47 research outputs found

    Pancreatic Allograft Thrombosis: Implementation of the CPAT-Grading System in a Retrospective Series of Simultaneous Pancreas-Kidney Transplantation

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    Pancreatic graft thrombosis (PAT) is a major surgical complication, potentially leading to graft loss. The recently proposed Cambridge Pancreas Allograft Thrombosis (CPAT) grading system provides diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic recommendations. The aim of the present study was to retrospectively assess computed tomography angiography (CTA) examinations performed routinely in simultaneous pancreas-kidney (SPK) recipients to implement the CPAT grading system and to study its association with the recipients' outcomes. We retrospectively studied 319 SPK transplant recipients, who underwent a routine CTA within the first 7 postoperative days. Analysis of the CTA scans revealed PAT in 215 patients (106 grade 1, 85 grade 2, 24 grade 3), while 104 showed no signs. Demographic data of the patients with and without PAT (thrombosis and non-thrombosis group) were not significantly different, except for the higher number of male donors in the thrombosis group. Pancreatic graft survival was significantly shorter in the thrombosis group. Graft loss due to PAT was significantly associated with grade 2 and 3 thrombosis, while it did not differ for recipients with grade 0 or grade 1 thrombosis. In conclusion, the CPAT grading system was successfully implemented in a large series of SPK transplant recipients and proved applicable in clinical practice

    Surface Deposition and Phase Behavior of Oppositely Charged Polyion–Surfactant Ion Complexes. Delivery of Silicone Oil Emulsions to Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Surfaces

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    The adsorption from mixed polyelectrolyte-surfactant solutions at hydrophobized silica surfaces was investigated by in situ null-ellipsometry, and compared to similar measurements for hydrophilic silica surfaces. Three synthetic cationic copolymers of varying hydrophobicity and one cationic hydroxyethyl cellulose were compared in mixtures with the anionic surfactant sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) in the absence or presence of a dilute silicone oil emulsion. The adsorption behavior was mapped while stepwise increasing the concentration of SDS to a polyelectrolyte solution of constant concentration. The effect on the deposition of dilution of the bulk solution in contact with the surface was also investigated by gradual replacement of the bulk solution with 1 mM aqueous NaCl. An adsorbed layer remained after complete exchange of the polyelectrolyte/surfactant solution for aqueous NaCl. In most cases, there was a codeposition of silicone oil droplets, if such droplets were present in the formulation before dilution. The overall features of the deposition were similar at hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces, but there were also notable differences. SDS molecules adsorbed selectively at the hydrophobized silica surface, but not at the hydrophilic silica, which influenced the coadsorption of the cationic polymers. The largest amount of deposited material after dilution was found for hydrophilic silica and for the least-hydrophobic cationic polymers. For the least-hydrophobic polyions, no significant codeposition of silicone oil was detected at hydrophobized silica after dilution if the initial SDS concentration was high

    Influence de la teneur en azote de jeunes plants de Zea mais sur l'absorption des nitrates par les racines.

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    Premieres observations sur l'utilisation de l'endoscopie dans l'etude de l'enracinement "in situ" des plantes cultivees (sorghum vulgare et lolium multiform)

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    On décrit plusieurs types d’observations de profils racinaires in situ par la méthode d’endoscopie. Cette technique permet de déterminer les fronts racinaires et d’estimer l’intensité de la colonisation du profil de sol par les racines. Elle semble également bien adaptée à l’étude de corrélations de croissance. Les premiers résultats présentés pour illustrer l’utilisation de cette technique concernent des profils et des fronts racinaires de sorgho (Sorghum vulgare) ainsi que l’évolution de l’enracinement de ray-grass d’Italie (Lolium multiflorum) après une coupe.Several methods are described for in situ observation of root systems by endoscopy. This technique allows root fronts to be situated and the intensity of colonization of the soil profile by roots to be estimated. It also seems suitable for establishing growth correlations. First results are presented on root profiles and root fronts in Sorghum vulgare and also on the comparison of rye-grass (Lolium multiflorum) root systems before and after mowing

    Influence de la teneur en potassium de jeunes plants de Zea mais sur l'absorption de cet element par les racines.

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    Numero de FevrierNational audienc

    Utilisation d'un meme tubage pour relever des profils racinaires par endoscopie et hydriques par neutronometrie.

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    The concepts of war and peace in the 15th century treaties of Arras

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    L'Ă©volution des paysages fluviaux

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    L'Ă©volution des paysages fluviau