201 research outputs found

    Effects of shear sheltering in a stable atmospheric boundary layer with strong

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    SUMMARY Data from two marine eld experiments in the Baltic Sea with stable strati cation have been analysed. The purpose was to test the concept of the 'detached' or 'top-down' eddies and the 'shear-sheltering' mechanism in the presence of a low-level wind speed maximum in the atmosphere. Data used include turbulence and pro le measurements on two 30 m towers and concurrent wind pro les throughout the boundary layer obtained from pilot-balloon soundings. Measurements show that large eddies are being suppressed when there is a low-level wind speed maximum present somewhere in the layer 40-300 m above the water surface and when the strati cation is slightly stable. The effect is seen both in normalized standard deviations of the velocity components and in corresponding component spectra. In previous work it was argued that the relatively large eddies, which dominate the low wave number spectra in measurements in the surface layer, are detached or top-down eddies generated higher up in the boundary layer, that interact with the surface layer. The low-level wind maximum introduces a distinct layer with strong vorticity which, according to the shear-sheltering hypothesis, prevents these eddies from penetrating downwards. In the limit of the wind maximum occurring at a very low height (less than about 100 m), usual turbulence statistics characteristic of the 'canonical' boundary layer are found. Combining all the statistics, it is demonstrated that the wavelength of maximum spectral energy is locally related to a turbulence length-scale, which shows that for values of the Richardson number of unity or less the effect of the local wind gradient is greater than that of static stability. The reduction of length-scale with the strength of a low-level wind maximum, explains the observed reduction (by a factor of two) of the turbulent ux of sensible heat at the surface. This result indicates that the shear-sheltering mechanism is likely to play an important role in the turbulent exchange process at the surface in sea areas where low-level wind maxima are a frequently occurring phenomenon, such as the Baltic and other large water bodies surrounded by landmasses

    Similarity theory and calculation of turbulent fluxes at the surface for the stably stratified atmospheric boundary layers

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    In this paper we revise the similarity theory for the stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer (ABL), formulate analytical approximations for the wind velocity and potential temperature profiles over the entire ABL, validate them against large-eddy simulation and observational data, and develop an improved surface flux calculation technique for use in operational models.Comment: The submission to a special issue of the Boundary-Layer Meteorology devoted to the NATO advanced research workshop Atmospheric Boundary Layers: Modelling and Applications for Environmental Securit

    Networking Cities after Paris: Weighing the Ambition of Urban Climate Change Experimentation

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    Over the past few decades, cities have repeatedly demonstrated high levels of ambition with regard to climate action. Global environmental governance has been marked by a proliferation of policy actions taken by local governments around the world to demonstrate their potential to advance climate change mitigation and adaptation. Leading ‘by example’ and demonstrating the extent of action that it is possible to deliver, cities have aspired to raise the ambition of national and international climate governance and put action into practice via a growing number of ‘climate change experiments’ delivered on the ground. Yet accounts of the potential of cities in global environmental governance have often stopped short of a systematic valuation of the nature and impact of the networked dimension of this action. This article addresses this by assessing the nature, and challenges faced by, urban climate governance in the post-Paris era, focusing on the ‘experimentation’ undertaken in cities and the city networks shaping this type of governance. First, we unpack the concept of ‘urban climate change experimentation’, the ways in which it is networked, and the forces driving it. In the second and third parts of the article, we discuss two main pitfalls of networked urban experimentation in its current form, focusing on issues of scaling experiments and the nature of experimentation. We call for increased attention to ‘scaling up’ experiments beyond urban levels of governance, and to transformative experimentation with governance and politics by and in cities. Finally, we consider how these pitfalls allow us to weigh the potential of urban climate ambition, and consider the pathways available for supporting urban climate change experimentation

    Scalar flux profile relationships over the open ocean

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2004. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research 109 (2004): C08S09, doi:10.1029/2003JC001960.The most commonly used flux-profile relationships are based on Monin-Obukhov (MO) similarity theory. These flux-profile relationships are required in indirect methods such as the bulk aerodynamic, profile, and inertial dissipation methods to estimate the fluxes over the ocean. These relationships are almost exclusively derived from previous field experiments conducted over land. However, the use of overland measurements to infer surface fluxes over the ocean remains questionable, particularly close to the ocean surface where wave-induced forcing can affect the flow. This study investigates the flux profile relationships over the open ocean using measurements made during the 2000 Fluxes, Air-Sea Interaction, and Remote Sensing (FAIRS) and 2001 GasEx experiments. These experiments provide direct measurement of the atmospheric fluxes along with profiles of water vapor and temperature. The specific humidity data are used to determine parameterizations of the dimensionless gradients using functional forms of two commonly used relationships. The best fit to the Businger-Dyer relationship [ Businger, 1988 ] is found using an empirical constant of a q = 13.4 ± 1.7. The best fit to a formulation that has the correct form in the limit of local free convection [e.g., Wyngaard, 1973 ] is found using a q = 29.8 ± 4.6. These values are in good agreement with the consensus values from previous overland experiments and the Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment (COARE) 3.0 bulk algorithm [ Fairall et al., 2003 ]; e.g., the COARE algorithm uses empirical constants of 15 and 34.2 for the Businger-Dyer and convective forms, respectively. Although the flux measurements were made at a single elevation and local similarity scaling is applied, the good agreement implies that MO similarity is valid within the marine atmospheric surface layer above the wave boundary layer.The FAIRS work was supported by the Office of Naval Research grant N00014-00-1-0403 while the GasEx work was supported by the National Science Foundation grant OCE-9986724

    Brief communication: future avenues for permafrost science from the perspective of early career researchers

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    Accelerating climate change and increased economic and environmental interests in permafrost-affected regions have resulted in an acute need for more directed permafrost research. In June 2014, 88 early career researchers convened to identify future priorities for permafrost research. This multidisciplinary forum concluded that five research topics deserve greatest attention: permafrost landscape dynamics, permafrost thermal modeling, integration of traditional knowledge, spatial distribution of ground ice, and engineering issues. These topics underline the need for integrated research across a spectrum of permafrost-related domains and constitute a contribution to the Third International Conference on Arctic Research Planning (ICARP III).The Bolin Centre for Climate ResearchEC 7th Framework Programme them

    Understanding interactions in face-to-face and remote undergraduate science laboratories

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    This paper reviews the ways in which interactions have been studied, and the findings of such studies, in science education in both face-to-face and remote laboratories. Guided by a systematic selection process, 27 directly relevant articles were analysed based on three categories: the instruments used for measuring interactions, the research findings on student interactions, and the theoretical frameworks used in the studies of student interactions. In face-to-face laboratories, instruments for measuring interactions and the characterisation of the nature of interactions were prominent. For remote laboratories, the analysis of direct interactions was found to be lacking. Instead, studies of remote laboratories were mainly concerned with their practical scope. In addition, it is found that only a limited number of theoretical frameworks have been developed and applied in the research design. Existent theories are summarised and possible theoretical frameworks that may be implemented in studies of interactions in undergraduate laboratories are proposed. Finally, future directions for research on the interrelationship between student interactions and laboratory learning are suggested

    Internet of Things for Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change

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    Our world is vulnerable to climate change risks such as glacier retreat, rising temperatures, more variable and intense weather events (e.g., floods, droughts, and frosts), deteriorating mountain ecosystems, soil degradation, and increasing water scarcity. However, there are big gaps in our understanding of changes in regional climate and how these changes will impact human and natural systems, making it difficult to anticipate, plan, and adapt to the coming changes. The IoT paradigm in this area can enhance our understanding of regional climate by using technology solutions, while providing the dynamic climate elements based on integrated environmental sensing and communications that is necessary to support climate change impacts assessments in each of the related areas (e.g., environmental quality and monitoring, sustainable energy, agricultural systems, cultural preservation, and sustainable mining). In the IoT in Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change chapter, a framework for informed creation, interpretation and use of climate change projections and for continued innovations in climate and environmental science driven by key societal and economic stakeholders is presented. In addition, the IoT cyberinfrastructure to support the development of continued innovations in climate and environmental science is discussed