186 research outputs found

    Self-assembled ErAs islands in GaAs for optical-heterodyne THz generation

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    We report photomixer devices fabricated on a material consisting of self-assembled ErAs islands in GaAs, which is grown by molecular beam epitaxy. The devices perform comparably and provide an alternative to those made from low-temperature-grown GaAs. The photomixer's frequency response demonstrates that the material is a photoconductor with subpicosecond response time, in agreement with time-resolved differential reflectance measurements. The material also provides the other needed properties such as high photocarrier mobility and high breakdown field, which exceeds 2×10^5 V/cm. The maximum output power before device failure at frequencies of 1 THz was of order 0.1 µW. This material has the potential to allow engineering of key photomixer properties such as the response time and dark resistance

    Traveling-Wave Photomixers Based On Noncollinear Optical/Terahertz Phase-Matching

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    Traveling-wave THz photomixers based on angle-tuned optical/THz phase-matching are experimentally demonstrated. A dc-biased coplanar stripline terminated by a planar antenna is fabricated on low-temperature-grown GaAs. A distributed area between the striplines is illuminated by two noncollinear laser beams which generate interference fringes accompanied by THz waves. The velocity of the optical fringe is matched to the THz-wave velocity in the stripline by tuning the incident angle of the laser beams. The device can handle the laser power over 300 mW and provides the THz output of ~0.1 µW with the 3-dB bandwidth of 2 THz. The experimental results show that traveling-wave photomixers have the potential to surpass conventional small area designs

    Design and characterization of optical-THz phase-matched traveling-wave photomixers

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    Design and characterization of optical-THz phase-matched traveling-wave photomixers for difference-frequency generation of THz waves are presented. A de-biased coplanar stripline fabricated on low-temperature-grown GaAs is illuminated by two non-collinear laser beams which generate moving interference fringes that are accompanied by THz waves. By tuning the offset angle between the two laser beams, the velocity of the interference fringe can be matched to the phase velocity of the THz wave in the coplanar stripline. The generated THz waves are radiated into free space by the antenna at the termination of the stripline. Enhancement of the output power was clearly observed when the phase-matching condition was satisfied. The output power spectrum has a 3-dB bandwidth of 2 THz and rolls off as ~9 dB/Oct which is determined by the frequency dependent attenuation in the stripline, while the bandwidth of conventional photomixer design has the limitation by the RC time constant due to the electrode capacitance. The device can handle the laser power of over 380 mW, which is 5 times higher than the maximum power handring capability of conventional small area devices. The results show that the traveling-wave photomixers have the potential to surpass small area designs, especially at higher frequencies over I THz, owing to their great thermal dissipation capability and capacitance-free wide bandwidth

    A traveling-wave THz photomixer based on angle-tuned phase matching

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    A traveling-wave THz photomixer based on a free-space optical-THz phase-matching scheme is proposed. A dc-biased coplanar strip line fabricated on low-temperature-grown GaAs serves as the active area of the device, and is illuminated by two noncollinear laser beams which generate interference fringes that are accompanied by THz waves. The device with the laser-power-handling capability over 300 mW and a 3-dB bandwidth of 1.8 THz was experimentally demonstrated. The results show that traveling-wave photomixers have the potential to surpass small-area designs

    Evaluating decadal predictions of northern hemispheric cyclone frequencies

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    Mid-latitudinal cyclones are a key factor for understanding regional anomalies in primary meteorological parameters such as temperature or precipitation. Extreme cyclones can produce notable impacts on human society and economy, for example, by causing enormous economic losses through wind damage. Based on 41 annually initialised (1961–2001) hindcast ensembles, this study evaluates the ability of a single-model decadal forecast system (MPI-ESM-LR) to provide skilful probabilistic three-category forecasts (enhanced, normal or decreased) of winter (ONDJFM) extra-tropical cyclone frequency over the Northern Hemisphere with lead times from 1 yr up to a decade. It is shown that these predictions exhibit some significant skill, mainly for lead times of 2–5 yr, especially over the North Atlantic and Pacific. Skill for intense cyclones is generally higher than for all detected systems. A comparison of decadal hindcasts from two different initialisation techniques indicates that initialising from reanalysis fields yields slightly better results for the first forecast winter (month 10–15), while initialisation based on an assimilation experiment provides better skill for lead times between 2 and 5 yr. The reasons and mechanisms behind this predictive skill are subject to future work. Preliminary analyses suggest a strong relationship of the model’s skill over the North Atlantic with the ability to predict upper ocean temperatures modulating lower troposphere baroclinicity for the respective area and time scales

    Metal/semiconductor superlattices containing semimetallic ErSb nanoparticles in GaSb

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    We demonstrate the growth by molecular beam epitaxy of a metal/semiconductor composite consisting of epitaxial semimetallic ErSb particles in a GaSb matrix. The ErSb nucleates in an island growth mode leading to the spontaneous formation of nanometer-sized particles. These particles are found to preferentially grow along a [011] direction on a (100) GaSb surface. The particles can be overgrown with GaSb to form an epitaxial superlattice consisting of ErSb particles between GaSb spacer layers. The size of the ErSb particles increases monotonically with the deposition. The carrier concentrations in the superlattices are found to be dependent on both the size and density of the ErSb particles. Smaller particles and closer layer spacings reduce the hole concentration in the film. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics

    A Neural Circuit Arbitrates between Persistence and Withdrawal in Hungry Drosophila

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    In pursuit of food, hungry animals mobilize significant energy resources and overcome exhaustion and fear. How need and motivation control the decision to continue or change behavior is not understood. Using a single fly treadmill, we show that hungry flies persistently track a food odor and increase their effort over repeated trials in the absence of reward suggesting that need dominates negative experience. We further show that odor tracking is regulated by two mushroom body output neurons (MBONs) connecting the MB to the lateral horn. These MBONs, together with dopaminergic neurons and Dop1R2 signaling, control behavioral persistence. Conversely, an octopaminergic neuron, VPM4, which directly innervates one of the MBONs, acts as a brake on odor tracking by connecting feeding and olfaction. Together, our data suggest a function for the MB in internal state-dependent expression of behavior that can be suppressed by external inputs conveying a competing behavioral drive

    Imaging Inter-Edge State Scattering Centers in the Quantum Hall Regime

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    We use an atomic force microscope tip as a local gate to study the scattering between edge channels in a 2D electron gas in the quantum Hall regime. The scattering is dominated by individual, microscopic scattering centers, which we directly image here for the first time. The tip voltage dependence of the scattering indicates that tunneling occurs through weak links and localized states.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Hybrid Neurons in a MicroRNA Mutant Are Putative Evolutionary Intermediates in Insect CO_2 Sensory Systems

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    Carbon dioxide (CO_2) elicits different olfactory behaviors across species. In Drosophila, neurons that detect CO_2 are located in the antenna, form connections in a ventral glomerulus in the antennal lobe, and mediate avoidance. By contrast, in the mosquito these neurons are in the maxillary palps (MPs), connect to medial sites, and promote attraction. We found in Drosophila that loss of a microRNA, miR-279, leads to formation of CO_2 neurons in the MPs. miR-279 acts through down-regulation of the transcription factor Nerfin-1. The ectopic neurons are hybrid cells. They express CO_2 receptors and form connections characteristic of CO_2 neurons, while exhibiting wiring and receptor characteristics of MP olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs). We propose that this hybrid ORN reveals a cellular intermediate in the evolution of species-specific behaviors elicited by CO_2
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