162 research outputs found

    The contribution of latent factors of executive functioning to mind wandering: An experience sampling study

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    Accumulating evidence suggests that individuals with greater executive resources spend less time mind wandering. Independent strands of research further suggest that this association depends on concentration and a guilty-dysphoric daydreaming style. However, it remains unclear whether this association is specific to particular features of executive functioning or certain operationalizations of mind wandering, including task-unrelated thoughts (TUTs, comprising external distractions and mind wandering) and stimulusindependent and task-unrelated thoughts (SITUTs, comprising mind wandering only). This study sought to clarify these associations by using confirmatory factor analysis to compute latent scores for distinct executive functioning based on nine cognitive tasks and relating them to experience sampling reports of mind wandering. We expected that individuals with greater executive control (specifically updating) would show a stronger reduction in SITUTs as momentary concentration and guilty-dysphoric style increase. A bifactor model of the cognitive battery indicated a general factor (common executive function) and ancillary factors (updating and shifting). A significant interaction between updating and concentration on mind wandering was observed with mind wandering defined as TUTs, but not as SITUTs (N = 187). A post-hoc analysis clarified this discrepancy by showing that as concentration increases, both external distractions and mind wandering decrease more strongly among people with greater updating. Moreover, common executive function predicted a more negative slope of guilty-dysphoric style on SITUTs, whereas updating and shifting predicted more positive slopes. The opposite slopes of these executive functions on daily life mind wandering may reflect a stability-flexibility trade-off between goal maintenance and goal replacement abilities

    Dissociation and its biological and clinical associations in functional neurological disorder: : systematic review and meta-analysis

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    BackgroundStudies have reported elevated rates of dissociative symptoms and comorbid dissociative disorders in functional neurological disorder (FND); however, a comprehensive review is lacking.AimsTo systematically review the severity of dissociative symptoms and prevalence of comorbid dissociative disorders in FND and summarise their biological and clinical associations.MethodWe searched Embase, PsycInfo and MEDLINE up to June 2021, combining terms for FND and dissociation. Studies were eligible if reporting dissociative symptom scores or rates of comorbid dissociative disorder in FND samples. Risk of bias was appraised using modified Newcastle–Ottawa criteria. The findings weresynthesised qualitatively and dissociative symptom scores were included in a meta-analysis (PROSPERO CRD42020173263).ResultsSeventy-five studies were eligible (FND n = 3940; control n = 3073), most commonly prospective case–control studies (k = 54). Dissociative disorders were frequently comorbid in FND. Psychoform dissociation was elevated in FND compared with healthy (g = 0.90, 95% CI 0.66–1.14, I2 = 70%) and neurologicalcontrols (g = 0.56, 95% CI 0.19–0.92, I2 = 67%). Greater psychoform dissociation was observed in FND samples with seizure symptoms versus healthy controls (g = 0.94, 95% CI 0.65–1.22, I2 = 42%) and FND samples with motor symptoms (g = 0.40, 95% CI −0.18 to 1.00, I2 = 54%). Somatoform dissociation was elevated in FND versus healthy controls (g = 1.80, 95% CI 1.25–2.34,I2 = 75%). Dissociation in FND was associated with more severe functional symptoms, worse quality of life and brain alterations.ConclusionsOur findings highlight the potential clinical utility of assessing patients with FND for dissociative symptomatology. However, fewer studies investigated FND samples with motor symptoms and heterogeneity between studies and risk of bias were high. Rigorous investigation of the prevalence, features and mechanistic relevance of dissociation in FND is needed

    Functional Vascular Endothelium Derived from Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells

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    Summary Vascular endothelium is a dynamic cellular interface that displays a unique phenotypic plasticity. This plasticity is critical for vascular function and when dysregulated is pathogenic in several diseases. Human genotype-phenotype studies of endothelium are limited by the unavailability of patient-specific endothelial cells. To establish a cellular platform for studying endothelial biology, we have generated vascular endothelium from human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) exhibiting the rich functional phenotypic plasticity of mature primary vascular endothelium. These endothelial cells respond to diverse proinflammatory stimuli, adopting an activated phenotype including leukocyte adhesion molecule expression, cytokine production, and support for leukocyte transmigration. They maintain dynamic barrier properties responsive to multiple vascular permeability factors. Importantly, biomechanical or pharmacological stimuli can induce pathophysiologically relevant atheroprotective or atheroprone phenotypes. Our results demonstrate that iPSC-derived endothelium possesses a repertoire of functional phenotypic plasticity and is amenable to cell-based assays probing endothelial contributions to inflammatory and cardiovascular diseases

    Impactos sobre las zonas costeras

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    Los principales problemas del cambio climático en las zonas costeras se relacionan con potenciales cambios en la frecuencia y/o intensidad de las tormentas asi coma con el posible ascenso del nivel media del mar (NMM). En cuanto al nivel del mar, las previsiones del IPCC para fin de siglo se han ido reduciendo según disponía de datas mas fiables desde 50-90 cm (IPCC 1998) a 1 3-68 cm (IPCC 2001). Los valores de INQUA (International Union for the Study of Quaternary Sea-Level Change and Coastal Evolution Commission) y del IGCP (International Geosciences Programme Projects 369 and 437) son aun mas modestos: 1 0-20 cm. Para las costas del E y S de Esparia los datos disponibles indican una tendencia generalizada de estabilidad 0 ligero descenso del NMM, aunque localmente la subsidencia pueda enmascarar este efecta (por ejemplo delta del Ebro). Esta tendencia se manifiesta en progradación costera crecimiento de flechas litorales relleno de estuarios y desaparición de humedales. Par el contrario en la costa N los datos indican una tendencia al ascenso con tasas de 3-4 mm/año en la segunda mitad del siglo 20. Esto se une a observaciones concretas que muestran una reducción marcada de muchas playas confinadas retroceso de frentes dunares y acantilados "blandos" 0 adelgazamiento y/o rotura de flechas litorales dificilmente atribuibles a reducción en el aporte de sedimentos dado que datos recientes indican al contrario aumentos notables de la tasa de sedimentación en estuarios a 10 largo del siglo pasado. Por otro lado diversos trabajos muestran que el NMM se situ6 casi 1 m por encima del actual hace aproximadamente entre 5500 y 2000 arios en momentos en los que las condiciones climaticas fueron similares a las que se esperan para finales del presente siglo. A partir de esos datos se puede considerar que un ascenso de alrededof de 50 cm para finales de slglo es un escenario razonab!e. Una hip6tesis pesimista bastante men os probable pero no descartable seria un ascenso del orden de 1 m, correspondiente con el maximo de algunas predicciones y con las niveles pasados antes indicados. Esta situaci6n parece bastame menos probable en la costa S y E que en la N. En el caso de una hipotetica subida generalizada del nivel medio del mar (NMM) mar, las zonas mas vulnerables seran los deltas y playas confinadas o rigidizadas. La parte del litoral español formada por acantilados de rocas resistentes no presentan problemas especiales. Sin embargo hay un peligro potencial de estabilidad de las costas formadas por acantilados constituidos por materiales incoherentes (no muy significativo). Especulando con el escenario de 0.5 m de maxima ascenso posible en el Cantabrico oriental podria suponer la desaparición del 40 % de las playas siempre y cuando no tenga lugar un aumento de la alimentación de arena (natural o artificial) a esas playas. Un ascenso relativo del NMM de 0.50m sin respuesta sedimentaria asociada supondría la desaparición de alrededor del 50% del delta del Ebro. No obstante estimaciones mas precisas sobre la previsible evolución de este tipo de sistemas litorales deberian tener en cuenta las variaciones en la altura e intensidad ,del oleaje y de la marea meteorológica. En las costas bajas (deltas humedales costeros y zonas de uso agrario o construidas en el entorno de estuarios o en llanuras aluviales costeras), ese hipotetico ascenso del NMM podria implicar una inundación de las mismas. En el Cantabrico oriental podría suponer la inundación de parte de las zonas bajas estimada en 23.5 km2. En el Mediterraneo y Baleares y suponiendo un maximo de 0.5 m, las zonas mas amenazadas aparte de los deltas ya mencionados (Ebro y Llobregat) son la Manga del Mar Menor (unos 20 km), Las lagunas de Cabo de Gata (5 km) y en el Golfo de Cadiz alrededor de 10 km de la costa de Doñana y unos 100 km2 de marismas. Parte de esas zonas estan ocupadas por edificios o infraestructuras pero muchas de ellas tienen uso agricola o parque natural y podrían permitir la formación de nuevos humedales que compensarian por desplazamiento la previsible perdida de los que sean anegados. Es de senalar que adicionalmente a las impactos potenciales derivados del cambio climatico otros facto res de origen antropico tales cama el aparte de sedimentos por los rlos y las obras costeras son tambien cuantitativamente muy influyentes en la estabilidad del litoral a corto plazo. Coma estrategias preventivas 0 de adaptacion principales se recomienda actuar de inmediato sabre los facto res humanos relacionados con la estabilidad del litoral. Entre estos merecen ser destacados el mantenimiento de descarga y aportes solidos de los rios como saluci6n al "origen" del problema (la falta de material sedimentario). Como solucion a las "sintomas" del problema (retroceso o movilidad excesiva de la costa) pueden mencionarse la estabilización de playas y dunas la construccion de obras para limitar la capacidad de transporte del oleaje incidente y las aportaciones artificiales de sedimento. En otra categoría estan las actuaciones para la protección de valores naturales (ordenacion rigurosa del territorio para asegurar el mantenimiento y recuperación de zonas valiosas). Tambien se considera necesario delimitar e inventariar las areas y elementos afectables por el ascenso del nivel del mar, el oleaje y la marea a fin de definir donde aplicar estrategias de abandono y retroceso de proteccion. Actuar sobre dichos factores contribuira en cualquier caso a paliar los futuros impactos del cambio climatico independientemente de las incertidumbres asociadas a magnitud de los mismos

    Prevalence of anti-sperm antibodies, risk factors associated and their impact on spermatobioscopy in infertile men

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    Background: The first immunological correlation with male infertility was reported in 1954 by Wilson and Rumke with the identification of anti-sperm antibodies. The prevalence of anti-sperm antibodies in infertile men varies from 9%-36%, the main cause being the loss of the blood-testicular barrier and otherwise the association with chronic inflammation. It has been shown that immune infertility is found in 15% of patients with varicocele.Methods: A transversal comparative study was carried out with 360 infertile men who were tested for anti-sperm antibodies between January 2011 and July 2018. Two groups were integrated; Group 1, infertile men with positive anti-sperm antibodies >50%, group 2, infertile men with negative anti-sperm <50%. Seminogram parameters were evaluated according to the WHO 5th edition and associated risk factors with anti-sperm antibodies.Results: 360 infertile men were evaluated during the study, 42 were excluded because they did not meet the inclusion criteria, the prevalence of anti-sperm antibodies was 14.5%. Group 1; n=46 (14.5%) and group 2, n=272 (85.5%), the clinical characteristics and the hormonal profile were compared at study admission without significant difference. There was a significant decrease in progressive motility in group 1 (38.7±23.8) vs group 2 (50.1±18.9) p=0.03. Analyzing the risk factors, varicocele was found to be significant 23.7%, OR 2.14 (1.27-3.61) p=0.004 as well as retractable testicle 26.4%, OR 2.13 (1.23-3.70) p= 0.008.Conclusions: The affectation of motility was confirmed, which leads to the suspect varicocele and retractable testicle as risk factors

    Emergence of qualia from brain activity or from an interaction of proto-consciousness with the brain: which one is the weirder? Available evidence and a research agenda

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    This contribution to the science of consciousness aims at comparing how two different theories can explain the emergence of different qualia experiences, meta-awareness, meta-cognition, the placebo effect, out-of-body experiences, cognitive therapy and meditation-induced brain changes, etc. The first theory postulates that qualia experiences derive from specific neural patterns, the second one, that qualia experiences derive from the interaction of a proto-consciousness with the brain\u2019s neural activity. From this comparison it will be possible to judge which one seems to better explain the different qualia experiences and to offer a more promising research agenda

    Differential association of two PTPN22 coding variants with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis

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    2 páginas.-- Póster presentado al 5º European Workshop on Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Diseases celebrado en Sitges (Barcelona) dxel 1 al 3 de Diciembre de 2010.-- et al.The PTPN22 gene is an important risk factor for human autoimmunity. Two PTPN22 missense-SNPs, both with functional influence, the R620W (1858C>T, rs2476601) in exon 14 and the R263Q (788G>A, rs33996649) in exon 10 have been associated with autoimmune diseases [1-4].Peer reviewe

    Hemodynamic Environments from Opposing Sides of Human Aortic Valve Leaflets Evoke Distinct Endothelial Phenotypes In Vitro

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    The regulation of valvular endothelial phenotypes by the hemodynamic environments of the human aortic valve is poorly understood. The nodular lesions of calcific aortic stenosis (CAS) develop predominantly beneath the aortic surface of the valve leaflets in the valvular fibrosa layer. However, the mechanisms of this regional localization remain poorly characterized. In this study, we combine numerical simulation with in vitro experimentation to investigate the hypothesis that the previously documented differences between valve endothelial phenotypes are linked to distinct hemodynamic environments characteristic of these individual anatomical locations. A finite-element model of the aortic valve was created, describing the dynamic motion of the valve cusps and blood in the valve throughout the cardiac cycle. A fluid mesh with high resolution on the fluid boundary was used to allow accurate computation of the wall shear stresses. This model was used to compute two distinct shear stress waveforms, one for the ventricular surface and one for the aortic surface. These waveforms were then applied experimentally to cultured human endothelial cells and the expression of several pathophysiological relevant genes was assessed. Compared to endothelial cells subjected to shear stress waveforms representative of the aortic face, the endothelial cells subjected to the ventricular waveform showed significantly increased expression of the “atheroprotective” transcription factor Kruppel-like factor 2 (KLF2) and the matricellular protein Nephroblastoma overexpressed (NOV), and suppressed expression of chemokine Monocyte-chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1). Our observations suggest that the difference in shear stress waveforms between the two sides of the aortic valve leaflet may contribute to the documented differential side-specific gene expression, and may be relevant for the development and progression of CAS and the potential role of endothelial mechanotransduction in this disease.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Molecular, Cellular, and Tissue Biomechanics training grant (T32 EB006348))National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NHLBI RO1-HL7066686)Charles Stark Draper Laboratory (Fellowship

    Dissociative tendencies and individual differences in high hypnotic suggestibility

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    Introduction: Inconsistencies in the relationship between dissociation and hypnosis may result from heterogeneity among highly suggestible individuals, in particular the existence of distinct highly suggestible subtypes that are of relevance to models of psychopathology and the consequences of trauma. This study contrasted highly suggestible subtypes high or low in dissociation on measures of hypnotic responding, cognitive functioning, and psychopathology. Methods: Twenty-one low suggestible (LS), 19 low dissociative highly suggestible (LDHS), and 11 high dissociative highly suggestible (HDHS) participants were administered hypnotic suggestibility scales and completed measures of free recall, working memory capacity, imagery, fantasy-proneness, psychopathology, and exposure to stressful life events. Results: HDHS participants were more responsive to positive and negative hallucination suggestions and experienced greater involuntariness during hypnotic responding. They also exhibited impaired working memory capacity, elevated pathological fantasy and dissociative symptomatology, and a greater incidence of exposure to stressful life events. In contrast, LDHS participants displayed superior object visual imagery. Conclusions: These results provide further evidence for two highly suggestible subtypes: a dissociative subtype characterized by deficits in executive functioning and a predisposition to psychopathology and a subtype that exhibits superior imagery and no observable deficits in functioning