541 research outputs found

    Identification of Fe and Zn Responsive Genes in Pearl Millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) through Whole Genome Transcriptome Approach

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    Micronutrient malnutrition due to iron and zinc deficiencies is a serious public health problem in developing countries. In India alone, about 80% of the pregnant women and 74% of children suffer from iron and zinc deficiency. At present, knowledge of the genes controlling specific steps in the Fe and Zn pathways is still rudimentary hence studying genes of Fe and Zn density has become important. A whole genome RNA-Seq approach was carried out to understand the genes and pathways related to Fe and Zn accumulation in pearl millet. Seedlings of a high Fe and Zn grain density pearl millet inbred ICMB 1505 were exposed to four Fe and Zn stress treatments namely, –Fe –Zn, –Fe +Zn, +Fe –Zn and +Fe +Zn in hydroponics for 12 days (Figure 1). Seedlings were expressed interveinal chlorosis in the leaves due to the non-availability of Fe and Zn compared to control during the stress treatments. At that time, the leaf and root tissues in four treatments were harvested separately. Total RNA was extracted from the treated samples followed by cDNA synthesis. Illumina HiSeq 2500 platform was used to sequence the constructed cDNA libraries. Analysis of differentially expressed genes and pathways associated Fe and Zn is underway. Simultaneously, a set of 40 genotypes with variable Fe and Zn grain density were selected and tissue samples from different plant parts such as seed, flag leaf, root, stem sheath, panicles at anthesis and panicle at milky-stage were collected. RNA was extracted from the samples to validate the genes associated with Fe and Zn homeostasis. The information will be used for accelerated breeding programmes to improve the Fe and Zn density in pearl millet

    Pigeonpea genotypes influence parasitization preference and survival and development of the Helicoverpa armigera larval parasitoid, Campoletis chlorideae

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    Studies were undertaken to identify pigeonpea, Cajanus cajan (L.) Millspaugh and the wild relative of pigeonpea, Cajanus scarabaeoides (L.) (accession ICPW 125,) genotypes that are hospitable to the pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larval parasitoid, Campoletis chlorideae Uchida (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) for the management of this pest in pigeonpea based cropping systems. Percentage parasitization of the H. armigera larvae by the C. chlorideae females was greater under no-choice conditions than under multi-choice conditions because of forced parasitization under no-choice conditions. Lowest parasitization was recorded on the wild relative, ICPW 125, which may be due to long nonglandular hairs and low survival of H. armigera larvae. Parasitization of H. armigera larvae was greater under no-choice, dual-choice and/or multi-choice conditions on ICPL 87, ICPL 87119 and ICPL 87091, which are susceptible to H. armigera, than on the pod borer-resistant genotypes ICPL 332WR, ICPL 84060 and ICPB 2042; while survival and development of the parasitoid was better on H. armigera larvae fed on ICPL 87, ICPL 87119, LRG 41, ICP 7035 and ICPL 87091 than on ICPL 332WR, ICPL 84060, ICPB 2042 and ICPW 125. The genotypes ICPL 87, ICPL 87119, LRG 42 and ICPL 87091 that are hospitable to C. chloridae, are better suited for use in integrated pest management to minimize the losses due to H. armigera in pigeonpe

    Fruit Ripeness Assertion Using Deep Learning

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    The agricultural industry is one of the most important sectors in any country because it contributes to so many different areas. In comparison to other emerging countries, however, farmers and agriculture fields in some countries have limited technology and reach. Agricultural and allied sector operations employ 54.6 percent of the total workforce and contribute for 17.1 percent of the country's Gross Value Added (GVA) in 2017-18, according to India Census 2011. However, Agriculture’s contribution to GVA continues decline.[7] This agricultural field is obviously a challenging field to the digital technology and this “smart fruit ripening assertion” model considerably gives the high-quality and accurate results by utilizing the deep learning techniques such as YoloV3 which is a deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). This model's main focus is on the design and implementation of practical tasks, such as predicting the ripening stages of various types of fruits based on form, colour, and texture by combining and comparing various ML methods, OpenCV, and Internet of Things (IoT), thereby providing accurate prediction of ripening stages of fruits with the aid of a computer application which results introduction of large-scale manpower and saves time

    Moya Moya disease

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    Moya Moya disease is an entity, which represents chronic idiopathic non-inflammatory progressive occlusion of circle of Willis, which in course of time leads to development of collateral vessels. It is more common in Japanese individuals. This should be considered as a differential in young stroke. Here we present a case of 8-year-old young female with right hemiparesis and headache with a known history of seizure disorder

    Plant host range of Verticillium longisporum and microsclerotia density in Swedisch soils

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    Verticillium longisporum is a soil-borne fungal pathogen causing vascular wilt of Brassica crops. This study was conducted to enhance our knowledge on the host range of V. longisporum. Seven crop species (barley, oat, oilseed rape, pea, red clover, sugar beet and wheat) and five weed species (barren brome, black-grass, charlock, cleavers and scentless mayweed) all common in southern Sweden were evaluated for infection by response to V. longisporum. Oat, spring wheat, oilseed rape, scentless mayweed and charlock inoculated with V. longisporum in a greenhouse showed stunting to various degrees close to the fully ripe stage. Based on the extent of microsclerotia formation, explants were separated into four groups: for pea and wheat, 80%. The results suggest that plant species outside the Brassicaceae can act as reservoirs of V. longisporum inoculum. Soil inoculum densities in nine fields were monitored over a period of 12 months, which ranged from 1 to 48 cfu g¿1 soil. Density of microsclerotia was lowest just after harvest, reaching its maximum six months later. No significant correlation between inoculum density in soil and disease incidence on oilseed rape plants was found. However, the data suggest that a threshold of 1 cfu g¿1 soil is needed to cause disease on oilseed rape. Species identification based on microsclerotia morphology and PCR analysis showed that V. longisporum dominated in soil of seven, and V. dahliae in two of the nine fields studied

    Wide-field choroidal thickness profile in healthy eyes

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    The introduction of wide field optical coherence tomography (WF-OCT) has provided newer insights in the imaging of peripheral choroid. We evaluated choroidal thickness (CT) and large choroidal vessel thickness (LCVT) of 20 eyes in horizontal and vertical meridians using WF-OCT. A high-definition line scan through the fovea in both horizontal and vertical meridian was captured in primary and extremes of gaze to obtain scans up to mid-equator. CT and LCVT measurements were done across predefined points in macular area and all quadrants. LCVT was calculated after identifying a large choroidal vessel near choroidoscleral interface. The main outcome measures were differences in CT and LCVT in macular and four quadrants. Mean CT (331.23\u2009\ub1\u200976.34\u2009\ub5) and LCVT (201.46\u2009\ub1\u200954.31\u2009\ub5) in vertical macular segment were significantly more than CT (245.79\u2009\ub1\u200955.38\u2009\ub5; p\u2009=\u20090.0002) and LCVT (150.48\u2009\ub1\u200952.58\u2009\ub5; p\u2009=\u20090.004) in horizontal macular segment. CT at peripheral points in all quadrants was significantly reduced as compared to subfoveal CT (all p values\u2009<\u20090.05) with maximum reduction in inferior quadrant (64.5%). Using linear regression, only quadrant had a significant effect on CT and LCVT (both p\u2009<\u20090.001). CT and LCVT are highest at the macular area with reduction towards the periphery. The contribution of LCVT to CT is less at the fovea compared to other peripheral points

    Pigeonpea genotypes influence parasitization preference and survival and development of the Helicoverpa armigera larval parasitoid, Campoletis chlorideae

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    Studies were undertaken to identify pigeonpea, Cajanus cajan (L.) Millspaugh and the wild relative of pigeonpea, Cajanus scarabaeoides (L.) (accession ICPW 125,) genotypes that are hospitable to the pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larval parasitoid, Campoletis chlorideae Uchida (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) for the management of this pest in pigeonpea based cropping systems. Percentage parasitization of the H. armigera larvae by the C. chlorideae females was greater under no-choice conditions than under multi-choice conditions because of forced parasitization under no-choice conditions. Lowest parasitization was recorded on the wild relative, ICPW 125, which may be due to long nonglandular hairs and low survival of H. armigera larvae. Parasitization of H. armigera larvae was greater under no-choice, dual-choice and/or multi-choice conditions on ICPL 87, ICPL 87119 and ICPL 87091, which are susceptible to H. armigera, than on the pod borer-resistant genotypes ICPL 332WR, ICPL 84060 and ICPB 2042; while survival and development of the parasitoid was better on H. armigera larvae fed on ICPL 87, ICPL 87119, LRG 41, ICP 7035 and ICPL 87091 than on ICPL 332WR, ICPL 84060, ICPB 2042 and ICPW 125. The genotypes ICPL 87, ICPL 87119, LRG 42 and ICPL 87091 that are hospitable to C. chloridae, are better suited for use in integrated pest management to minimize the losses due to H. armigera in pigeonpe

    Effect of guideline based computerised decision support on decision making of multidisciplinary teams: cluster randomised trial in cardiac rehabilitation

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    Objective To determine the extent to which computerised decision support can improve concordance of multidisciplinary teams with therapeutic decisions recommended by guidelines