29 research outputs found

    Retalho de Karapandzic e retalho de Bernard-Burrow-Webster na reconstrução do lábio inferior Karapandzic flap and Bernard-Burrow-Webster flap for reconstruction of the lower lip

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    O carcinoma de células escamosas é a neoplasia maligna mais frequente dos lábios, e em cerca de 90% dos casos, localiza-se no lábio inferior, por causa da maior exposição cumulativa à radiação ultravioleta. Os autores apresentam duas técnicas cirúrgicas para a reconstrução de grandes defeitos do lábio inferior, resultantes da excisão cirúrgica tumoral, exemplificando-as e comparando-as através de dois casos clínicos<br>Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common malignant neoplasm of the lips, and in about 90% of cases it is located on the lower lip due to higher cumulative exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The authors present two surgical techniques for reconstruction of large lower lip defects, resulting from surgical excision of tumors, exemplifying and comparing them with two clinical case

    Structure and density of basaltic melts at mantle conditions from first-principles simulations

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    The origin and stability of deep-mantle melts, and the magmatic processes at different times of Earth's history are controlled by the physical properties of constituent silicate liquids. Here we report density functional theory-based simulations of model basalt, hydrous model basalt and near-MORB to assess the effects of iron and water on the melt structure and density, respectively. Our results suggest that as pressure increases, all types of coordination between major cations and anions strongly increase, and the water speciation changes from isolated species to extended forms. These structural changes are responsible for rapid initial melt densification on compression thereby making these basaltic melts possibly buoyantly stable at one or more depths. Our finding that the melt-water system is ideal (nearly zero volume of mixing) and miscible (negative enthalpy of mixing) over most of the mantle conditions strengthens the idea of potential water enrichment of deep-mantle melts and early magma ocean