27 research outputs found

    Blood cyanide determination in two cases of fatal imtoxication: comparison between headspace gas chromatography and a spectrophotometric method

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    Blood samples of two cases were analyzed preliminarily by a classical spectrophotometric method (VIS) and by an automated headspace gas chromatographic method with nitrogen-phosphorus detector (HS-GC \u2044 NPD). In the former, hydrogen cyanide (HCN) was quantitatively determined by measuring the absorbance of chromophores forming as a result of interaction with chloramine T. In the automated HS-GC \u2044NPD method, blood was placed in a headspace vial, internal standard (acetonitrile) and acetic acid were then added. This resulted in cyanide being liberated as HCN. The spectrophotometric (VIS) and HS-GC\u2044NPD methods were validated on postmortem blood samples fortified with potassium cyanide in the ranges 0.5\u201310 and 0.05\u20135 lg \u2044 mL, respectively. Detection limits were 0.2 lg \u2044mL for VIS and 0.05 lg \u2044mL for HS-GC\u2044NPD. This work shows that results obtained by means of the two procedures were insignificantly different and that they compared favorably. They are suitable for rapid diagnosis of cyanide in postmortem cases

    Taxonomic Identification of Hallucinogenic Mushrooms Seized on the Illegal Market Using a DNA-Based Approach and LC/MS-MS Determination of Psilocybin and Psilocin

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    The taxonomic identification of mushrooms suspected to contain hallucinogenic active principles was carried out using a DNA-based approach, thus highlighting the usefulness of this approach in the forensic identification of illegal samples also when they are difficult to identify because the morphologic identification is prevented, due to the bad conservation of the vegetable material. To confirm the presence of the illegal active principles, the optimization of a LC/MS-MS method for the qualitativequantitative analysis of psilocin and psilocybin in mushroom samples seized by the judicial authority is described. For the quantitative determination it was necessary to identify and synthesize a proper internal standard (IS, i.e., 5-hydroxy-N,N-diethyltryptamine), endowed with chromatographic features suitable for the analysis of the active principles. LC/MS-MS analysis evidenced that the amount of psilocybin ranged from 0.5 to 1.4% while that of psilocin from 1.3 to 2.5% (w/w), confirming literature data. The concentration of psilocin was higher in the cap and in the distal part of the stem (near to the soil) than in the part of the stem proximal to the cap. On the other hand the concentration of psilocybin was higher in the cap and in the proximal part, being lower in the distal part of the stem

    people centred production design

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    This case reports on a worldwide operating SME producing floor cleaning machines. The SME distinguishes itself from its competitors by providing highly customizable high-quality products. Employees are one of the "most-valuable resources" to the management. However, the initial situation reveals significant improvement opportunities related to the employee involvement and empowerment concerning workplace re-design. The proposed subject-oriented solution aims to involve shop floor workers in workplace (re-)design by providing them structural empowerment means such as social media for suggestion proposals, discussions and negotiations. Furthermore, the newly introduced features are designed to allow for context-sensitive reporting of suggestions and errors. Context-sensitive elicitation provides the basis for analysing impacts of changes (e.g. the affected location or worker) and visualizing potential improvement areas within the shop floor. The generic suggestion and error handling process can be tailored to different organizations. The S-BPM process handling has been integrated with a semantic wiki allowing for context-sensitive workplace improvement elicitation and change propagation analysis. The evaluation reports on findings in developer workshops, focus groups and user tests conducted in parallel to the design and implementation to ensure a user-centred approach (formative part), and on findings related to the outcome of the case implementations at the given SME (summative part)

    Validation Study of Analysis of 1-Phenyl-2-Propanone in Illicit Methamphetamine Samples by Dynamic Headspace Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry

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    A new method based on dynamic headspace sampling (DHS) coupled to GC/MS analysis was developed, optimized and validated for the analysis of 1-phenyl-2-propanone (P2P) in illicit methamphetamine (MAMP) samples. The DHS parameters were investigated to reach the sensitivity suitable for this kind of analysis. The method showed of a good specificity, linearity, accuracy, precision and robustness. The analysis of ten MAMP samples seized by the judicial authority was carried out. P2P was found in all the seizure, confirming that P2P is the starting compound of the synthesis of amphetamines

    A large ongoing outbreak of hepatitis A predominantly affecting young males in Lazio, Italy; August 2016 - March 2017

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    The hepatitis A virus (HAV) is mainly transmitted through the faecal-oral route. In industrialized countries HAV infection generally occurs as either sporadic cases in travelers from endemic areas, local outbreak within closed/semi-closed population and as foodborne community outbreak. Recently, an increasing number of HAV infection clusters have been reported among young men-who-have-sex-with-men (MSM). The Lazio Regional Service for the epidemiology and control for infectious diseases (SeRESMI) has noticed an increase of acute hepatitis A (AHA) since September 2016. Temporal analysis carried out with a discrete Poisson model using surveillance data between January 2016 and March 2017 evidenced an ongoing outbreak of AHA that started at the end of August. Molecular investigation carried out on 130 out of 513 cases AHA reported until March 2017 suggests that this outbreak is mainly supported by an HAV variant which is currently spreading within MSM communities across Europe (VRD_521_2016). The report confirms that AHA is an emerging issue among MSM. In addition through the integration of standard (case based) surveillance with molecular investigation we could discriminate, temporally concomitant but epidemiologically unrelated, clusters due to different HAV variants. As suggested by the WHO, in countries with low HAV circulation, vaccination programmes should be tailored on the local epidemiological patterns to prevent outbreaks among high risk groups and eventual spillover of the infection in the general population

    A large ongoing outbreak of hepatitis A predominantly affecting young males in Lazio, Italy; August 2016 - March 2017

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    The hepatitis A virus (HAV) is mainly transmitted through the faecal-oral route. In industrialized countries HAV infection generally occurs as either sporadic cases in travelers from endemic areas, local outbreak within closed/semi-closed population and as foodborne community outbreak. Recently, an increasing number of HAV infection clusters have been reported among young men-who-have-sex-with-men (MSM). The Lazio Regional Service for the epidemiology and control for infectious diseases (SeRESMI) has noticed an increase of acute hepatitis A (AHA) since September 2016. Temporal analysis carried out with a discrete Poisson model using surveillance data between January 2016 and March 2017 evidenced an ongoing outbreak of AHA that started at the end of August. Molecular investigation carried out on 130 out of 513 cases AHA reported until March 2017 suggests that this outbreak is mainly supported by an HAV variant which is currently spreading within MSM communities across Europe (VRD_521_2016). The report confirms that AHA is an emerging issue among MSM. In addition through the integration of standard (case based) surveillance with molecular investigation we could discriminate, temporally concomitant but epidemiologically unrelated, clusters due to different HAV variants. As suggested by the WHO, in countries with low HAV circulation, vaccination programmes should be tailored on the local epidemiological patterns to prevent outbreaks among high risk groups and eventual spillover of the infection in the general population

    Catha edulis Forsk.: caratterizzazione morfo-anatomica e fitochimica

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    Catha edulis Forsk. (Celastraceae), nome arabo Khat, \ue8 una specie originaria dell\u2019Africa sud-orientale, ove vengono sfruttate le sue propriet\ue0 stimolanti conseguenti alla masticazione delle foglie. Da sempre, infatti, la pianta \ue8 nota per il contenuto in alcaloidi psicoattivi (catina e catinone) e, ad oggi, la corretta identificazione di questa specie ha acquisito importanza anche in ambito forense. L\u2019indagine micromorfologica pi\uf9 recente risale al 1962 [1], mentre un approccio fitochimico di studio \ue8 ampiamente descritto in un recente lavoro di review [2]. Alla luce dei dati di letteratura, il presente lavoro si propone: 1. l\u2019approfondimento della conoscenza dell\u2019anatomia fogliare attraverso tecniche di microscopia ottica ed elettronica, 2. l\u2019individuazione, mediante indagine istochimica, dei siti di accumulo degli alcaloidi e 3. l\u2019identificazione dei principi psicoattivi nella entit\ue0 oggetto di studio. A tale scopo, nell\u2019estate 2017, sono state effettuate raccolte di giovani foglie da C. edulis coltivata presso l\u2019Orto Botanico G. E. Ghirardi (Toscolano Maderno, BS). Innanzitutto, i campioni sono stati sottoposti alle procedure di preparazione standard per le indagini micromorfologiche. Le analisi condotte hanno messo in evidenza la presenza di una epidermide monostratificata rivestita da una spessa cuticola. Il mesofillo fogliare \ue8 ben differenziato in palizzata (2 strati di cellule ricche di cristalli di ossalato di calcio) e spugnoso (3-4 strati di cellule). Alcune cellule di quest\u2019ultimo, in prossimit\ue0 dell\u2019epidermide inferiore, sono caratterizzate da un denso contenuto vacuolare che \ue8 risultato positivo ai test specifici per gli alcaloidi, dimostrando cos\uec che i principi psicoattivi vengono immagazzinati a livello di tali cellule. Per la successiva indagine fitochimica il materiale vegetale \ue8 stato suddiviso in due matrici: mesofillo e fusti. I campioni sono stati sottoposti ad estrazione mediante solventi a polarit\ue0 crescente (n-esano, CH2Cl2, MeOH). Gli estratti sono stati analizzati in GC/MS, dapprima in forma non derivatizzata per una comparazione qualitativa dei fitocomplessi. In seguito, gli estratti metanolici sono stati derivatizzati con TFAA per evidenziare la presenza di catina e catinone, non visibili nell\u2019estratto non derivatizzato. Per l\u2019identificazione dei composti \ue8 stato effettuato un confronto mediante due banche dati di spettri di massa, usando come parametro di identificazione un Quality Match (QM) superiore al 90%. Nell\u2019estratto derivatizzato \ue8 stata individuata catina con QM pari al 91%. Le indagini descritte sono attualmente in corso per ulteriori approfondimenti

    Blood cyanide determination in two cases of fatal intoxication : comparison between headspace gas chromatography and a spectrophotometric method

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    Blood samples of two cases were analyzed preliminarily by a classical spectrophotometric method (VIS) and by an automated headspace gas chromatographic method with nitrogen-phosphorus detector (HS-GC/NPD). In the former, hydrogen cyanide (HCN) was quantitatively determined by measuring the absorbance of chromophores forming as a result of interaction with chloramine T. In the automated HS-GC/NPD method, blood was placed in a headspace vial, internal standard (acetonitrile) and acetic acid were then added. This resulted in cyanide being liberated as HCN. The spectrophotometric (VIS) and HS-GC/NPD methods were validated on postmortem blood samples fortified with potassium cyanide in the ranges 0.5-10 and 0.05-5 \u3bcg/mL, respectively. Detection limits were 0.2 \u3bcg/mL for VIS and 0.05 \u3bcg/mL for HS-GC/NPD. This work shows that results obtained by means of the two procedures were insignificantly different and that they compared favorably. They are suitable for rapid diagnosis of cyanide in postmortem cases

    Rapid test by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry to evaluate equine urine reactivity towards 17beta-OH steroids

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    Bacteria frequently found in equine urine samples may cause degradation of 17beta-OH steroids. A simple liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) method has been developed to evaluate the microbiological contamination of equine urine as a marker of poor storage conditions. Norethandrolone was used as the internal standard, and the linearity, sensitivity, precision and accuracy of the method were evaluated. 17beta-OH oxidation was demonstrated for testosterone, nandrolone, trenbolone and boldenone, but did not occur in alpha-epimers such as alpha-boldenone and epitestosterone, demonstrating the stereoselectivity of the reaction. A rapid test was performed by spiking one of the four 17beta-OH steroids in samples of diluted equine urine. The steroids were transformed into their respective ketones in the presence of bacterial activity. The test allows direct injection of diluted samples into the LC/MS system, without the need for prior extraction. Results show that the best method of storage is freezing at -18 degrees C. Urine specimens should be analyzed as soon as possible after thawing. This allows bacterial degradation of equine urine to be arrested temporarily, so that the urine can be used for qualitative or quantitative analysis of 17beta-OH steroid