7,477 research outputs found

    Does Opportunistic Fraud in Automobile theft Insurance Fluctuate with the Business Cycle ?

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    We analyze the empirical relationship between opportunistic fraud and business cycle. We find that residual opportunistic fraud exists both in the contract with replacement cost endorsement and the contract with no-deductible endorsement in the Taiwan automobile theft insurance market. These results are consistent with previous literature on the relationship between fraud activity and insurance contracting. We also show that the severity of opportunistic fraud fluctuates in the opposite direction to the business cycle. Opportunistic fraud is stimulated during periods of recession and mitigated during periods of expansion.Opportunistic fraud, replacement cost endorsement, no-deductible endorsement, automobile theft insurance, business cycle

    An experimental study of embankment conditions on high-speed railway ground vibrations

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    An experimental study of wine consumers’ willingness to pay for environmental characteristics

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    The reduction of pesticides use is becoming a priority for the public authorities in many countries. We conducted an experiment with wine consumers to see whether end-consumers value the dissemination of information about environmentally-friendly production practices. The experiment was devised to (i) evaluate whether there is a premium for environmentally-friendly wines, (ii) determine whether or not consumers are sensitive to label owners who implement and guarantee the environmental actions, (iii) and assess the impact of public messages about the consequences of pesticide use. Some 139 participants were divided randomly into two groups. One group had no specific information about the current state of pesticide use in farming. The other group was given information about pesticide use in farming before making their valuations. Becker-DeGroot-Marshak mechanisms revealed that (i) the environmental signal is valued differently depending on who conveyed the information, and that (ii)dissemination of information about the environmental repercussions of farming methods does not significantly affect willingness-to-pay.Willingness to pay, Wine, Effect of information, Experimental economics, Environment, Demand and Price Analysis, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    Theory of light-enhanced phonon-mediated superconductivity

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    We investigate the dynamics of a phonon-mediated superconductor driven out of equilibrium. The electronic hopping amplitude is ramped down in time, resulting in an increased electronic density of states. The dynamics of the coupled electron-phonon model is investigated by solving Migdal-Eliashberg equations for the double-time Keldysh Green's functions. The increase of the density of states near the Fermi level leads to an enhancement of superconductivity when the system thermalizes to the new state at the same temperature. We provide a time- and momentum-resolved view on this thermalization process, and show that it involves fast processes associated with single-particle scattering and much slower dynamics associated with the superconducting order parameter. The importance of electron-phonon coupling for the rapid enhancement and the efficient thermalization of superconductivity is demonstrated, and the results are compared to a BCS time-dependent mean-field approximation.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Dynamic simulation of hydrodynamically interacting suspensions

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    A general method for computing the hydrodynamic interactions among an infinite suspension of particles, under the condition of vanishingly small particle Reynolds number, is presented. The method follows the procedure developed by O'Brien (1979) for constructing absolutely convergent expressions for particle interactions. For use in dynamic simulation, the convergence of these expressions is accelerated by application of the Ewald summation technique. The resulting hydrodynamic mobility and/or resistance matrices correctly include all far-field non-convergent interactions. Near-field lubrication interactions are incorporated into the resistance matrix using the technique developed by Durlofsky, Brady & Bossis (1987). The method is rigorous, accurate and computationally efficient, and forms the basis of the Stokesian-dynamics simulation method. The method is completely general and allows such diverse suspension problems as self-diffusion, sedimentation, rheology and flow in porous media to be treated within the same formulation for any microstructural arrangement of particles. The accuracy of the Stokesian-dynamics method is illustrated by comparing with the known exact results for spatially periodic suspensions

    Exact Diagonalization Dynamical Mean Field Theory for Multi-Band Materials: Effect of Coulomb correlations on the Fermi surface of Na_0.3CoO_2

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    Dynamical mean field theory combined with finite-temperature exact diagonalization is shown to be a suitable method to study local Coulomb correlations in realistic multi-band materials. By making use of the sparseness of the impurity Hamiltonian, exact eigenstates can be evaluated for significantly larger clusters than in schemes based on full diagonalization. Since finite-size effects are greatly reduced this approach allows the study of three-band systems down to very low temperatures, for strong local Coulomb interactions and full Hund exchange. It is also shown that exact diagonalization yields smooth subband quasi-particle spectra and self-energies at real frequencies. As a first application the correlation induced charge transfer between t2g bands in Na_0.3CoO_2 is investigated. For both Hund and Ising exchange the small eg' Fermi surface hole pockets are found to be slightly enlarged compared to the non-interacting limit, in agreement with previous Quantum Monte Carlo dynamical mean field calculations for Ising exchange, but in conflict with photoemission data.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Superconductivity in the Two-Band Hubbard Model in Infinite Dimensions

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    We study a two-band Hubbard model in the limit of infinite dimensions, using a combination of analytical methods and Monte-Carlo techniques. The normal state is found to display various metal to insulators transitions as a function of doping and interaction strength. We derive self-consistent equations for the local Green's functions in the presence of superconducting long-range order, and extend previous algorithms to this case. We present direct numerical evidence that in a specific range of parameter space, the normal state is unstable against a superconducting state characterized by a strongly frequency dependent order-parameter.Comment: 12 pages (14 figures not included, available upon request), Latex, LPTENS Preprint 93/1

    Chemical weathering of the volcanic soils of Isla Santa Cruz (Galápagos Islands, Ecuador)

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    We present a study on weathering of volcanic soils using 43 profiles (131 horizons) sampled in Santa Cruz Island (Galapagos Islands). Several weathering indices, based on chemical composition, are used. Since the geological material is highly homogeneous the intensity of weathering is mostly related to climatic conditions controlled by topography. There is a gradient of increasing weathering from the arid conditions predominant in the coast to elevations of 400-500 m a.s.l. where much more humid conditions prevail