181 research outputs found

    Psychological pain treatment in fibromyalgia syndrome: efficacy of operant behavioural and cognitive behavioural treatments

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    The present study focused on the evaluation of the effects of operant behavioural (OBT) and cognitive behavioural (CBT) treatments for fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS). One hundred and twenty-five patients who fulfilled the American College of Rheumatology criteria for FMS were randomly assigned to OBT (n = 43), CBT (n = 42), or an attention-placebo (AP) treatment (n = 40) that consisted of discussions of FMS-related problems. Assessments of physical functioning, pain, affective distress, and cognitive and behavioural variables were performed pre-treatment and post-treatment as well as 6 and 12 months post-treatment. Patients receiving the OBT or CBT reported a significant reduction in pain intensity post-treatment (all Fs > 3.89, all Ps < 0.01). In addition, the CBT group reported statistically significant improvements in cognitive (all Fs > 7.95, all P < 0.01) and affective variables (all Fs > 2.99, all Ps < 0.02), and the OBT group demonstrated statistically significant improvements in physical functioning and behavioural variables (all Fs > 5.99, all Ps < 0.001) compared with AP. The AP group reported no significant improvement but actually deterioration in the outcome variables. The post-treatment effects for the OBT and CBT groups were maintained at both the 6- and 12-month follow-ups. These results suggest that both OBT and CBT are effective in treating patients with FMS with some differences in the outcome measures specifically targeted by the individual treatments compared with an unstructured discussion group. The AP group showed that unstructured discussion of FMS-related problems may be detrimental

    Einstellungen zu alten Menschen zu Beginn und am Ende des Medizinstudiums

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    Zusammenfassung: In der vorliegenden Studie wurden 188 Medizinstudenten des ersten und 120 des sechsten Studienjahres der Universität Zürich hinsichtlich ihrer Einstellungen zum Alter, ihrem Wissen zu alterspezifischen Vorgängen, ihren Erfahrungen mit alten Menschen und ihren eigenen Erwartungen an das Alter befragt. Eingesetzt wurden voll strukturierte, standardisierte Fragebögen. Die Auswertung erfolgte mittels uni- und multivariater statistischer Methoden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, weitgehend unabhängig von Geschlecht und Studienjahr, ein positives Altersbild der Studierenden. Ihre positiven Erfahrungen mit alten Menschen und ihre positiven Erwartungen an das eigene Alter betreffen vor allem die eigene psychische Gesundheit. Für die Vermittlung von gerontologischem und geriatrischem Wissen in der Ausbildung von Medizinstudenten sollte diesen überwiegend positiven Einstellungen gegenüber älteren Menschen Rechnung getragen werden und sowohl auf Risiko- als auch auf protektive Faktoren für die Entstehung und Behandlung alterstypischer gesundheitlicher Störungen hingewiesen werde

    Einstellungen zu alten Menschen zu Beginn und am Ende des Medizinstudiums

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    In der vorliegenden Studie wurden 188 Medizinstudenten des ersten und 120 des sechsten Studienjahres der Universität Zürich hinsichtlich ihrer Einstellungen zum Alter, ihrem Wissen zu alterspezifischen Vorgängen, ihren Erfahrungen mit alten Menschen und ihren eigenen Erwartungen an das Alter befragt. Eingesetzt wurden voll strukturierte, standardisierte Fragebögen. Die Auswertung erfolgte mittels uni- und multivariater statistischer Methoden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, weitgehend unabhängig von Geschlecht und Studienjahr, ein positives Altersbild der Studierenden. Ihre positiven Erfahrungen mit alten Menschen und ihre positiven Erwartungen an das eigene Alter betreffen vor allem die eigene psychische Gesundheit. Für die Vermittlung von gerontologischem und geriatrischem Wissen in der Ausbildung von Medizinstudenten sollte diesen überwiegend positiven Einstellungen gegenüber älteren Menschen Rechnung getragen werden und sowohl auf Risiko- als auch auf protektive Faktoren für die Entstehung und Behandlung alterstypischer gesundheitlicher Störungen hingewiesen werden. = In the present study, 188 first year and 120 sixth year students of the University of Zurich were questioned about their attitudes towards older people, their knowledge concerning aging specific developments, their experiences with older people and their own expectations concerning old age. Structured and standardized questionnaires were used. The data were analyzed using univariate and multivariate statistical methods. The results show a positive image of old age independent of gender and point in time of education. Their positive experiences with older people and their positive expectations concern their own aging refer, above all, to their own mental health. For the transfer of gerontological and geriatric knowledge in the education of medical students, these mainly positive attitudes towards older people should be taken into account. Risk factors as well as protective factors concerning the development and treatment of diseases which are characteristic for old age should be pointed out

    Genetic analysis of grape berries and raisins using microsatellite markers

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    Microsatellite markers have been used recently for the identification and pedigree analysis of grapevines with leaves and wood as sources of vine DNA. To identify grapes after harvest and their products, we applied DNA extraction protocols to grape berries and raisins. DNA was obtained from both sources, but that of raisins was highly degraded. The suitability of DNA for PCR amplification of single genetic loci was shown by amplification of 11 microsatellite markers. 18 commercially available table grape samples were genotyped, and 11 (61 %) matched the corresponding genetic profile in our reference database. Four samples were shown to be defined incorrectly and 4 samples did not match any of the generic profiles present in the database. The investigated raisins were found to be cv. Sultanina. The results demonstrate that DNA-based cultivar identification methods can be applied to harvested grapes and raisins

    Mechanisms of disturbed emotion processing and social interaction in borderline personality disorder: state of knowledge and research agenda of the German Clinical Research Unit

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    The last two decades have seen a strong rise in empirical research in the mechanisms of emotion dysregulation in borderline personality disorder. Major findings comprise structural as well as functional alterations of brain regions involved in emotion processing, such as amygdala, insula, and prefrontal regions. In addition, more specific mechanisms of disturbed emotion regulation, e.g. related to pain and dissociation, have been identified. Most recently, social interaction problems and their underlying neurobiological mechanisms, e.g. disturbed trust or hypersensitivity to social rejection, have become a major focus of BPD research. This article covers the current state of knowledge and related relevant research goals. The first part presents a review of the literature. The second part delineates important open questions to be addressed in future studies. The third part describes the research agenda for a large German center grant focusing on mechanisms of emotion dysregulation in BPD

    Suicide prevention for youth - a mental health awareness program: lessons learned from the Saving and Empowering Young Lives in Europe (SEYLE) intervention study.

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The Awareness program was designed as a part of the EU-funded Saving and Empowering Young Lives in Europe (SEYLE) intervention study to promote mental health of adolescents in 11 European countries by helping them to develop problem-solving skills and encouraging them to self-recognize the need for help as well as how to help peers in need. METHODS: For this descriptive study all coordinators of the SEYLE Awareness program answered an open-ended evaluation questionnaire at the end of the project implementation. Their answers were synthesized and analyzed and are presented here. RESULTS: The results show that the program cultivated peer understanding and support. Adolescents not only learned about mental health by participating in the Awareness program, but the majority of them also greatly enjoyed the experience. CONCLUSIONS: Recommendations for enhancing the successes of mental health awareness programs are presented. Help and cooperation from schools, teachers, local politicians and other stakeholders will lead to more efficacious future programs


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    Contains research objectives and reports on nine research projects.The Teagle Foundation, Inc.U.S. Air Force (Aeronautical Systems Division) under Contract AF33(616)-7783Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc.National Institutes of Health [Grant M-4235-(C1)]National Institutes of Health (Grant B-1865-(C3))National Institutes of Health (Grant MP-4737)National Institutes of Health (Grant B-2480(C1)