540 research outputs found

    Tetrahedrally bonded ternary amorphous semiconductor alloys

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    The properties of tetrahedrally bonded ternary amorphous semiconductors a-CSiSn:H and a-CSiGe:H are reviewed with particular emphasis on the temperature dependence of dark conductivity and the coordination in random networks. It is shown here that the dark conductivity as a function of the temperature strongly depends on the carbon content and, more precisely, on the proportion of sp3 and sp2 sites in the carbon. Ternary alloys with different carbon contents are compared to binary alloys using the average coordination number. The ternary alloys have an average coordination number close to the optimal value predicted for amorphous covalent networks

    A model for the generic alpha relaxation of viscous liquids

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    Dielectric measurements on molecular liquids just above the glass transition indicate that alpha relaxation is characterized by a generic high-frequency loss varying as ω−1/2\omega^{-1/2}, whereas deviations from this come from one or more low-lying beta processes [Olsen et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 86} (2001) 1271]. Assuming that long-wavelength fluctuations dominate the dynamics, a model for the dielectric alpha relaxation based on the simplest coupling between the density and dipole density fields is proposed here. The model, which is solved in second order perturbation theory in the Gaussian approximation, reproduces the generic features of alpha relaxation

    Toward the realization of reproducible AFM measurements of elastic modulus in biological samples

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    partially_open6The validation of the AFM method for elastic modulus E measurement in soft materials (E <5 MPa) is still missing. The interest of measurements in materials with E <5 MPa is mainly biological, including soft tissues and single cells. For the diagnosis of malignant human tumors, a change in cell elasticity, within tissues, has recently been recognized as a marker of metastatic potential. To measure a cell elasticity difference, reproducible E measurements in biological samples are needed. In this work a robust method for a metrological validation of E measurements in the range 500–5000 kPa was developed, based on the realization of thick E standard samples and on the study of the interactions between the measurement process and the sample at micro- and nano-scale. E measurement reproducibility limit of 4% has been reached. This allows designing a very sensitive and reproducible measurement of E in biological samples representing thus a powerful diagnostic tool for cancer detection.partially_openA. Demichelis; C. Divieto; L. Mortati; S. Pavarelli; G. Sassi; M. SassiDemichelis, A.; Divieto, C.; Mortati, L.; Pavarelli, S.; Sassi, G.; Sassi, M

    Improving plastic management by means of people awareness

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    In past decades the usage of plastic has seen a tremendous increment. This raise is mainly caused by industrial development and by the spread of this material in every aspect of people life, from food package to aerospace application. For sure plastic has a key role in society and it is not possible to erase, nevertheless its overuse has a serious impact on the environment as well know. In particular, just a few percentage of the total amount of plastic is recycled, the rest has to be landfilled or burnt causing serious pollution side effect. This poor circularity in plastic value chain is mainly caused by difficulties in sorting processes and expensiveness of recycling. By the way a great part of plastic applications could be avoided without implying a reduction in life quality for the people. In addition, a better education in plastic objects shopping and plastic waste management could decrease the difficulties in sorting and recycling. One of the crucial reason why these applications and incorrect behaviour are still present is that the information on alternatives are not present or very hard to be found. In the present paper a novel platform to enhance a more plastic-free life is presented. First a detailed description of the problem is stated, then the process to achieve the proposed solution is described. Finally the platform prototype is analysed in details among its functionalities

    ESPON TOWN spin-off Denmark. Small and medium sized towns in Denmark

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    This study “ESPON TOWN spin-off Denmark” provides supporting knowledge and evidence on the state and development of SMSTs in Denmark by using detailed datasets and by conducting an in-depth analysis of the local context . Based on a quantitative data-driven analysis, it describes the main characteristics of SMSTs in Denmark, how they differ from each other and what role various aspects including tourism and services play. Furthermore, it presents a short update of SMST research as well as a recap of recent Danish policies related to SMSTs. Finally, it provides perspectives on Denmark’s SMSTs within a European policy context

    Simulation of Calcium Phosphate Pre-Nucleation Clusters in Aqueous Solution: Association Beyond Ion Pairing

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    © 2019 American Chemical Society. Classical molecular dynamics simulations and free energy methods have been used to obtain a better understanding of the molecular processes occurring prior to the first nucleation event for calcium phosphate biominerals. The association constants for the formation of negatively charged complexes containing calcium and phosphate ions in aqueous solution have been computed, and these results suggest that the previously proposed calcium phosphate building unit, [Ca(HPO4)3]4-, should only be present in small amounts under normal experimental conditions. However, the presence of an activation barrier for the removal of an HPO42- ion from this complex indicates that this species could be kinetically trapped. Aggregation pathways involving CaHPO4, [Ca(HPO4)2]2-, and [Ca(HPO4)3]4- complexes have been explored with the finding that dimerization is favorable up to a Ca/HPO4 ratio of 1:2

    Evaluation of [C(sp3)/[C(sp2)] ratio in diamondlike films through the use of a complex dielectric constant

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    The evaluation of the amount of tetrahedral and trigonal cross-linking, that is, the sp3- and sp2-hybridized carbon, is of great importance in understanding the properties of amorphous carbon films. In this paper we report a method for deducing the [sp3]/[sp2] ratio from the experimental values of the complex dielectric constant as obtained by optical transmittance and reflectance measurements. We assume a Gaussian-like distribution of π and π* electronic densities of states in order to fit the contribution of π→π* to the imaginary part, Δ2, of the dielectric constant in the low-energy region. Through the Kramers-Kronig relationships we deduce the corresponding values of the real part Δ1 of the dielectric constant for such transitions. By subtracting these values from the measured Δ1 we deduce the contribution of σ→σ* to Δ1. The Wemple-Didomenico model has been used to obtain the dispersion energy and the average excitation energy. Knowing the plasmon energies, we apply the ‘‘f-sum rule'' to deduce the [sp3]/[sp2] ratio. The method applied to a-C:H films deposited by rf diode sputtering provides results in agreement with those obtained by other techniques

    Unraveling the clonal hierarchy of somatic genomic aberrations

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    Defining the chronology of molecular alterations may identify milestones in carcinogenesis. To unravel the temporal evolution of aberrations from clinical tumors, we developed CLONET, which upon estimation of tumor admixture and ploidy infers the clonal hierarchy of genomic aberrations. Comparative analysis across 100 sequenced genomes from prostate, melanoma, and lung cancers established diverse evolutionary hierarchies, demonstrating the early disruption of tumor-specific pathways. The analyses highlight the diversity of clonal evolution within and across tumor types that might be informative for risk stratification and patient selection for targeted therapies. CLONET addresses heterogeneous clinical samples seen in the setting of precision medicine. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13059-014-0439-6) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Interrupt Timed Automata: verification and expressiveness

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    We introduce the class of Interrupt Timed Automata (ITA), a subclass of hybrid automata well suited to the description of timed multi-task systems with interruptions in a single processor environment. While the reachability problem is undecidable for hybrid automata we show that it is decidable for ITA. More precisely we prove that the untimed language of an ITA is regular, by building a finite automaton as a generalized class graph. We then establish that the reachability problem for ITA is in NEXPTIME and in PTIME when the number of clocks is fixed. To prove the first result, we define a subclass ITA- of ITA, and show that (1) any ITA can be reduced to a language-equivalent automaton in ITA- and (2) the reachability problem in this subclass is in NEXPTIME (without any class graph). In the next step, we investigate the verification of real time properties over ITA. We prove that model checking SCL, a fragment of a timed linear time logic, is undecidable. On the other hand, we give model checking procedures for two fragments of timed branching time logic. We also compare the expressive power of classical timed automata and ITA and prove that the corresponding families of accepted languages are incomparable. The result also holds for languages accepted by controlled real-time automata (CRTA), that extend timed automata. We finally combine ITA with CRTA, in a model which encompasses both classes and show that the reachability problem is still decidable. Additionally we show that the languages of ITA are neither closed under complementation nor under intersection
