5,743 research outputs found

    Coherent states and the quantization of 1+1-dimensional Yang-Mills theory

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    This paper discusses the canonical quantization of 1+1-dimensional Yang-Mills theory on a spacetime cylinder, from the point of view of coherent states, or equivalently, the Segal-Bargmann transform. Before gauge symmetry is imposed, the coherent states are simply ordinary coherent states labeled by points in an infinite-dimensional linear phase space. Gauge symmetry is imposed by projecting the original coherent states onto the gauge-invariant subspace, using a suitable regularization procedure. We obtain in this way a new family of "reduced" coherent states labeled by points in the reduced phase space, which in this case is simply the cotangent bundle of the structure group K. The main result explained here, obtained originally in a joint work of the author with B. Driver, is this: The reduced coherent states are precisely those associated to the generalized Segal-Bargmann transform for K, as introduced by the author from a different point of view. This result agrees with that of K. Wren, who uses a different method of implementing the gauge symmetry. The coherent states also provide a rigorous way of making sense out of the quantum Hamiltonian for the unreduced system. Various related issues are discussed, including the complex structure on the reduced phase space and the question of whether quantization commutes with reduction

    The relationship between the Wigner-Weyl kinetic formalism and the complex geometrical optics method

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    The relationship between two different asymptotic techniques developed in order to describe the propagation of waves beyond the standard geometrical optics approximation, namely, the Wigner-Weyl kinetic formalism and the complex geometrical optics method, is addressed. More specifically, a solution of the wave kinetic equation, relevant to the Wigner-Weyl formalism, is obtained which yields the same wavefield intensity as the complex geometrical optics method. Such a relationship is also discussed on the basis of the analytical solution of the wave kinetic equation specific to Gaussian beams of electromagnetic waves propagating in a ``lens-like'' medium for which the complex geometrical optics solution is already available.Comment: Extended version comprising two new section

    Non-commutative integrable systems on bb-symplectic manifolds

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    In this paper we study non-commutative integrable systems on bb-Poisson manifolds. One important source of examples (and motivation) of such systems comes from considering non-commutative systems on manifolds with boundary having the right asymptotics on the boundary. In this paper we describe this and other examples and we prove an action-angle theorem for non-commutative integrable systems on a bb-symplectic manifold in a neighbourhood of a Liouville torus inside the critical set of the Poisson structure associated to the bb-symplectic structure

    Manifolds associated with (Z2)n(Z_2)^n-colored regular graphs

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    In this article we describe a canonical way to expand a certain kind of (Z2)n+1(\mathbb Z_2)^{n+1}-colored regular graphs into closed nn-manifolds by adding cells determined by the edge-colorings inductively. We show that every closed combinatorial nn-manifold can be obtained in this way. When n3n\leq 3, we give simple equivalent conditions for a colored graph to admit an expansion. In addition, we show that if a (Z2)n+1(\mathbb Z_2)^{n+1}-colored regular graph admits an nn-skeletal expansion, then it is realizable as the moment graph of an (n+1)(n+1)-dimensional closed (Z2)n+1(\mathbb Z_2)^{n+1}-manifold.Comment: 20 pages with 9 figures, in AMS-LaTex, v4 added a new section on reconstructing a space with a (Z2)n(Z_2)^n-action for which its moment graph is a given colored grap

    Critical sets of the total variance of state detect all SLOCC entanglement classes

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    We present a general algorithm for finding all classes of pure multiparticle states equivalent under Stochastic Local Operations and Classsical Communication (SLOCC). We parametrize all SLOCC classes by the critical sets of the total variance function. Our method works for arbitrary systems of distinguishable and indistinguishable particles. We also discuss the Morse indices of critical points which have the interpretation of the number of independent non-local perturbations increasing the variance and hence entanglement of a state. We illustrate our method by two examples.Comment: 4 page

    Syzygies in equivariant cohomology for non-abelian Lie groups

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    We extend the work of Allday-Franz-Puppe on syzygies in equivariant cohomology from tori to arbitrary compact connected Lie groups G. In particular, we show that for a compact orientable G-manifold X the analogue of the Chang-Skjelbred sequence is exact if and only if the equivariant cohomology of X is reflexive, if and only if the equivariant Poincare pairing for X is perfect. Along the way we establish that the equivariant cohomology modules arising from the orbit filtration of X are Cohen-Macaulay. We allow singular spaces and introduce a Cartan model for their equivariant cohomology. We also develop a criterion for the finiteness of the number of infinitesimal orbit types of a G-manifold.Comment: 28 pages; minor change

    Semitoric integrable systems on symplectic 4-manifolds

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    Let M be a symplectic 4-manifold. A semitoric integrable system on M is a pair of real-valued smooth functions J, H on M for which J generates a Hamiltonian S^1-action and the Poisson brackets {J,H} vanish. We shall introduce new global symplectic invariants for these systems; some of these invariants encode topological or geometric aspects, while others encode analytical information about the singularities and how they stand with respect to the system. Our goal is to prove that a semitoric system is completely determined by the invariants we introduce