3,438 research outputs found

    Gender justice paradox: Women in management positions in science and technological institutions in the central zone of Mexico

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    The past fifty years have witnessed intense local and international gender equity activism. However, the gender landscape has not transformed significantly to reflect a gender equal and just space. Men continue to occupy top influential political and economic positions. While current theoretical work on gender has developed incisive analytic tools which problematise gender essentialism, normative gender stereotypes persist and continue to dominate the institutional practices in many management positions in technological institutions in Mexico. The purpose of this study was to interrogate gender representation in key management positions in the state technological institutes of the central zone of Mexico. We analysed employment and recruitment documents available on the national database and compared the statistics on gender lines to establish the percentage of male and female managers in the science and technological institutes. The results showed that a greater proportion of management positions were occupied by men who were underqualified academically and professionally. Though there were few women in these posts, those women had appropriate and relevant qualifications. We conclude that gender difference may be used to explain the gender biased employment practices in key leadership positions in the technological institutes in Mexico. We also suggest possible research, policy and practical implications beyond the borders of Mexico

    University Libraries and its Role in Undergraduate Students Learning: The Challenge of Listening to All Voices

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    Undergraduate students are usually the largest populations in higher education institutions. More information about qualitative aspects of learning practices and deeper knowledge about student needs is necessary to understand and promote a more implicated role of libraries in undergraduate student learning. This project is developed by researchers from two private universities libraries in Mexico: Biblioteca Francisco Xavier Clavigero, Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de México, and Bibllioteca Dr. Jorge Villalobos Padilla, S.J., Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente (ITESO), Guadalajara. The research methodology is mixed. After analysis and discussion of initial data some student’s characteristics were established as diversity markers which we expect will facilitate to select students for deep interview in order to listen the variety of undergraduate voices, analyze them and eventually guide the design of new library spaces, collections and services We expect also that the methodology developed will help to approach in detail other diverse user groups.ITESO, A.C

    Selecting Undergraduate Students as Library Research Subjects from a Diversity Perspective

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    Undergraduate students are usually the largest populations in higher education institutions. More information about qualitative aspects of learning practices and deeper knowledge about student needs is necessary to understand and promote a more implicated role of libraries in undergraduate student learning. The project reported at this poster is developed by researchers from two private universities libraries in Mexico. The research methodology used is mixed. After analysis and discussion of initial data some student’s characteristics were established as diversity markers which we expect will facilitate to select students for deep interview in order to listen the variety of undergraduate voices and analyze them to guide the design of new library spaces, collections and services We expect also that the methodology developed will help to select participants from other library user groups from a diversity perspective

    Changes of the Neutron Flux of the Nuclear Reactor Triga Mark III Since the Conversion from High to Low 235U Enrichment

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    The neutron flux of the Triga Mark III research reactor was studied using nuclear track detectors. The facility of the National Institute for Nuclear Research (ININ), operates with a new core load of 85 LEU 30/20 (Low Enriched Uranium) fuel elements. The reactor provides a neutron flux around 2 × 1012 n cm-2s-1 at the irradiation channel. In this channel, CR-39 (allyl diglycol policarbonate) Landauer® detectors were exposed to neutrons; the detectors were covered with a 3 mm acrylic sheet for (n, p) reaction. Results show a linear response between the reactor power in the range 0.1 - 7 kW, and the average nuclear track density with data reproducibility and relatively low uncertainty (±5%). The method is a simple technique, fast and reliable procedure to monitor the research reactor operating power levels

    Invitations to interview on the role of the library in the undergraduate academic life: survey to select participants from diverse origin through posters and digital social networks

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    Undergraduate students are usually the largest populations in higher education institutions. More information about qualitative aspects of learning practices and deeper knowledge about student needs is necessary to understand and promote a more implicated role of libraries in undergraduate student learning. The project reported at this poster is developed by researchers from two private universities libraries in Mexico. The research methodology used is mixed. After analysis and discussion of initial data some student’s characteristics were established as diversity markers which we expect will facilitate to select students for deep interview in order to listen the variety of undergraduate voices and analyze them to guide the design of new library spaces, collections and services We expect also that the methodology developed will help to select participants from other library user groups from a diversity perspective

    High dosage thermoluminescence diamond dosimeters

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    Diamond thin films have been irradiated with high doses (up to 12.8 kGy) of ⁹⁰Sr beta particles. The diamond thin films have been synthesized from commercial Tequila as a precursor using pulsed liquid injection by chemical vapor deposition technique reported recently. Thermoluminescence phenomena at these doses exhibit peak curve shift to higher temperatures (from 370 to 440 K) in the glow curve and the integrated thermoluminescence curve show a linear behavior. Therefore, it has been considered that diamond thin films could be used as high doses dosimeters.Алмазні тонкі плівки, які було синтезовано хімічним осадженням парів з промислово виробленої Текіли в якості прекурсору з використанням методу імпульсного упорскування рідини, про який було нещодавно повідомлено, опромінювали високими (до 12,8 кГр) дозами бета-частинок ⁹⁰Sr. При таких дозах опромінення максимум кривої термолюмінесценції зсувається до більш високих (від 370 до 440 K) температур і залежність інтегрованої термолюмінесценції від дози опромінювання є лінійною. Тому алмазні тонкі плівки можуть бути використані як дозиметри при високих дозах опромінювання.Алмазные тонкие пленки, которые были синтезированы химическим осаждением паров из промышленно произведенной Текилы в качестве прекурсора при использовании метода импульсного впрыскивания жидкости, о котором недавно было сообщено, облучали высокими (до 12,8 кГр) дозами бета-частиц ⁹⁰Sr. При таких дозах облучения максимум кривой термолюминесценции сдвигается в область более высоких (от 370 до 440 K) температур и зависимость интегрированной термолюминесценции от дозы облучения является линейной. Поєтому алмазные тонкие пленки могут быть использованы как дозиметры при высоких дозах облучения

    Desafíos de conservación y puesta en valor de una colección única en Sudamérica

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    Durante el año 2006, se llevo a cabo en el Museo de La Plata una experiencia de capacitación en conservación preventiva de materiales inorgánicos. El personal de la Unidad de Conservación y Exhibición junto a la División Arqueología, fueron receptores de esta capacitación y responsables de continuar con el trabajo de acondicionamiento, restauración y desmontaje de la colección formada por más de 70 bloques de arenisca procedente de Egipto. La misma tiene más de 2000 años de antigüedad, es única en Sudamérica y fue donada por el gobierno de Sudán en la década del 70 como producto de una expedición arqueológica francoargentina. El objetivo de este trabajo, es describir los distintos momentos del proceso: el análisis y diagnóstico del estado de las piezas, desmontaje, tratamiento de conservación preventiva y tratamiento de restauración y preparación para su traslado futuro a la planta alta del Museo. Su reinstalación recupera el recorrido original que Moreno pensó para este Museo, donde los aspectos culturales del hombre corresponderían a las salas de planta alta. Esta decisión implica un desafío en cuanto a la logística del movimiento de las piezas, ya que además de su fragilidad algunas superan los 1000 kilogramos de peso.Eje 3: Exhibición y ConservaciónRed de Museos de la Universidad Nacional de La Plat

    Desafíos de conservación y puesta en valor de una colección única en Sudamérica

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    Durante el año 2006, se llevo a cabo en el Museo de La Plata una experiencia de capacitación en conservación preventiva de materiales inorgánicos. El personal de la Unidad de Conservación y Exhibición junto a la División Arqueología, fueron receptores de esta capacitación y responsables de continuar con el trabajo de acondicionamiento, restauración y desmontaje de la colección formada por más de 70 bloques de arenisca procedente de Egipto. La misma tiene más de 2000 años de antigüedad, es única en Sudamérica y fue donada por el gobierno de Sudán en la década del 70 como producto de una expedición arqueológica francoargentina. El objetivo de este trabajo, es describir los distintos momentos del proceso: el análisis y diagnóstico del estado de las piezas, desmontaje, tratamiento de conservación preventiva y tratamiento de restauración y preparación para su traslado futuro a la planta alta del Museo. Su reinstalación recupera el recorrido original que Moreno pensó para este Museo, donde los aspectos culturales del hombre corresponderían a las salas de planta alta. Esta decisión implica un desafío en cuanto a la logística del movimiento de las piezas, ya que además de su fragilidad algunas superan los 1000 kilogramos de peso.Eje 3: Exhibición y ConservaciónRed de Museos de la Universidad Nacional de La Plat

    Thermoluminescence of Novel Zinc Oxide Nanophosphors Obtained by Glycine-Based Solution Combustion Synthesis

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    High-dose thermoluminescence dosimetry properties of novel zinc oxide nanophosphors synthesized by a solution combustion method in a glycine-nitrate process are presented for the very first time in this work. Sintered particles with sizes ranging between ~500 nm and ~2 μm were obtained by annealing the synthesized ZnO at 900°C during 2 h in air. X-ray diffraction patterns indicate the presence of the ZnO hexagonal phase, without any remaining nitrate peaks observed. Thermoluminescence glow curves of ZnO obtained after being exposed to beta radiation consists of two maxima: one located at ~149°C and another at ~308°C, the latter being the dosimetric component of the curve. The integrated TL fading displays an asymptotic behavior for times longer than 16 h between irradiation and the corresponding TL readout, as well as a linear behaviour of the dose response without saturation in the studied dose interval (from 12.5 up to 400 Gy). Such features place synthesized ZnO as a promising material for high-dose radiation dosimetry applications

    Thermoluminescence Properties of Novel Self-Agglomerating CaSO 4

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    In this work, we report the thermoluminescence (TL) properties of self-agglomerating CaSO4:Eu samples obtained by an environmentally friendly coprecipitation technique. No binding material is needed to form solid CaSO4:Eu samples. Samples exposed to beta particle irradiation exhibit a TL maximum at 473.15 K when a 5 K/s heating rate is used, they are two times more sensitive than the TLD-100 commercial dosimeter, and their lower detection limit was determined to be less than 0.69 mGy. The computerized glow curve deconvolution carried out fitting the residual glow curves from McKeever method revealed that the whole glow curve is composed of four individual TL peaks with intermediate-order kinetics. The main peak order kinetics is b = 1.48. This result agrees with that computed using Chen’s formula