1,048 research outputs found

    Impact of Employee Management on Hospitality Innovation Success

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    The author report on a survey of 185 hospitality manager to examine which employee management practices are associated with success in hospitality innovations. The result suggest that successful new hospitality projects are guided by a strategic human resource management approach, have higher level of training, implement behavior- bared evaluation of their front-line staff and empower their employees

    Water quality in Princess Charlotte Bay flood plumes and eastern Cape York Peninsula flood plume exposure: 2012-2014

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    The Marine Monitoring Program (MMP) undertaken in the Great Barrier Reef lagoon assesses the long-term effectiveness of the Australian and Queensland Government’s Reef Water Quality Protection Plan and the Australian Government Reef Rescue initiative. The MMP was established in 2005 to help assess the long-term status and health of Reef ecosystems and is a critical component in the assessment of regional water quality as land management practices are improved across Reef catchments. The program forms an integral part of the Reef Plan Paddock to Reef Integrated Monitoring, Modelling and Reporting Program supported through Reef Plan and Reef Rescue initiatives. This report details the sampling that has taken place under the Marine Monitoring Program in Cape Yor

    The SPLASH Survey: Kinematics of Andromeda's Inner Spheroid

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    The combination of large size, high stellar density, high metallicity, and Sersic surface brightness profile of the spheroidal component of the Andromeda galaxy (M31) within R_proj ~ 20 kpc suggest that it is unlike any subcomponent of the Milky Way. In this work we capitalize on our proximity to and external view of M31 to probe the kinematical properties of this "inner spheroid." We employ a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) analysis of resolved stellar kinematics from Keck/DEIMOS spectra of 5651 red giant branch stars to disentangle M31's inner spheroid from its stellar disk. We measure the mean velocity and dispersion of the spheroid in each of five spatial bins after accounting for a locally cold stellar disk as well as the Giant Southern Stream and associated tidal debris. For the first time, we detect significant spheroid rotation (v_rot ~ 50 km/s) beyond R_proj ~ 5 kpc. The velocity dispersion decreases from about 140 km/s at R_proj = 7 kpc to 120 km/s at R_proj = 14 kpc, consistent to 2 sigma with existing measurements and models. We calculate the probability that a given star is a member of the spheroid and find that the spheroid has a significant presence throughout the spatial extent of our sample. Lastly, we show that the flattening of the spheroid is due to velocity anisotropy in addition to rotation. Though this suggests that the inner spheroid of M31 more closely resembles an elliptical galaxy than a typical spiral galaxy bulge, it should be cautioned that our measurements are much farther out (2 - 14 r_eff) than for the comparison samples.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Coastal Ice-Core Record of Recent Northwest Greenland Temperature and Sea-Ice Concentration

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    Coastal ice cores provide an opportunity to investigate regional climate and sea-ice variability in the past to complement hemispheric-scale climate reconstructions from ice-sheet-interior ice cores. Here we describe robust proxies of Baffin Bay temperature and sea-ice concentration from the coastal 2Barrel ice core collected in the Thule region of northwest Greenland. Over the 1990–2010 record, 2Barrel annually averaged methanesulfonic acid (MSA) concentrations are significantly correlated with May–June Baffin Bay sea-ice concentrations and summer temperatures. Higher MSA is observed during warmer years with less sea ice, indicative of enhanced primary productivity in Baffin Bay. Similarly, 2Barrel annually averaged deuterium excess (d-excess) values are significantly correlated with annual Baffin Bay sea-ice concentrations and summer and annual temperatures. Warm (cool) years with anomalously low (high) sea-ice concentration are associated with proportionally more (less) low-d-excess Baffin Bay moisture at the ice-core site. Multilinear regression models incorporating 2Barrel MSA, d-excess and snow accumulation account for 38–51% of the Baffin Bay sea-ice and temperature variance. The annual temperature model is significantly correlated with temperatures throughout most of Greenland and eastern Arctic Canada due to the strong influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation and Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation

    Label Dependent Evolutionary Feature Weighting for Remote Sensing Data

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    Nearest neighbour (NN) is a very common classifier used to develop important remote sensing products like land use and land cover (LULC) maps. Evolutive computation has often been used to obtain feature weighting in order to improve the results of the NN. In this paper, a new algorithm based on evolutionary computation which has been called Label Dependent Feature Weighting (LDFW) is proposed. The LDFW method transforms the feature space assigning different weights to every feature depending on each class. This multilevel feature weighting algorithm is tested on remote sensing data from fusion of sensors (LIDAR and orthophotography). The results show an improvement on the NN and resemble the results obtained with a neural network which is the best classifier for the study area

    Coast-to-Interior Gradient in Recent Northwest Greenland Precipitation Trends (1952–2012)

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    The spatial and temporal variability of precipitation on the Greenland ice sheet is an essential component of surface mass balance, which has been declining in recent years with rising temperatures. We present an analysis of precipitation trends in northwest (NW) Greenland (1952–2012) using instrumental (coastal meteorological station) and proxy records (snow pits and ice cores) to characterize the precipitation gradient from the coast to the ice sheet interior. Snow-pit-derived precipitation near the coast (1950–2000) has increased (~7% decade−1, p \u3c 0.01) whereas there is no significant change observed in interior snow pits. This trend holds for 1981–2012, where calculated precipitation changes decrease in magnitude with increasing distance from the coast: 13% decade−1 (2.4 mm water equivalent (w.e.) decade−2) at coastal Thule air base (AB), 8.6% decade−1 (4.7 mm w.e. decade−2) at the 2Barrel ice core site 150 km from Thule AB, −5.2% decade−1 (1.7 mm w.e. decade−2) at Camp Century located 205 km from Thule AB, and 4.4% decade−1 (1.0 mm w.e. decade−2) at B26 located 500 km from Thule AB. In general, annually averaged precipitation and annually and seasonally averaged mean air temperatures observed at Thule AB follow trends observed in composite coastal Greenland time series, with both notably indicating winter as the fastest warming season in recent periods (1981–2012). Trends (1961–2012) in seasonal precipitation differ, specifically with NW Greenland summer precipitation increasing (~0.6 mm w.e. decade−2) in contrast with decreasing summer precipitation in the coastal composite time series (3.8 mm w.e. decade−2). Differences in precipitation trends between NW Greenland and coastal composite Greenland underscore the heterogeneity in climate influences affecting precipitation. In particular, recent (1981–2012) changes in NW Greenland annual precipitation are likely a response to a weakening North Atlantic oscillation

    Internal Stellar Kinematics of M32 from the SPLASH Survey: Dark Halo Constraints

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    As part of the SPLASH survey of the Andromeda (M31) system, we have obtained Keck/DEIMOS spectra of the compact elliptical (cE) satellite M32. This is the first resolved-star kinematical study of any cE galaxy. In contrast to most previous kinematical studies that extended out to r≾30" ~ 1 r^(eff) I ~ 100 pc, we measure the rotation curve and velocity dispersion profile out to r ~ 250" and higher order Gauss-Hermite moments out to r ~ 70". We achieve this by combining integrated-light spectroscopy at small radii (where crowding/blending are severe) with resolved stellar spectroscopy at larger radii, using spatial and kinematical information to account statistically for M31 contamination. The rotation curve and velocity dispersion profile extend well beyond the radius (r ~ 150") where the isophotes are distorted. Unlike NGC 205, another close dwarf companion of M31, M32's kinematics appear regular and symmetric and do not show obvious sharp gradients across the region of isophotal elongation and twists. We interpret M31's kinematics using three-integral axisymmetric dynamical equilibrium models constructed using Schwarzschild's orbit superposition technique. Models with a constant mass-to-light ratio can fit the data remarkably well. However, since such a model requires an increasing tangential anisotropy with radius, invoking the presence of an extended dark halo may be more plausible. Such an extended dark halo is definitely required to bind a half-dozen fast-moving stars observed at the largest radii, but these stars may not be an equilibrium component of M32

    Kinematic parameters and membership probabilities of open clusters in the Bordeaux PM2000 catalogue

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    We derive lists of proper-motions and kinematic membership probabilities for 49 open clusters and possible open clusters in the zone of the Bordeaux PM2000 proper motion catalogue (+11∘≤δ≤+18∘+11^{\circ}\le\delta\le+18^{\circ}). We test different parametrisations of the proper motion and position distribution functions and select the most successful one. In the light of those results, we analyse some objects individually. The segregation between cluster and field member stars, and the assignment of membership probabilities, is accomplished by applying a new and fully automated method based on both parametrisations of the proper motion and position distribution functions, and genetic algorithm optimization heuristics associated with a derivative-based hill climbing algorithm for the likelihood optimization. We present a catalogue comprising kinematic parameters and associated membership probability lists for 49 open clusters and possible open clusters in the Bordeaux PM2000 catalogue region. We note that this is the first determination of proper motions for five open clusters. We confirm the non-existence of two kinematic populations in the region of 15 previously suspected non-existent objects.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Accelerated Particle Swarm Optimization and Support Vector Machine for Business Optimization and Applications

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    Business optimization is becoming increasingly important because all business activities aim to maximize the profit and performance of products and services, under limited resources and appropriate constraints. Recent developments in support vector machine and metaheuristics show many advantages of these techniques. In particular, particle swarm optimization is now widely used in solving tough optimization problems. In this paper, we use a combination of a recently developed Accelerated PSO and a nonlinear support vector machine to form a framework for solving business optimization problems. We first apply the proposed APSO-SVM to production optimization, and then use it for income prediction and project scheduling. We also carry out some parametric studies and discuss the advantages of the proposed metaheuristic SVM.Comment: 12 page

    Phosphinecarboxamide based InZnP QDs – an air tolerant route to luminescent III–V semiconductors

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    We describe a new synthetic methodology for the preparation of high quality, emission tuneable InP-based quantum dots (QDs) using a solid, air- and moisture-tolerant primary phosphine as a group-V precursor. This presents a significantly simpler synthetic pathway compared to the state-of-the-art precursors currently employed in phosphide quantum dot synthesis which are volatile, dangerous and air-sensitive, e.g. P(Si(CH3)3)3
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