435 research outputs found

    Tannakian categories, linear differential algebraic groups, and parameterized linear differential equations

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    We provide conditions for a category with a fiber functor to be equivalent to the category of representations of a linear differential algebraic group. This generalizes the notion of a neutral Tannakian category used to characterize the category of representations of a linear algebraic group.Comment: 26 pages; corrected misprints; simplified Definition 2; more references adde

    Duality and interval analysis over idempotent semirings

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    In this paper semirings with an idempotent addition are considered. These algebraic structures are endowed with a partial order. This allows to consider residuated maps to solve systems of inequalities A⊗XâȘŻBA \otimes X \preceq B. The purpose of this paper is to consider a dual product, denoted ⊙\odot, and the dual residuation of matrices, in order to solve the following inequality A⊗XâȘŻXâȘŻB⊙X A \otimes X \preceq X \preceq B \odot X. Sufficient conditions ensuring the existence of a non-linear projector in the solution set are proposed. The results are extended to semirings of intervals

    The challenge of measuring quality of life in children with Hirschsprung's disease or anorectal malformation

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    PURPOSE: The aim of the present study was to assess, after adaptation to French, the only specific quality of life (QoL) instrument for children with Hirschsprung\u27s disease or anorectal malformation, the Hirschsprung\u27s disease/Anorectal Malformation Quality of Life questionnaire (HAQL), in order to get a standardized QoL evaluation instrument that could further be used to help health care improvement. METHODS: The study was conducted in three teaching hospitals, including the French reference center for anorectal and pelvic malformations. After adaptation to French, QoL questionnaires were sent to the children and proxies. The questionnaire was mailed to 280 families. Psychometrics properties of the questionnaires (validity and reliability) were analysed from 120 proxy and 96 child questionnaires. RESULTS: The HAQL with the original structure was not acceptable. Exploratory steps led to a clinically pertinent structure that had acceptable fit and good validity and reliability properties. The final structure pools physical symptoms (continence, discomfort) and psychosocial dimensions (general well-being, social and emotional functioning) of QoL. CONCLUSION: The final structure, despite the disadvantage of being a new structure, allows assessment of QoL in this population and has the advantage of being shorter and validated on the clinical postoperative questionnaire from the Krickenbeck international consensus

    A sharp incisor tool for predator house mice back to the wild

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    The house mouse (Mus musculus domesticus), as a successful invasive species worldwide, has to forage a variety of resources. Subantarctic mice display among the most notable diet shift from the usual omnivorous–granivorous diet, relying on a larger proportion of terrestrial animal prey. In agreement, a recent study of their mandible morphology evidenced an evolution of their mandible shape to optimize incisor biting and hence seize preys. Here, the incisors themselves are the focus of a morphometric analysis combined with a 3D study of their internal structure, aiming at a comparison between subantarctic populations (Guillou island, Kerguelen archipelago) with a range of western European continental, commensal mice. The predatory foraging behavior of Guillou mice was indeed associated with a sharper bevel of the lower incisor, which appears as an efficient morphology for piercing prey. The incisor of these mice also displays a reduced pulp cavity, suggesting slower eruption counterbalancing a reduced abrasion on such soft food material. The dynamics of the ever‐growing incisor may thus allow adaptive incisor sculpting and participate to the success of mice in foraging diverse resources

    The impact of anorectal malformations on anorectal function and social integration in adulthood: report from a national database.

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    AIM: The impact of anorectal malformation (ARM) on bowel function and social, educational and occupational end-points was investigated in adult patients entered on a national database. METHOD: Data from a national database of adult patients operated on between 1962 and 1999 for ARM were analysed. The database Malformations Ano-rectales et Pelviennes rares (MAREP) was part of a common information system, CEMARA, on rare congenital disorders. A self-administered questionnaire regarding bowel function, academic qualifications, employment and family status was mailed to patients. The type of ARM, subsequent follow-up and management including surgical interventions were retrospectively retrieved from medical records. RESULTS: Of 210 adult patients on the registry since 2008, 68 were included in this study. Only three (8.5%) had had regular follow-up. All reported some disturbance in bowel function. The fertility rate of 1.5 children per woman did not differ from the general population. CONCLUSION: Anorectal malformation ARM often leads to suboptimal bowel function in adulthood. This has an impact on social integration

    Amélioration des performances du RAKE par pré-filtrage adaptatif autodidacte pour la liaison descendante de l'UMTS-FDD

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    Ă©- Cet article prĂ©sente un rĂ©cepteur linĂ©aire utilisant un Ă©galiseur Ă  rĂ©ponse impulsionnelle infinie au niveau chip pour la liaison descendante de l'UMTS-FDD. Nous montrons que ce rĂ©cepteur peut ĂȘtre rĂ©alisĂ© en utilisant le principe du retournement temporel, des filtres rĂ©cursifs adaptatifs autodidactes et un rĂ©cepteur RAKE. Le rĂ©cepteur ainsi constituĂ© prĂ©sente des performances supĂ©rieures Ă  celles du rĂ©cepteur RAKE pour un accroissement de complexitĂ© faible

    Phylogenetic and environmental DNA insights into emerging aquatic parasites: implications for risk management.

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    Species translocation leads to disease emergence in native species of considerable economic importance. Generalist parasites are more likely to be transported, become established and infect new hosts, thus their risk needs to be evaluated. Freshwater systems are particularly at risk from parasite introductions due to the frequency of fish movements, lack of international legislative controls for non-listed pathogens and inherent difficulties with monitoring disease introductions in wild fish populations. Here we used one of the world's most invasive freshwater fish, the topmouth gudgeon, Pseudorasbora parva, to demonstrate the risk posed by an emergent generalist parasite, Sphaerothecum destruens. Pseudorasbora parva has spread to 32 countries from its native range in China through the aquaculture trade and has introduced S. destruens to at least five of these. We systematically investigated the spread of S. destruens through Great Britain and its establishment in native fish communities through a combination of phylogenetic studies of the host and parasite and a novel environmental DNA detection assay. Molecular approaches confirmed that S. destruens is present in 50% of the P. parva communities tested and was also detected in resident native fish communities but in the absence of notable histopathological changes. We identified specific P. parva haplotypes associated with S. destruens and evaluated the risk of disease emergence from this cryptic fish parasite. We provide a framework that can be applied to any aquatic pathogen to enhance detection and help mitigate future disease risks in wild fish populations

    Discrete-Event Systems in a Dioid Framework: Control Theory

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