408 research outputs found

    Trauma-Informed Peripartum Care

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    This presentation is a part of the PEER Liberia Behavioral Health Lecture Series. It provides an overview of trauma-informed peripartum care, including recognizing the signs, screening and management of peripartum and postpartum trauma

    Feel My Pain: Design and Evaluation of Painpad, a Tangible Device for Supporting Inpatient Self-Logging of Pain

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    Monitoring patients' pain is a critical issue for clinical caregivers, particularly among staff responsible for providing analgesic relief. However, collecting regularly scheduled pain readings from patients can be difficult and time-consuming for clinicians. In this paper we present Painpad, a tangible device that was developed to allow patients to engage in self-logging of their pain. We report findings from two hospital-based field studies in which Painpad was deployed to a total of 78 inpatients recovering from ambulatory surgery. We find that Painpad results in improved frequency and compliance with pain logging, and that self-logged scores may be more faithful to patients' experienced pain than corresponding scores reported to nurses. We also show that older adults may prefer tangible interfaces over tablet-based alternatives for reporting their pain, and we contribute design lessons for pain logging devices intended for use in hospital settings

    Theoretical and experimental stress analyses of ORNL thin-shell cylinder-to- cylinder model 2

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    Model 2 in a series of four thin-shell cylinder-to-cylinder models was tested, and the experimentally determined elastic stress distributions were compared with theoretical predictions obtained from a thin-shell finite-element analysis. Both the cylinder and the nozzle of model 2 had outside diameters of 10 in., giving a dsub0sub 0/Dsub0sub 0 ratio of 1.0, and both had outside diameter/ thickness ratios of 100. Sixteen separate loading cases in which one end of the cylinder was rigidly held were analyzed. An internal pressure loading, three mutually perpendicular force components, and three mutually perpendicular moment components were individually applied at the free end of the cylinder and at the end of the nozzle. In addition to these 13 loadings, 3 additional loads were applied to the nozzle (in-plane bending moment, out-of-plane bending moment, and axial force) with the free end of the cylinder restrained. The experimental stress distributions for each of the 16 loadings were obtained using 152 three- gage strain rosettes located on the inner and outer surfaces. All the 16 loading cases were also analyzed theoretically using a finite-element shell analysis. The analysis used flat-plate elements and considered five degrees of freedom per node in the final assembled equations. The comparisons between theory and experiment show reasonably good general agreement, and it is felt that the analysis would be satisfactory for most engineering purposes. (auth

    A study of indoor carbon dioxide levels and sick leave among office workers

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    BACKGROUND: A previous observational study detected a strong positive relationship between sick leave absences and carbon dioxide (CO(2)) concentrations in office buildings in the Boston area. The authors speculated that the observed association was due to a causal effect associated with low dilution ventilation, perhaps increased airborne transmission of respiratory infections. This study was undertaken to explore this association. METHODS: We conducted an intervention study of indoor CO(2) levels and sick leave among hourly office workers employed by a large corporation. Outdoor air supply rates were adjusted periodically to increase the range of CO(2) concentrations. We recorded indoor CO(2) concentrations every 10 minutes and calculated a CO(2) concentration differential as a measure of outdoor air supply per person by subtracting the 1–3 a.m. average CO(2) concentration from the same-day 9 a.m. – 5 a.m. average concentration. The metric of CO(2) differential was used as a surrogate for the concentration of exhaled breath and for potential exposure to human source airborne respiratory pathogens. RESULTS: The weekly mean, workday, CO(2) concentration differential ranged from 37 to 250 ppm with a peak CO(2) concentration above background of 312 ppm as compared with the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) recommended maximum differential of 700 ppm. We determined the frequency of sick leave among 294 hourly workers scheduled to work approximately 49,804.2 days in the study areas using company records. We found no association between sick leave and CO(2) differential CONCLUSIONS: The CO(2) differential was in the range of very low values, as compared with the ASHRAE recommended maximum differential of 700 ppm. Although no effect was found, this study was unable to test whether higher CO(2) differentials may be associated with increased sick leave
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