25 research outputs found

    Fragmentación socioterritorial y condiciones de vida en la Argentina en los albores del siglo xxi

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    El tema central del presente estudio está relaciona- do con el proceso creciente de fragmentación so- cial al que asisten algunos países latinoamericanos en general y la Argentina en particular. La noción de fragmentación asocia componentes espaciales y dimensiones económico-sociales y políticas. Esta problemática se expresa en el marco territorial, entendiendo como tal la relación entre naturaleza y sociedad a lo largo del tiempo. En este contexto, se propone el uso de una herramienta que permita detectar la distribución espacial de las condiciones de vida como una aproximación al conocimiento de dicha fragmentación socioterritorial. Al mismo tiempo, a través del concepto de brecha, nos aproximamos también a su proceso histórico. La fragmentación se expresa en lo que llamamos, al menos provisoriamente, las dos Argentinas, definidas sobre la base del Índice Sintético de Condiciones de Vida (iscv) aplicado en el año 2001. Estos territorios albergarían en su interior distintas sociedades y diferentes problemas que requerirían un marco de análisis concreto que permita generar soluciones específicas.The focus of this study is related to the increasing social fragmentation process is attended by some Latin American countries in general and Argentina in particular. The notion of fragmentation is related with spatial components, social, economic and policies. This problem is expressed in the context territorial, meaning the relationship between nature and society over time. In this framework, we propose the use of a tool to detect the spatial distribution of the living conditions and a better knowledge of the socioterritorial fragmentation. At the same time, through the gap concept, we also approach its historical process. The fragmentation is expressed in what we call, at least temporarily, the “dos Argentinas”, defined on the basis of the synthetic Index of Living Conditions (iscv), implemented in 2001. These territories possibly harbor different societies and different problems. This requires an analytical framework that will generate concrete solutions for these problems.Fil: Longhi, Hugo Fernando. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - CONICET -Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales; Argentina;Fil: Paolasso, Pablo Cristian. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - CONICET - Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales; Argentina;Fil: Bolsi, Alfredo Segundo C.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - CONICET -Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales; Argentina;Fil: Velázquez, Guillermo Angel. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Humanas. Centro de Investigaciones Ecogeográficas y Ambientales; Argentina;Fil: Celemin, Juan Pablo. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Humanas. Centro de Investigaciones Ecogeográficas y Ambientales; Argentina

    Type II Heat-Labile Enterotoxins from 50 Diverse Escherichia coli Isolates Belong Almost Exclusively to the LT-IIc Family and May Be Prophage Encoded

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    Some enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) produce a type II heat-labile enterotoxin (LT-II) that activates adenylate cyclase in susceptible cells but is not neutralized by antisera against cholera toxin or type I heat-labile enterotoxin (LT-I). LT-I variants encoded by plasmids in ETEC from humans and pigs have amino acid sequences that are ≥95% identical. In contrast, LT-II toxins are chromosomally encoded and are much more diverse. Early studies characterized LT-IIa and LT-IIb variants, but a novel LT-IIc was reported recently. Here we characterized the LT-II encoding loci from 48 additional ETEC isolates. Two encoded LT-IIa, none encoded LT-IIb, and 46 encoded highly related variants of LT-IIc. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the predicted LT-IIc toxins encoded by these loci could be assigned to 6 subgroups. The loci corresponding to individual toxins within each subgroup had DNA sequences that were more than 99% identical. The LT-IIc subgroups appear to have arisen by multiple recombinational events between progenitor loci encoding LT-IIc1- and LT-IIc3-like variants. All loci from representative isolates encoding the LT-IIa, LT-IIb, and each subgroup of LT-IIc enterotoxins are preceded by highly-related genes that are between 80 and 93% identical to predicted phage lysozyme genes. DNA sequences immediately following the B genes differ considerably between toxin subgroups, but all are most closely related to genomic sequences found in predicted prophages. Together these data suggest that the LT-II loci are inserted into lambdoid type prophages that may or may not be infectious. These findings raise the possibility that production of LT-II enterotoxins by ETEC may be determined by phage conversion and may be activated by induction of prophage, in a manner similar to control of production of Shiga-like toxins by converting phages in isolates of enterohemmorhagic E. coli

    Modulation of Plasma and Milk Sphingolipids in Dairy Cows Fed High-Starch Diets

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    Bovine milk is a significant source of sphingolipids, dietary compounds that can exert anti-inflammatory actions, and which can modulate the host’s microbiome. Because sphingolipid synthesis can be modified by diet, we hypothesized that dietary conditions which reduced FFA availability may result in reduced sphingolipid synthesis. Twelve ruminally cannulated cows (120 ± 52 DIM; 35.5 ± 8.9 kg of milk/d; mean ± SD) were randomly assigned to treatment in a crossover design with 21-d periods. Treatments were (1) High starch (HS), (2) Control. The HS diet contained 29% starch, 24% NDF, and 2.8% fatty acids (FA), whereas the Control diet contained 20% starch, 31% NDF, and 2.3% FA. Plasma and milk samples were obtained on d 21 of each period and sphingolipids were quantified using targeted metabolomics. Univariate and multivariate analyses of generalized log-transformed and Pareto-scaled data included ANOVA (fixed effects of treatment) and discriminant analysis. The lipidomics analysis detected 71 sphingolipids across plasma and milk fat, including sphinganines (n = 3), dihydro-ceramides (n = 8), ceramides (Cer; n = 15), sphingomyelins (SM; n = 17), and glycosylated ceramides (n = 28). Followed by Cer, SM were the most abundant sphingolipids detected in milk and plasma, with a preponderance of 16:0-, 23:0-, and 24:0-carbon sidechains. Although no effects of HS diets were observed on plasma sphingolipids, we detected consistent reductions in the concentrations of several milk Cer (e.g., 22:0- and 24:0-Cer) and SM (17:0- and 23:0-SM) in response to HS. Discriminant analysis revealed distinct metabolite separation of HS and Control groups, with several Cer and SM being distinctively predictive of dietary treatment. We conclude that HS diets can reduce the secretion of milk Cer and SM, even in the absence of changes in circulating sphingolipids.https://doi.org/10.3390/metabo1110071

    IC design of a CMOS bandgap reference with trimming using SYNOPSYS EDA

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    Nowadays, a lot of electronic devices like analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters dominate the market arena and most of them require a constant voltage in order to operate. It is also worth saying that an electronic device can be subject to temperature changes, be it from the internal or from the external factors. Hence, this research aims to design an integrated circuit that can demonstrate a constant voltage reference output even though changes or variations in a certain range of temperature and input voltage occur. Also, with the evolving market of nanotechnology and slim electronic devices or gadgets, ease in production and less bulky circuitries were definitely a nice way to compensate the market demands. Hence, this research also caters the design of a Bandgap Voltage Reference that uses pure complementary metal-oxide semiconductor or CMOS technology to compensate for easier manufacturing process and less bulking effects in the output circuit. Furthermore, in order to generate an even more precise output voltage reference with respect to the input voltage and temperature variation, this research aims to obtain 1% output voltage reference with respect to the input voltage. Hence, the Synopsis EDA will be used in order to demonstrate the characteristics of the proposed circuit. Synopsis EDA is widely used in the industry today due to its very accurate data simulation. Also, a start-up circuit which is used for ensuring that the circuit works properly and a trimming circuit for overcoming the output variation in the different corner libraries (TT, SS, FF, FS) that are simulated, were used to further enhance the performance of the proposed study and design of a Bandgap Voltage Reference. This research also showed computations and technical analysis in order to verify the data and results gathered. Truly, Bandgap Voltage Reference proved to be an effective addition to the growing market of electronic devices especially in terms of the trend today where small is better and portability is definitely a big factor to attract the consumers. This research coasts with the continuous development in electronics today and hopefully, continues to be a tool in terms of helping, improving and developing future high-end technologies

    The effects of a sustained intravenous β-hydroxybutyrate infusion in combination with a systemic immune challenge in lactating dairy cows.

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    Although an elevation in blood β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) is typically understood as a predictor of poor lactation performance and higher risk of disease, contradicting evidence suggests the nature of this relationship is misunderstood. Furthermore, BHB has known pleiotropic effects that include the attenuation of inflammation and oxidative stress. We aimed to evaluate the effects of sustained hyperketonemia via an intravenous (i.v.) BHB infusion. Eight multiparous Holstein (parity = 2.75 ± 0.89) lactating dairy cows (140 ± 48 DIM), were enrolled in a study with a 2 × 2 Latin square design. Cows were randomly assigned to i.v. infusion of a 2.5 mM Na-BHB solution to achieve BHB >1.2 mM (KET), or 2.5 mM NaCl control (CON) over two 72-h periods. A lipopolysaccharide challenge (Escherichia coli 055:B5; 0.085 mg/kg BW; LPSC) was i.v. administered at h 60 from infusion start. Rectal temperature (RT), res piration rates (RR), and pain scores (PS) were measured every 6 h on d 0, 1, and 2, and every hour post-LPSC. Continuous data were analyzed under a mixed model with the random effect of cow and fixed effects of time, treatment, its interactions, covariate, and optimal covariance structure. Categorical data were evaluated using PROC GLIMIX with the random effect of cow and a fixed effect of time, treatment, and their interactions. Cows sustained hyperketonemia throughout the 72-h experimental period (1.4 BHB mM vs. 0.72 BHB mM in KET vs. CON, respectively; P < 0.001). Although DMI and MY were not affected by KET, relative to CON+LPSC, KET+LPSC resulted in reductions of 22.3% and 44.3% in DMI and MY, respectively (P < 0.05). Milk fat tended to be reduced (P < 0.1), whereas lactose content increased (P < 0.05) following LPSC. Respiration rates tended to be reduced (P < 0.1), but a higher RT (P < 0.05) was observed in BHB cows; however, no differences in RT were detected during LPSC. No pain score differences were detected between treatments. Our results indicate that cofactors other than ketones may be necessary for the development of negative trajectories of health and performance in lactating dairy cows

    Understanding how consumers categorise nutritional labels: A consumer derived typology for front-of-pack nutrition labelling.

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    Significant ongoing debate exists amongst stakeholders as to the best front-of-pack labelling approach and emerging evidence suggests that the plethora of schemes may cause confusion for the consumer. To gain a better understanding of the relevant psychological phenomena and consumer perspectives surrounding FoP labelling schemes and their optimal development a Multiple Sort Procedure study involving free sorting of a range of nutritional labels presented on cards was performed in four countries (n=60). The underlying structure of the qualitative data generated was explored using Multiple Scalogram Analysis. Elicitation of categorisations from consumers has the potential to provide a very important perspective in this arena and results demonstrated that the amount of information contained within a nutrition label has high salience for consumers, as does the health utility of the label although a dichotomy exists in the affective evaluation of the labels containing varying degrees of information aggregation. Classification of exiting front-of-pack labelling systems on a proposed dimension of 'directiveness' leads to a better understanding of why some schemes may be more effective than others in particular situations or for particular consumers. Based on this research an enhanced hypothetical front-of-pack labelling scheme which combines both directive and non-directive elements is proposed