840 research outputs found

    Magnetic-field-induced singularities in spin dependent tunneling through InAs quantum dots

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    Current steps attributed to resonant tunneling through individual InAs quantum dots embedded in a GaAs-AlAs-GaAs tunneling device are investigated experimentally in magnetic fields up to 28 T. The steps evolve into strongly enhanced current peaks in high fields. This can be understood as a field-induced Fermi-edge singularity due to the Coulomb interaction between the tunneling electron on the quantum dot and the partly spin polarized Fermi sea in the Landau quantized three-dimensional emitter.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Optical spectroscopy of the large Kuiper Belt objects 136472 (2005 FY9) and 136108 (2003 EL61).

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    We present high signal precision optical reflectance spectra of the large Kuiper Belt objects 2005 FY9 and 2003 EL61. The spectrum of 2005 FY9 exhibits strong CH4 ice bands. A comparison between the spectrum and a Hapke model indicates that the CH4 bands are shifted 3.25 ± 2.25 Å relative to pure CH4 ice, suggesting the presence of another ice component on the surface of 2005 FY9, possibly N2 ice, CO ice, or Ar. The spectrum of 2003 EL61 is remarkably featureless. There is a hint of an O2 ice band at 5773 Å; however, this feature needs to be confirmed by future spectroscopic observations of 2003 EL61 with a higher continuum signal precision sufficient to detect a second, weaker O2 ice band at 6275 Å. [on SciFinder(R)

    Analysis of Granular Packing Structure by Scattering of THz Radiation

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    Scattering methods are widespread used to characterize the structure and constituents of matter on small length scales. This motivates this introductory text on identifying prospective approaches to scattering-based methods for granular media. A survey to light scattering by particles and particle ensembles is given. It is elaborated why the established scattering methods using X-rays and visible light cannot in general be transferred to granular media. Spectroscopic measurements using Terahertz radiation are highlighted as they to probe the scattering properties of granular media, which are sensitive to the packing structure. Experimental details to optimize spectrometer for measurements on granular media are discussed. We perform transmission measurements on static and agitated granular media using Fourier-transform spectroscopy at the THz beamline of the BessyII storage ring. The measurements demonstrate the potential to evaluate degrees of order in the media and to track transient structural states in agitated bulk granular media.Comment: 12 Pages, 9 Figures, 56 Reference

    Strong quantum memory at resonant Fermi edges revealed by shot noise

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    Studies of non-equilibrium current fluctuations enable assessing correlations involved in quantum transport through nanoscale conductors. They provide additional information to the mean current on charge statistics and the presence of coherence, dissipation, disorder, or entanglement. Shot noise, being a temporal integral of the current autocorrelation function, reveals dynamical information. In particular, it detects presence of non-Markovian dynamics, i.e., memory, within open systems, which has been subject of many current theoretical studies. We report on low-temperature shot noise measurements of electronic transport through InAs quantum dots in the Fermi-edge singularity regime and show that it exhibits strong memory effects caused by quantum correlations between the dot and fermionic reservoirs. Our work, apart from addressing noise in archetypical strongly correlated system of prime interest, discloses generic quantum dynamical mechanism occurring at interacting resonant Fermi edges.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Preliminary imaging results from the second Mercury encounter

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    The second Mercury encounter has resulted in the acquisition of about 360 pictures of the south polar regions which provide a reliable cartographic and geologic tie between the two sides of the planet photographed on the first encounter. Stereoscopic coverage of large areas of the southern hemisphere was obtained by combining Mercury 1 and 2 pictures taken at different viewing angles. The south polar regions consist of heavily cratered terrain and intercrater plains interspersed with patches of smooth plains. No large areas of smooth plains similar to those surrounding Caloris occur in the south polar regions. No new types of terrain have been recognized, but lobate scarps are common. The second largest basin seen by Mariner 10 (∼600-km diameter) has been confirmed on the new photography. At high solar elevations the surface displays an abundance of rays and rayed craters

    Television observations of Mercury by Mariner 10

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    The morphology and optical properties of the surface of Mercury resemble that of the moon in remarkable detail, recording a very similar sequence of events; chemical and mineralogical similarity of the outer layers is implied. Mercury is probably a differentiated planet with an iron-rich core. Differentiation is inferred to have occurred very early. No evidence of atmospheric modification of any landform is found. Large-scale scarps and ridges unlike lunar or Martian features may reflect a unique period of planetary compression near the end of heavy bombardment, perhaps related to contraction of the core

    Television observations of Mercury by Mariner 10

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    The morphology and optical properties of the surface of Mercury resemble those of the Moon in remarkable detail, recording a very similar sequence of events; chemical and mineralogical similarity of the outer layers is implied. Mercury is probably a differentiated planet with an iron-rich core. Differentiation is inferred to have occurred very early. No evidence of atmospheric modification of any landform is found. Large-scale scarps and ridges unlike lunar or Martian features may reflect a unique period of planetary compression near the end of heavy bombardment, perhaps related to contraction of the core

    In situ multi-frequency measurements of magnetic susceptibility as an indicator of planetary regolith maturity

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    Space weathering is now generally accepted to modify the optical and magnetic properties of airless planetary regoliths such as those on the Moon and Mercury. Under micrometeorite and ion bombardment, ferrous iron in such surfaces is reduced to metallic iron spheres, found in amorphous coatings on almost all exposed regolith grains. The size and number distribution of these particles and their location in the regolith all determine the nature and extent of the optical and magnetic changes. These parameters in turn reflect the formation mechanisms, temperatures, and durations involved in the evolution of the regolith. Studying them in situ is of intrinsic value to understanding the weathering process, and useful for determining the maturity of the regolith and providing supporting data for interpreting remotely sensed mineralogy. Fine-grained metallic iron has a number of properties that make it amenable to magnetic techniques, of which magnetic susceptibility is the simplest and most robust. The magnetic properties of the lunar regolith and laboratory regolith analogues are therefore reviewed and the theoretical basis for the frequency dependence of magnetic susceptibility presented. Proposed here is then an instrument concept using multi-frequency measurements of magnetic susceptibility to confirm the presence of fine grained magnetic material and attempt to infer its quantity and size distribution. Such an instrument would be invaluable on a future mission to an asteroid, the Moon, Mercury or other airless rocky Solar System body