979 research outputs found

    Renormalization : A number theoretical model

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    We analyse the Dirichlet convolution ring of arithmetic number theoretic functions. It turns out to fail to be a Hopf algebra on the diagonal, due to the lack of complete multiplicativity of the product and coproduct. A related Hopf algebra can be established, which however overcounts the diagonal. We argue that the mechanism of renormalization in quantum field theory is modelled after the same principle. Singularities hence arise as a (now continuously indexed) overcounting on the diagonals. Renormalization is given by the map from the auxiliary Hopf algebra to the weaker multiplicative structure, called Hopf gebra, rescaling the diagonals.Comment: 15 pages, extended version of talks delivered at SLC55 Bertinoro,Sep 2005, and the Bob Delbourgo QFT Fest in Hobart, Dec 200

    Plethystic Vertex Operators and Boson-Fermion Correspondences

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    We study the algebraic properties of plethystic vertex operators, introduced in J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 43 405202 (2010), underlying the structure of symmetric functions associated with certain generalized universal character rings of subgroups of the general linear group, defined to stabilize tensors of Young symmetry type characterized by a partition of arbitrary shape \pi. Here we establish an extension of the well-known boson-fermion correspondence involving Schur functions and their associated (Bernstein) vertex operators: for each \pi, the modes generated by the plethystic vertex operators and their suitably constructed duals, satisfy the anticommutation relations of a complex Clifford algebra. The combinatorial manipulations underlying the results involve exchange identities exploiting the Hopf-algebraic structure of certain symmetric function series and their plethysms.Comment: 21 pages, LaTeX. Minor typos corrected. Added brief survey of related work and new reference

    The Hopf Algebra Structure of the Character Rings of Classical Groups

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    The character ring \CGL of covariant irreducible tensor representations of the general linear group admits a Hopf algebra structure isomorphic to the Hopf algebra \Sym$ of symmetric functions. Here we study the character rings \CO and \CSp of the orthogonal and symplectic subgroups of the general linear group within the same framework of symmetric functions. We show that \CO and \CSp also admit natural Hopf algebra structures that are isomorphic to that of \CGL, and hence to \Sym. The isomorphisms are determined explicitly, along with the specification of standard bases for \CO and \CSp analogous to those used for \Sym. A major structural change arising from the adoption of these bases is the introduction of new orthogonal and symplectic Schur-Hall scalar products. Significantly, the adjoint with respect to multiplication no longer coincides, as it does in the \CGL case, with a Foulkes derivative or skew operation. The adjoint and Foulkes derivative now require separate definitions, and their properties are explored here in the orthogonal and symplectic cases. Moreover, the Hopf algebras \CO and \CSp are not self-dual. The dual Hopf algebras \CO^* and \CSp^* are identified. Finally, the Hopf algebra of the universal rational character ring \CGLrat of mixed irreducible tensor representations of the general linear group is introduced and its structure maps identified.Comment: 38 pages, uses pstricks; new version is a major update, new title, new material on rational character

    Hopf algebras and characters of classical groups

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    Schur functions provide an integral basis of the ring of symmetric functions. It is shown that this ring has a natural Hopf algebra structure by identifying the appropriate product, coproduct, unit, counit and antipode, and their properties. Characters of covariant tensor irreducible representations of the classical groups GL(n), O(n) and Sp(n) are then expressed in terms of Schur functions, and the Hopf algebra is exploited in the determination of group-subgroup branching rules and the decomposition of tensor products. The analysis is carried out in terms of n-independent universal characters. The corresponding rings, CharGL, CharO and CharSp, of universal characters each have their own natural Hopf algebra structure. The appropriate product, coproduct, unit, counit and antipode are identified in each case.Comment: 9 pages. Uses jpconf.cls and jpconf11.clo. Presented by RCK at SSPCM'07, Myczkowce, Poland, Sept 200

    Cliffordization, Spin and Fermionic Star Products

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    Deformation quantization is a powerful tool for quantizing theories with bosonic and fermionic degrees of freedom. The star products involved generate the mathematical structures which have recently been used in attempts to analyze the algebraic properties of quantum field theory. In the context of quantum mechanics they provide a canonical quantization procedure for systems with either bosonic of fermionic degrees of freedom. We illustrate this procedure for a number a physical examples, including bosonic, fermionic and supersymmetric oscillators. We show how non-relativistic and relativistic particles with spin can be naturally described in this framework.Comment: 21 page

    Products, coproducts and singular value decomposition

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    Products and coproducts may be recognized as morphisms in a monoidal tensor category of vector spaces. To gain invariant data of these morphisms, we can use singular value decomposition which attaches singular values, ie generalized eigenvalues, to these maps. We show, for the case of Grassmann and Clifford products, that twist maps significantly alter these data reducing degeneracies. Since non group like coproducts give rise to non classical behavior of the algebra of functions, ie make them noncommutative, we hope to be able to learn more about such geometries. Remarkably the coproduct for positive singular values of eigenvectors in AA yields directly corresponding eigenvectors in A\otimes A.Comment: 17 pages, three eps-figure

    A Hopf laboratory for symmetric functions

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    An analysis of symmetric function theory is given from the perspective of the underlying Hopf and bi-algebraic structures. These are presented explicitly in terms of standard symmetric function operations. Particular attention is focussed on Laplace pairing, Sweedler cohomology for 1- and 2-cochains, and twisted products (Rota cliffordizations) induced by branching operators in the symmetric function context. The latter are shown to include the algebras of symmetric functions of orthogonal and symplectic type. A commentary on related issues in the combinatorial approach to quantum field theory is given.Comment: 29 pages, LaTeX, uses amsmat

    On the Decomposition of Clifford Algebras of Arbitrary Bilinear Form

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    Clifford algebras are naturally associated with quadratic forms. These algebras are Z_2-graded by construction. However, only a Z_n-gradation induced by a choice of a basis, or even better, by a Chevalley vector space isomorphism Cl(V) \bigwedge V and an ordering, guarantees a multi-vector decomposition into scalars, vectors, tensors, and so on, mandatory in physics. We show that the Chevalley isomorphism theorem cannot be generalized to algebras if the Z_n-grading or other structures are added, e.g., a linear form. We work with pairs consisting of a Clifford algebra and a linear form or a Z_n-grading which we now call 'Clifford algebras of multi-vectors' or 'quantum Clifford algebras'. It turns out, that in this sense, all multi-vector Clifford algebras of the same quadratic but different bilinear forms are non-isomorphic. The usefulness of such algebras in quantum field theory and superconductivity was shown elsewhere. Allowing for arbitrary bilinear forms however spoils their diagonalizability which has a considerable effect on the tensor decomposition of the Clifford algebras governed by the periodicity theorems, including the Atiyah-Bott-Shapiro mod 8 periodicity. We consider real algebras Cl_{p,q} which can be decomposed in the symmetric case into a tensor product Cl_{p-1,q-1} \otimes Cl_{1,1}. The general case used in quantum field theory lacks this feature. Theories with non-symmetric bilinear forms are however needed in the analysis of multi-particle states in interacting theories. A connection to q-deformed structures through nontrivial vacuum states in quantum theories is outlined.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figure, LaTeX, {Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Clifford Algebras and their Applications in Mathematical Physics, Ixtapa, Mexico, June 27 - July 4, 199