensional finite-size scaling behavior depending on the parameter which is fixed; a unified view of 3D and 2D finite-size scaling behavior has been obtained for the anisotropic 3D Ising models.Comment: 6 pages including 11 eps figures, RevTeX, to appear in J. Phys.

    Why NERICA is a successful innovation for African farmers

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    This paper responds to ‘Funding international agricultural research and the need to be noticed: a case study of NERICA rice’ by Stuart Orr, James Sumberg, Olaf Erenstein and Andreas Oswald, published in this issue of Outlook on Agriculture. In summary, the article by Orr et al, based on an internal WARDA document written in November 2003 and augmented with results from Internet searches, is outdated and does not seem to be fair, objective or useful. We invite the authors to visit WARDA or any of its partners in Sub-Saharan Africa for evidence of the impact of NERICA varieties or the other improved varieties and technologies that have been developed and disseminated by WARDA in recent years