3,021 research outputs found

    Recruitment Market Trend Analysis with Sequential Latent Variable Models

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    Recruitment market analysis provides valuable understanding of industry-specific economic growth and plays an important role for both employers and job seekers. With the rapid development of online recruitment services, massive recruitment data have been accumulated and enable a new paradigm for recruitment market analysis. However, traditional methods for recruitment market analysis largely rely on the knowledge of domain experts and classic statistical models, which are usually too general to model large-scale dynamic recruitment data, and have difficulties to capture the fine-grained market trends. To this end, in this paper, we propose a new research paradigm for recruitment market analysis by leveraging unsupervised learning techniques for automatically discovering recruitment market trends based on large-scale recruitment data. Specifically, we develop a novel sequential latent variable model, named MTLVM, which is designed for capturing the sequential dependencies of corporate recruitment states and is able to automatically learn the latent recruitment topics within a Bayesian generative framework. In particular, to capture the variability of recruitment topics over time, we design hierarchical dirichlet processes for MTLVM. These processes allow to dynamically generate the evolving recruitment topics. Finally, we implement a prototype system to empirically evaluate our approach based on real-world recruitment data in China. Indeed, by visualizing the results from MTLVM, we can successfully reveal many interesting findings, such as the popularity of LBS related jobs reached the peak in the 2nd half of 2014, and decreased in 2015.Comment: 11 pages, 30 figure, SIGKDD 201

    The XMM-Newton Ω\Omega Project

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    The abundance of high-redshift galaxy clusters depends sensitively on the matter density \OmM and, to a lesser extent, on the cosmological constant Λ\Lambda. Measurements of this abundance therefore constrain these fundamental cosmological parameters, and in a manner independent and complementary to other methods, such as observations of the cosmic microwave background and distance measurements. Cluster abundance is best measured by the X-ray temperature function, as opposed to luminosity, because temperature and mass are tightly correlated, as demonstrated by numerical simulations. Taking advantage of the sensitivity of XMM-Newton, our Guaranteed Time program aims at measuring the temperature of the highest redshift (z>0.4) SHARC clusters, with the ultimate goal of constraining both \OmM and Λ\Lambda.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the XXI Moriond Conference: Galaxy Clusters and the High Redshift Universe Observed in X-rays, edited by D. Neumann, F. Durret, & J. Tran Thanh Va

    Diffusing-wave spectroscopy of nonergodic media

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    We introduce an elegant method which allows the application of diffusing-wave spectroscopy (DWS) to nonergodic, solid-like samples. The method is based on the idea that light transmitted through a sandwich of two turbid cells can be considered ergodic even though only the second cell is ergodic. If absorption and/or leakage of light take place at the interface between the cells, we establish a so-called "multiplication rule", which relates the intensity autocorrelation function of light transmitted through the double-cell sandwich to the autocorrelation functions of individual cells by a simple multiplication. To test the proposed method, we perform a series of DWS experiments using colloidal gels as model nonergodic media. Our experimental data are consistent with the theoretical predictions, allowing quantitative characterization of nonergodic media and demonstrating the validity of the proposed technique.Comment: RevTeX, 12 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    The ROSAT All-Sky Survey: a Catalog of Clusters of Galaxies in a Region of 1 Ster around the South Galactic Pole

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    A field of 1.013 ster in the ROSAT all-sky survey (RASS), centered on the south galactic pole (SGP), has been searched in a systematic, objective manner for clusters of galaxies. The procedure relied on a correlation of the X-ray positions and properties of ROSAT sources with the distribution of galaxies in the COSMOS digitised data base, which was obtained by scanning the plates of the UK Schmidt IIIa-J optical southern sky survey. The study used the second ROSAT survey data base (RASS-2) and included several optical observing campaigns to measure redshifts. The search, a precursor to the larger REFLEX survey of the whole southern sky, reached the detection limits of the RASS and the COSMOS data, and yielded a catalog of 186 clusters in which the lowest flux is 1.5e-12 erg/cm2/s in the 0.1-2.4 keV band. Of these 157 have measured redshifts. Using a limit of 3.0e-12 erg/cm2/s a complete subset of 112 clusters was obtained, of which 110 have measured redshifts. The spatial distribution of the X-ray clusters out to z = 0.15 shows an extension of the Local Supercluster to the Pisces-Cetus supercluster (z<~0.07), and a more distant orthogonal structure at 0.07<z<0.15.Comment: To be published in ApJ Supplements in February 2002: 53 pages: 18 figure

    SDSS-RASS: Next Generation of Cluster-Finding Algorithms

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    We outline here the next generation of cluster-finding algorithms. We show how advances in Computer Science and Statistics have helped develop robust, fast algorithms for finding clusters of galaxies in large multi-dimensional astronomical databases like the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Specifically, this paper presents four new advances: (1) A new semi-parametric algorithm - nicknamed ``C4'' - for jointly finding clusters of galaxies in the SDSS and ROSAT All-Sky Survey databases; (2) The introduction of the False Discovery Rate into Astronomy; (3) The role of kernel shape in optimizing cluster detection; (4) A new determination of the X-ray Cluster Luminosity Function which has bearing on the existence of a ``deficit'' of high redshift, high luminosity clusters. This research is part of our ``Computational AstroStatistics'' collaboration (see Nichol et al. 2000) and the algorithms and techniques discussed herein will form part of the ``Virtual Observatory'' analysis toolkit.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of MPA/MPE/ESO Conference "Mining the Sky", July 31 - August 4, 2000, Garching, German

    Linear Momentum Density in Quasistatic Electromagnetic Systems

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    We discuss a couple of simple quasistatic electromagnetic systems in which the density of electromagnetic linear momentum can be easily computed. The examples are also used to illustrate how the total electromagnetic linear momentum, which may also be calculated by using the vector potential, can be understood as a consequence of the violation of the action-reaction principle, because a non-null external force is required to maintain constant the mechanical linear momentum. We show how one can avoid the divergence in the interaction linear electromagnetic momentum of a system composed by an idealization often used in textbooks (an infinite straight current) and a point charge.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Eur. J. Phy

    A Mouse Model of Huntington’s Disease Shows Altered Ultrastructure of Transverse Tubules in Skeletal Muscle Fibers

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    Huntington’s disease (HD) is a fatal and progressive condition with severe debilitating motor defects and muscle weakness. Although classically recognized as a neurodegenerative disorder, there is increasing evidence of cell autonomous toxicity in skeletal muscle. We recently demonstrated that skeletal muscle fibers from the R6/2 model mouse of HD have a decrease in specific membrane capacitance, suggesting a loss of transverse tubule (t-tubule) membrane in R6/2 muscle. A previous report also indicated that Cav1.1 current was reduced in R6/2 skeletal muscle, suggesting defects in excitation–contraction (EC) coupling. Thus, we hypothesized that a loss and/or disruption of the skeletal muscle t-tubule system contributes to changes in EC coupling in R6/2 skeletal muscle. We used live-cell imaging with multiphoton confocal microscopy and transmission electron microscopy to assess the t-tubule architecture in late-stage R6/2 muscle and found no significant differences in the t-tubule system density, regularity, or integrity. However, electron microscopy images revealed that the cross-sectional area of t-tubules at the triad were 25% smaller in R6/2 compared with age-matched control skeletal muscle. Computer simulation revealed that the resulting decrease in the R6/2 t-tubule luminal conductance contributed to, but did not fully explain, the reduced R6/2 membrane capacitance. Analyses of bridging integrator-1 (Bin1), which plays a primary role in t-tubule formation, revealed decreased Bin1 protein levels and aberrant splicing of Bin1 mRNA in R6/2 muscle. Additionally, the distance between the t-tubule and sarcoplasmic reticulum was wider in R6/2 compared with control muscle, which was associated with a decrease in junctophilin 1 and 2 mRNA levels. Altogether, these findings can help explain dysregulated EC coupling and motor impairment in Huntington’s disease

    The Bright SHARC Survey: The Cluster Catalog

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    We present the Bright SHARC (Serendipitous High-Redshift Archival ROSAT Cluster) Survey, which is an objective search for serendipitously detected extended X-ray sources in 460 deep ROSAT PSPC pointings. The Bright SHARC Survey covers an area of 178.6 sq.deg and has yielded 374 extended sources. We discuss the X-ray data reduction, the candidate selection and present results from our on-going optical follow-up campaign. The optical follow-up concentrates on the brightest 94 of the 374 extended sources and is now 97% complete. We have identified thirty-seven clusters of galaxies, for which we present redshifts and luminosities. The clusters span a redshift range of 0.0696<z<0.83 and a luminosity range of 0.065<Lx<8.3e44 erg/s [0.5-2.0 keV] (assuming Ho = 50 km/s/Mpc and qo=0.5). Twelve of the clusters have redshifts greater than z=0.3, eight of which are at luminosities brighter than Lx=3e44 erg/s. Seventeen of the 37 optically confirmed Bright SHARC clusters have not been listed in any previously published catalog. We also report the discovery of three candidate ``fossil groups'' of the kind proposed by Ponman et al. (1994).Comment: Minor revisions: References updated and typos corrected. Shortened by use of emulateapj.st

    The higher-level phylogeny of Archosauria (Tetrapoda:Diapsida)

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    Crown group Archosauria, which includes birds, dinosaurs, crocodylomorphs, and several extinct Mesozoic groups, is a primary division of the vertebrate tree of life. However, the higher-level phylogenetic relationships within Archosauria are poorly resolved and controversial, despite years of study. The phylogeny of crocodile-line archosaurs (Crurotarsi) is particularly contentious, and has been plagued by problematic taxon and character sampling. Recent discoveries and renewed focus on archosaur anatomy enable the compilation of a new dataset, which assimilates and standardizes character data pertinent to higher-level archosaur phylogeny, and is scored across the largest group of taxa yet analysed. This dataset includes 47 new characters (25% of total) and eight taxa that have yet to be included in an analysis, and total taxonomic sampling is more than twice that of any previous study. This analysis produces a well-resolved phylogeny, which recovers mostly traditional relationships within Avemetatarsalia, places Phytosauria as a basal crurotarsan clade, finds a close relationship between Aetosauria and Crocodylomorpha, and recovers a monophyletic Rauisuchia comprised of two major subclades. Support values are low, suggesting rampant homoplasy and missing data within Archosauria, but the phylogeny is highly congruent with stratigraphy. Comparison with alternative analyses identifies numerous scoring differences, but indicates that character sampling is the main source of incongruence. The phylogeny implies major missing lineages in the Early Triassic and may support a Carnian-Norian extinction event.Marshall Scholarship for study in the United KingdomJurassic FoundationUniversity of BristolPaleontological Societ