232 research outputs found

    Interpreting symbolic statements as texts: an exploratory study

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    This paper is devoted to the problem of the interpretation of mathematical texts . Some ideas on mathematical language are shortly discussed with the help of some constructs from functional linguistics. Some evidence regarding the interpretation processes of a symbolic text by groups of 10-graders, including both written answers and the transcriptions of spoken interactions is presented and discussed. The outcomes of this study show that students often try to interpret mathematical statements according to everyday-life schemes. This suggests that in school practice mathematical expressions should be dealt with as texts (rather than as abbreviations or local conventions) and that metalinguistic awareness should become one of the the goals of both linguistic and mathematical education

    Comparison of xenon triple point realizations

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    It is widely recognized that the Mercury triple point (MTP) being situated very close to the Water triple point (WTP) constitutes a weakness in the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90), in addition to safety concerns related to the use and transportation of Mercury. As such, a substitution for a safer, high-quality fixed point about half way between the Argon and Water triple points would be highly desirable. Now, a direct comparison is described of a Xenon cell filled in 2005 by the National Research Council Canada (NRC) and a more recently produced cell of the Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRIM). The present paper discusses the INRiM 2017 measurements on both the INRiM and NRC cells, with a follow-up measurement at NRC, and presents the difference between the two cells, (0.17 ± 0.08) mK with the uncertainties of each cell’s realization of the Xenon triple point (XeTP), 0.11 mK for the INRiM cell and 0.07 mK for the NRC cell (k = 1). In addition, the effect of substituting Mercury with Xenon on Type 1 non-uniqueness (‘SRI’, subrange inconsistency), Type 3 non-uniqueness (‘NU3’, cSPRT variability) and propagation of fixed point realization uncertainty is shown and discussed

    Humans and Water in Desert “Refugium” Areas: Palynological Evidence of Climate Oscillations and Cultural Developments in Early and Mid-Holocene Saharan Edges

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    Saharan anthropic deposits from archaeological sites, located along wadis or close to lakes, and sedimentary sequences from permanent and dried basins demonstrate that water has always been an attractive environmental feature, especially during periods of drought. This paper reports on two very different examples of Holocene sites where “humans and water” coexisted during dry periods, as observed by stratigraphic, archaeological and palynological evidence. Independent research was carried out on the Jefara Plain (Libya, 32°N) and the Gobero area (Niger, 17°N), at the extreme northern and southern limits of the Sahara, respectively. The histories of the Jefara and Gobero areas, as revealed by the archaeological and palaeoenvironmental reconstructions, suggest that these areas were likely to have been visited and exploited for a long time, acting as anthropic refugia, and therefore they have been profoundly transformed. Human presence and actions have conditioned the local growing of plants and selected a more or less synanthropic flora. Today, modern conservation strategies should take into consideration that water reservoirs, which are crucial for the long-term conservation of biodiversity, have provided refugia in the past just as they presently do under global warming conditions

    A transcriptome analysis identifies molecular effectors of unconjugated bilirubin in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells

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    Background: The deposition of unconjugated bilirubin (UCB) in selected regions of the brain results in irreversible neuronal damage, or Bilirubin Encephalopathy (BE). Although UCB impairs a large number of cellular functions in other tissues, the basic mechanisms of neurotoxicity have not yet been fully clarified. While cells can accumulate UCB by passive diffusion, cell protection may involve multiple mechanisms including the extrusion of the pigment as well as pro-survival homeostatic responses that are still unknown. Results: Transcriptome changes induced by UCB exposure in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cell line were examined by high density oligonucleotide microarrays. Two-hundred and thirty genes were induced after 24 hours. A Gene Ontology (GO) analysis showed that at least 50 genes were directly involved in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress response. Validation of selected ER stress genes is shown by quantitative RT-PCR. Analysis of XBP1 splicing and DDIT3/CHOP subcellular localization is presented. Conclusion: These results show for the first time that UCB exposure induces ER stress response as major intracellular homeostasis in surviving neuroblastoma cells in vitro

    Sex differences in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: hints for future management of the disease

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    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) remains a major cause of chronic liver disease worldwide. Despite extensive studies, the heterogeneity of the risk factors as well as different disease mechanisms complicate the goals toward effective diagnosis and management. Recently, it has been shown that sex differences play a role in the prevalence and progression of NAFLD. In vitro, in vivo, and clinical studies revealed that the lower prevalence of NAFLD in premenopausal as compared to postmenopausal women and men is mainly due to the protective effects of estrogen and body fat distribution. It has been also described that males and females present differential pathogenic features in terms of biochemical profiles and histological characteristics. However, the exact molecular mechanisms for the gender differences that exist in the pathogenesis of NAFLD are still elusive. Lipogenesis, oxidative stress, and inflammation play a key role in the progression of NAFLD. For NAFLD, only a few studies characterized these mechanisms at the molecular level. Therefore, we aim to review the reported differential molecular mechanisms that trigger such different pathogenesis in both sexes. Differences in lipid metabolism, glucose homeostasis, oxidative stress, inflammation, and fibrosis were discussed based on the evidence reported in recent publications. In conclusion, with this review, we hope to provide a new perspective for the development of future practice guidelines as well as a new avenue for the management of the disease

    Lakeside Cemeteries in the Sahara: 5000 Years of Holocene Population and Environmental Change

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    Background: Approximately two hundred human burials were discovered on the edge of a paleolake in Niger that providea uniquely preserved record of human occupation in the Sahara during the Holocene (,8000 B.C.E. to the present). CalledGobero, this suite of closely spaced sites chronicles the rapid pace of biosocial change in the southern Sahara in response tosevere climatic fluctuation.Methodology/Principal Findings: Two main occupational phases are identified that correspond with humid intervals in theearly and mid-Holocene, based on 78 direct AMS radiocarbon dates on human remains, fauna and artifacts, as well as 9 OSLdates on paleodune sand. The older occupants have craniofacial dimensions that demonstrate similarities with mid-Holocene occupants of the southern Sahara and Late Pleistocene to early Holocene inhabitants of the Maghreb. Theirhyperflexed burials compose the earliest cemetery in the Sahara dating to ,7500 B.C.E. These early occupants abandon thearea under arid conditions and, when humid conditions return ,4600 B.C.E., are replaced by a more gracile people withelaborated grave goods including animal bone and ivory ornaments.Conclusions/Significance: The principal significance of Gobero lies in its extraordinary human, faunal, and archaeologicalrecord, from which we conclude the following:(1) The early Holocene occupants at Gobero (7700–6200 B.C.E.) were largely sedentary hunter-fisher-gatherers withlakeside funerary sites that include the earliest recorded cemetery in the Sahara.(2) Principal components analysis of craniometric variables closely allies the early Holocene occupants at Gobero with askeletally robust, trans-Saharan assemblage of Late Pleistocene to mid-Holocene human populations from the Maghreband southern Sahara.(3) Gobero was abandoned during a period of severe aridification possibly as long as one millennium (6200–5200 B.C.E).(4) More gracile humans arrived in the mid-Holocene (5200–2500 B.C.E.) employing a diversified subsistence economybased on clams, fish, and savanna vertebrates as well as some cattle husbandry.(5) Population replacement after a harsh arid hiatus is the most likely explanation for the occupational sequence at Gobero.(6) We are just beginnin
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