30 research outputs found

    Aging-associated symptoms in the physician-patient dialogue in a group of long-term diagnosed HIV-infected individuals

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    Background: The significant decrease in mortality has resulted in a large number of individuals aged over 50 living with HIV infection. Additionally, the coexistence of certain pathologies suggests premature aging. In this scenario, the presence of aging-associated symptoms in the physician-patient dialogue is yet to be explored. Methods: Cross-sectional observational study to evaluate the presence of aging-associated symptoms in the physician-patient dialogue and to explore the possible differences between genders in a sample of 100 HIV-1 infected subjects diagnosed at least 15 years ago. The survey assessed questions/comments made by the patient, questions/comments made by the physician and patients’ interest in obtaining more information than was provided. Number of patients and percentages were given and compared using the w2 or Fisher exact test (as appropriate). Results: Participants were 60 men and 40 women, diagnosed with HIV infection a median (IQ) of 18 (15.7–21) years ago, who had a nadir CD4 and CD4 cell count at the study entry of 172 (95–272) and 543 (403–677), respectively. Eighty percent of the subjects had VL <25 copies and 42% were HCV/HIV co-infected (31 subjects with low fibrosis stage). The infection route had been mainly intravenous drug use (37%) and MSM (32%). Men and women had similar demographic and clinical characteristics. Sixty-two percent of the participants acknowledged asking their physicians about aging-associated symptoms (58% men vs 66% women; p=0.50), 48% reported that their physicians had provided information without having been asked (48% men vs 55% women; p=0.51) and 75% confirmed that they would like to have more information about aging-associated symptoms (22% men vs 80% women; p<0.001). Conclusions: Around half of the men and women interviewed had discussed aging-associated symptoms with their physician. However, this seemed insufficient for four-fifths of the women, who would have liked to have obtained more information about aging

    Quality of life in patients treated with first-line antiretroviral therapy containing nevirapine or efavirenz in Uganda: A prospective non-randomized study

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    © 2015 Mwesigire et al. Background: The goal of antiretroviral therapy (ART) is to suppress viral replication, reduce morbidity and mortality, and improve quality of life (QoL). For resource-limited settings, the World Health Organization recommends a first-line regimen of two-nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors and one non-nucleoside transcriptase inhibitor (nevirapine (NVP) or efavirenz (EFV)). There are few data comparing the QoL impact of NVP versus EFV. This study assessed the change in QoL and factors associated with QoL among HIV patients receiving ART regimens based on EFV or NVP. Methods: We enrolled 640 people with HIV eligible for ART who received regimens including either NVP or EFV. QoL was assessed at baseline, three months and six months using Physical Health Summary (PHS) and Mental Health Summary (MHS) scores and the Global Person Generated Index (GPGI). Data were analyzed using generalized estimating equations, with ART regimen as the primary exposure, to identify associations between patient and disease factors and QoL. Results: QoL increased on ART. The mean QoL scores did not differ significantly for regimens based on NVP versus EFV during follow-up for MHS and GPGI regardless of CD4 stratum and for PHS among patients with a CD4 count >250 cells/μL. The PHS-adjusted β coefficients for ART regimens based on EFV versus NVP by CD4 count strata were as follows: -1.61 (95 % CI -2.74, -0.49) for CD4 count 250 cells/μL. The corresponding MHS-adjusted β coefficients were as follows: -0.39 (-1.40, 0.62) for CD4∈250 cells/μL. The GPGI-adjusted odds ratios for EFV versus NVP were 0.51 (0.25, 1.04) for CD4 count ∈250 cells/μL. QoL improved among patients on EFV over the 6-month follow-up period (MHS p

    AtriplaR/anti-TB combination in TB/HIV patients. Drug in focus

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    Co-administration of anti-tuberculosis and antiretroviral therapy is often inevitable in high-burden countries where tuberculosis is the most common opportunistic infection associated with HIV/AIDS. Concurrent use of rifampicin and several antiretroviral drugs is complicated by pharmacokinetic drug-drug interaction. Pubmed and Google search following the key words tuberculosis, HIV, emtricitabine, tenofovir efavirenz, interaction were used to find relevant information on each drug of the fixed dose combination AtriplaR RESULTS: Information on generic name, trade name, pharmacokinetic parameter, metabolism and the pharmacokinetic interaction with Anti-TB drugs of emtricitabine, tenofovir, and efavirenz was obtained. Fixed dose combination of emtricitabine/tenofovir/efavirenz (ATRIPLAR) which has been approved by Food and Drug Administration shows promising results as far as safety and efficacy is concerned in TB/HIV co-infection patients, hence can be considered effective and safe antiretroviral drug in TB/HIV management for adult and children above 3 years of age

    Monitoring adherence to HIV therapy

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    Safety and efficacy of once-daily didanosine, tenofovir and nevirapine as a simplification antiretroviral approach.

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    Contains fulltext : 58947.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)OBJECTIVE: To assess the efficacy and safety of a once-daily antiretroviral regimen in HAART-experienced subjects with long-lasting viral suppression. METHODS: One-hundred-and-sixty-nine patients with chronically suppressed viral load (limit of detection <50 copies/ml) were recruited. Based on patient willingness to simplify treatment, 84 of them continued receiving their usual treatment (BID Group) and 85 switched to once-daily didanosine/tenofovir/nevirapine (QD Group) in a non-randomized fashion. RESULTS: At week 48, the proportion of patients with viral suppression in the QD and in the BID Group, respectively, was 97 vs 100% in the per-protocol analysis (P = 0.497), and 76 vs 86% for the intention-to-treat analysis (P = 0.176). Nevertheless, CD4 count decreased in the QD Group, with a mean decline of 95 cells/mm3 (95% CI: 45-145). Twelve subjects in the QD Group (14%) discontinued treatment due to adverse events, mainly nevirapine-related hepatitis (6%). No significant differences regarding the rate of acute pancreatitis or peripheral neuropathy were observed between both groups. A significant improvement in the lipid profile was only seen in the QD Group. High levels of adherence were observed in both groups during follow-up, as well as a good quality of life. At week 48, a reduction in effort to take medication (P < or = 0.001) and an increment in the satisfaction with the treatment (P < 0.001) was only seen in the QD group. No differences were observed in median nevirapine trough levels between patients on twice-daily nevirapine at baseline (4820 ng/ml) and subjects in the QD Group (6090 ng/ml, P = 0.30). CONCLUSION: Treatment simplification to a once-daily antiretroviral regimen based on didanosine, tenofovir and nevirapine may be a valid approach in HIV-infected subjects with long-lasting viral suppression. Combination of standard doses of didanosine and tenofovir may have contributed to the CD4 cell decline observed with this QD regimen

    Recommendations from SPNS/GEAM/SENBA/SENPE/AEDN/SEDCA/GESIDA on nutrition in the HIV-infected patient Recomendaciones de SPNS/GEAM/SENBA/SENPE/AEDN/SEDCA/GESIDA sobre nutrición en el paciente con infección por VIH

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    Objective: to make recommendations on the approach to nutritional problems (malnutrition, cachexia, micronutrient deficiency, obesity, lipodystrophy) affecting HIV-infected patients. Methods: these recommendations have been agreed upon by a group of expertes in the nutrition and care of HIV-infected patients, on behalf of the different groups involved in drafting them. Therefore, the latest advances in pathophysiology, epidemiology, and clinical care presented in studies published in medical journals or at scientific meetings were evaluated. Results: there is no single method of evaluating nutrition, and diferent techniques -CT, MRI, and DXA-must be combined. The energy requirements of symptomatic patients increase by 20-30%. There is no evidence to support the increase in protein or fat intake. Micronutrient supplementation in only necessary in special circumstances (vitamin A in children and pregnant woman). Aerobic and resistance excercise is beneficial both for cardiovascular health and for improving lean mass and muscular strength. It is important to follow the rules of food safety at every stage in the chain. Therapeutic intervention in anorexia and cachexia must be tailored, by combining nutritional and pharmacological support (appetite stimulants, anabolic steroids, and, in some cases, testosterone). Artificial nutrition (oral supplementation, enteral or parenteral nutrition) is safe and efficacious, and improves nutritional status and response to therapy. In children, nutritional recommendations must be made early, and are a necessary component of therapy. Conclusion: appropriate nutritional evaluation and relevant therapeutic action are an essential part of the care of HIV-infected patients.Objetivo: realizar recomendaciones sobre el abordaje de los problemas nutricionales (malnutrición, caquexia, déficit de micronutrientes, obesidad, lipodistrofia) presentes en la infección VIH. Métodos: estas recomendaciones se han consensuado por un grupo de expertos en nutrición y en atención al enfermo VIH, en representación de las distintas sociedades firmantes. Para ello se han revisado los últimos avances fisiopatológicos, epidemiológicos y clínicos recogidos en estudios publicados en revistas médicas o presentados en congresos. Resultados: no existe un único método de valoración nutricional, debiendo combinarse cuestionarios y técnicas como TAC, RNM y DEXA. Los requerimientos energéticos en enfermos sintomáticos aumentan en un 20-30%. No existe evidencia que respalde el incremento del aporte proteico o graso. La suplementación de micronutrientes sólo es necesaria en circunstancias especiales (Vitamina A en niños y embarazadas). El ejercicio aeróbico de resistencia es beneficioso tanto para la salud cardiovascular como para mejorar la masa magra y la fuerza muscular. Es importante seguir normas de seguridad en toda la cadena alimentaria. La intervención terapéutica en la anorexia y caquexia debe ser individualizada, combinando soporte nutricional y farmacológico (estimulantes del apetito, agentes anabolizantes y testosterona en algún caso). La nutrición artificial (suplementación oral, nutrición enteral o parenteral) es segura y eficaz, mejorando el estado nutricional y la respuesta al tratamiento. En niños, las recomendaciones nutricionales deben ser muy precoces, formando necesariamente parte del tratamiento. Conclusión: La adecuada valoración nutricional y la pertinente actuación terapéutica son parte esencial de la asistencia del enfermo VIH