2,182 research outputs found

    Helping Adult Learners Plan For Success

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    We recognize there are significant external and internal barriers to effective planning and goal pursuit that are particular concerns for adult learners. Often, these barriers arise from conflicting adult roles (e.g. parent and adult learner), as well from a real or perceived lack of resources. We begin this session by reviewing common barriers to goal pursuit within the adult education environment, and we will explain how these barriers serve as a starting point for the ideas presented in this session

    Testing a comprehensive model of organizational justice perceptions and personal states with personal and organizational outcomes

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    Managers need to understand the types of perceptions, feelings, and reactions they should elicit from personnel under their direction. To this end, a parsimonious model is required. However, few comprehensive models linking managerial behaviours to employee states and outcomes have been developed and tested. Accordingly, this research articulates the importance of three critical constructs - leader–member exchange (LMX), job satisfaction, and perceived organizational justice – and associations with emotional exhaustion, work motivation, workplace misbehavior, and emotional intelligence as a concise and efficient model that explains the relationships between attitudes and states within individuals, and related, important work and personal outcomes. The model displayed a very high level of reliability and validity based on the exceptional fit of the structural equation models across two very large samples (over 1600 participants in each study)

    Role of Sulfhydryl Sites on Bacterial Cell Walls in the Biosorption, Mobility and Bioavailability of Mercury and Uranium

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    The goal of this exploratory study is to provide a quantitative and mechanistic understanding of the impact of bacterial sulfhydryl groups on the bacterial uptake, speciation, methylation and bioavailability of Hg and redox changes of uranium. The relative concentration and reactivity of different functional groups present on bacterial surfaces will be determined, enabling quantitative predictions of the role of biosorption of Hg under the physicochemical conditions found at contaminated DOE sites.The hypotheses we propose to test in this investigation are as follows- 1) Sulfhydryl groups on bacterial cell surfaces modify Hg speciation and solubility, and play an important role, specifically in the sub-micromolar concentration ranges of metals in the natural and contaminated systems. 2) Sulfhydryl binding of Hg on bacterial surfaces significantly influences Hg transport into the cell and the methylation rates by the bacteria. 3) Sulfhydryls on cell membranes can interact with hexavalent uranium and convert to insoluble tetravalent species. 4) Bacterial sulfhydryl surface groups are inducible by the presence of metals during cell growth. Our studies focused on the first hypothesis, and we examined the nature of sulfhydryl sites on three representative bacterial species: Bacillus subtilis, a common gram-positive aerobic soil species; Shewanella oneidensis, a facultative gram-negative surface water species; and Geobacter sulfurreducens, an anaerobic iron-reducing gram-negative species that is capable of Hg methylation; and at a range of Hg concentration (and Hg:bacterial concentration ratio) in which these sites become important. A summary of our findings is as follows- Hg adsorbs more extensively to bacteria than other metals. Hg adsorption also varies strongly with pH and chloride concentration, with maximum adsorption occurring under circumneutral pH conditions for both Cl-bearing and Cl-free systems. Under these conditions, all bacterial species tested exhibit almost complete removal of Hg from the experimental solutions at relatively low bacterial concentrations. Synchrotron based X-ray spectroscopic studies of these samples indicate that the structure and the coordination environment of Hg surface complexes on bacterial cell walls change dramatically- with sulfhydryls as the dominant Hg-binding groups in the micromolar and submicromolar range, and carboxyls and phosphoryls dominating at high micromolar concentrations. Hg interactions change from a trigonal or T-shaped HgS{sub 3} complex to HgS or HgS{sub 2} type complexes as the Hg concentration increases in the submicromolar range. Although all bacterial species studied exhibited the same types of coordination environments for Hg, the relative concentrations of the complexes change as a function of Hg concentration

    Pennsylvania Folklife Vol. 21, No. 1

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    • The Fraktur of Monroe County • Minutes of the West Grove Housekeepers Association as Source Material for Folklife Studies • The Searight Tavern on the National Road: An Archaeological Study • The Brown Sugar Game in Western Pennsylvania • Bread Baking in Mifflin County, Pennsylvania: Commentary for the Documentary Film in the Encyclopaedia Cinematographica • Notes and Documents: Literature for the Allegheny Frontier: The Huntingdon Literary Museum and Monthly Miscellany (1810) • Hunting and Food-Gathering: Folk-Cultural Questionnaire No. 21https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/pafolklifemag/1045/thumbnail.jp

    The security to lead: a systematic review of leader and follower attachment styles and leader–member exchange

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    Attachment styles can predict the quality of organizational relationships, particularly in reference to leader–member exchange (LMX). However, there is much work to be done in articulating and summarizing these findings and in detecting gaps in the literature. This systematic review fills a critical niche by providing a review of the attachment/LMX relationship. Using the PRISMA framework, this review integrates research on attachment styles and LMX by evaluating associations between secure, anxious, and avoidant attachment styles with LMX for leaders and followers. Across 10 studies, we review the evidence for associations between leader and follower attachment and LMX. We seek to investigate if secure attachment is associated with high-quality LMX and if insecure attachment is associated with lower quality LMX. Our review in general provides mixed support for these propositions, although the association of avoidant attachment for followers with LMX received consistent support. Furthermore, our results highlight the need to consider potential moderating and mediating factors within the attachment/LMX relationship. Based on the patterns of these relationships and the methodological gaps in the literature, we discuss the managerial implications for attachment styles in work and organizational psychology and suggest several directions for future research on the attachment–LMX relationship

    A framework for experimental-data-driven assessment of Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion stagnation image metrics

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    A variety of spherical crystal x-ray imager (SCXI) diagnostics have been developed and fielded on Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion (MagLIF) experiments at the Sandia National Laboratories Z-facility. These different imaging modalities provide detailed insight into different physical phenomena such as mix of liner material into the hot fuel, cold liner emission, or reduce impact of liner opacity. However, several practical considerations ranging from the lack of a consistent spatial fiducial for registration to different point-spread-functions and tuning crystals or using filters to highlight specific spectral regions make it difficult to develop broadly applicable metrics to compare experiments across our stagnation image database without making significant unverified assumptions. We leverage experimental data for a model-free assessment of sensitivities to instrumentation-based features for any specified image metric. In particular, we utilize a database of historical and recent MagLIF data including Nscans=139N_{\text{scans}} = 139 image plate scans gathered across Nexp=67N_{\text{exp}} = 67 different experiments to assess the impact of a variety of features in the experimental observations arising from uncertainties in registration as well as discrepancies in signal-to-noise ratio and instrument resolution. We choose a wavelet-based image metric known as the Mallat Scattering Transform for the study and highlight how alternate metric choices could also be studied. In particular, we demonstrate a capability to understand and mitigate the impact of signal-to-noise, image registration, and resolution difference between images. This is achieved by utilizing multiple scans of the same image plate, sampling random translations and rotations, and applying instrument specific point-spread-functions found by ray tracing to high-resolution datasets, augmenting our data in an effectively model-free fashion.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figure

    Verified and potential pathogens of predatory mites (Acari: Phytoseiidae)

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    Several species of phytoseiid mites (Acari: Phytoseiidae), including species of the genera Amblyseius, Galendromus, Metaseiulus, Neoseiulus, Phytoseiulus and Typhlodromus, are currently reared for biological control of various crop pests and/or as model organisms for the study of predator¿prey interactions. Pathogen-free phytoseiid mites are important to obtain high efficacy in biological pest control and to get reliable data in mite research, as pathogens may affect the performance of their host or alter their reproduction and behaviour. Potential and verified pathogens have been reported for phytoseiid mites during the past 25 years. The present review provides an overview, including potential pathogens with unknown host effects (17 reports), endosymbiotic Wolbachia (seven reports), other bacteria (including Cardinium and Spiroplasma) (four reports), cases of unidentified diseases (three reports) and cases of verified pathogens (six reports). From the latter group four reports refer to Microsporidia, one to a fungus and one to a bacterium. Only five entities have been studied in detail, including Wolbachia infecting seven predatory mite species, other endosymbiotic bacteria infecting Metaseiulus (Galendromus, Typhlodromus) occidentalis (Nesbitt), the bacterium Acaricomes phytoseiuli infecting Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot, the microsporidium Microsporidium phytoseiuli infecting P. persimilis and the microsporidium Oligosproridium occidentalis infecting M. occidentalis. In four cases (Wolbachia, A. phytoseiuli, M. phytoseiuli and O. occidentalis) an infection may be connected with fitness costs of the host. Moreover, infection is not always readily visible as no obvious gross symptoms are present. Monitoring of these entities on a routine and continuous basis should therefore get more attention, especially in commercial mass-production. Special attention should be paid to field-collected mites before introduction into the laboratory or mass rearing, and to mites that are exchanged among rearing facilities. However, at present general pathogen monitoring is not yet practical as effects of many entities are unknown. More research effort is needed concerning verified and potential pathogens of commercially reared arthropods and those used as model organisms in research

    What is the Brightest Source for Dilepton Emissions at RHIC?

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    We calculate the dilepton emissions as the decay product of the charm and bottom quarks produced in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC energy. We take into account the next-to-leading-order radiative corrections in perturbative QCD to the heavy quark production from both an initial hard parton-parton scattering and an ideal quark-gluon plasma. We find that the thermal charm decay dominates the dilepton production in the low dilepton mass region (<2<2 GeV), while the heavy quark production from the initial scattering takes over the intermediate and high mass regions (>2> 2 GeV). Our result also indicates the importance of the bottom quark in the high mass region (>4>4 GeV ) due to its large mass and cascade decay. If the initial scattering produced charm suffers a significant energy loss due to the secondary interaction, the bottom decay constitutes the major background for the thermal dileptons.Comment: 12 pages in RevTeX, 3 epsf figures embedde
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