354 research outputs found

    Relatório de Estágio da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada

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    Se partirmos do princípio que a evolução da criança acontece de uma forma contínua e integrada, estimulando o seu desenvolvimento global e tendo em vista a sua plena inserção na sociedade como ser autónomo, livre e solidário (OCEPE, 2007, p. 51), então facilmente se compreende que a temática da educação para a sexualidade, é uma temática transversal ao currículo desenvolvido nas salas de pré-escolar. Nesta perspetiva pareceu-nos que a metodologia de projeto seria a mais adequada ao desenvolvimento e implementação de um projeto nesta área, permitindo às crianças envolvimento e motivação para a construção de aprendizagens significativas. O desenvolvimento deste projeto teve como principal objetivo, alargar o campo de conhecimentos das crianças, no âmbito dos saberes sociais e do conhecimento do mundo e conhecer as conceções alternativas das crianças sobre esta temática. Verificámos que as crianças são constantemente influenciadas pelas ideias que o meio social e familiar lhes transmite o que dificulta a abordagem a conteúdos relativos à educação para a sexualidade. A fase de avaliação do projeto permitiu-nos verificar que as crianças desenvolveram as suas competências de expressão oral e de conhecimento do corpo, mas não alteraram a forma de designar os órgãos sexuais do corpo, ou seja, continuaram a designá-los de acordo com o seu meio social e familiar. Este facto evidencia a importância de envolver, neste tipo de projetos, a família e a comunidade

    A Bourdieusian analysis of the participation of Polish students in the ERASMUS programme:Cultural and social capital perspectives

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    In this paper we examine the perceptions of ERASMUS agents’ of Polish students’ participation in the EP. We provide a Bourdieusian analyse of the cultural and social capital acquisition of students based on the qualitative data, collected through semi-structured, in-depth interviews with Erasmus agents, of a European research project. We argue that: Polish students’ participation in the EP has a positive impact on their academic achievement, cultural, social and linguistic capital, but, at the same time, it has a negative impact on degree completion of students as they get highly paid jobs, which prevent them from fully developing their cultural capital; ERASMUS Tourism has its value and place in the EP, because it provides students with the opportunity to develop their cultural, social and linguistic capital; and a Bourdieusian analysis of the experiences of ERASMUS students provides a better understanding of the impact student participation in the EP on their development

    Characterization of a supercharger as boosting & turbo-expansion device in sequential multi-stage systems

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    This paper proposes a detailed performance analysis and experimental characterization of a high-pressure supercharger in a multi-stage boosting system (turbo-super arrangement). Infact, besides the technical challenges associated with achieving adequate tuning, interoperability and driveability of multi-stage boosting systems, another challenge lies in their performance prediction during engine design. Indeed, performance maps of single boosting systems are usually provided by manufacturers and used as look-up tables in 1-D engine models. Tests are usually conducted in a standalone mode, with no information provided on the behaviour and performance of the combination of more than one boosting device. The supercharger was tested with varying inlet pressures and temperatures matching on-engine operating conditions and the results were then used to assess the effectiveness of 1-D engine models performance prediction when dealing with multi-stage boosting systems. An assessment on heat transfer in superchargers was also carried out together with the analysis on the nature of non-dimensional performance maps when dealing with a pressurized inlet. Finally, the analysis also looked into the opportunity to use the superchargers as expanders (‘expansion mode’) in order to cool the air charge entering the engine. The results showed that there is discrepancy between the efficiency values computed by 1-D engine models and those obtained experimentally under pressurized/heated inlet air conditions; the correction of the efficiency maps for heat transfer plays a significant role in the final measured efficiency and the correction of the maps for varying inlet temperatures must be carried out in order to avoid incurring in apparent efficiencies greater than unity. The experiments on the supercharger in ‘expansion mode’ showed that low isentropic efficiencies can be achieved; despite this, 1-D engine simulations showed that it is possible to achieve savings of a few percentage points in Brake Specific Fuel Consumption when the supercharger is used to recover some throttling energy by expanding the close-to-ambient pressure to the required intake pressure

    Hemorheologic profile in patients with angina pectoris

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    Thirteen patients (9 men and 4 women) with stable angina, whose ages ranged from 48 to 62 years (mean 57 years), were studied in order to establish the hemorheologic profile consequent to effort as well as some parameters of the oxygen transport system. The results were compared with those obtained from a control group of 8 healthy individuals, 4 men and 4 women, whose ages ranged from 40 to 57 years (mean 48 years). The patients presented values of P50 in vivo during rest (R) higher than the control group (p < 0.05); the filtration time of blood (FT) and the flow rate of erythrocyte filtration (FR) rose significantly from the R to the precocious recovery (Rec) phase, both in the control group (p < 0.01) and in the patients (p < 0.001). There was, therefore, no remarkable difference in these parameters as well as in arterial pH, Hb and Ht at rest and after maximum effort, between the patients and the control group. The lactate presented higher values (p < 0.05) in the control group when only early phase of Rec was taken into account. In the patients there was a significant positive correlation during rest between 2,3-DPG and FT (p < 0.05) and between PSOiv and FT (p < 0.02). This correlation was not found in the control group. It was also found a significant rise of Hi in the early phase of Rec among the patients as opposed to the control group. The results suggest: (a) adaptation of the oxygen transport system in the patients with angina through a rise of oxyhemoglobin dissociation capacity; (b) aggravation of hemorheologic profile after effort, more conspicuous in the patients than in the control group; (c) the system of oxygen transport in the patients seems to be influenced by alterations of hernoiheologic parameters

    Customized luminescent multiplexed quick‐response codes as reliable temperature mobile optical sensors for eHealth and Internet of Things

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    The need to sense and track in real time through sustainable and multifunctional labels is exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, where the simultaneous measurement of body temperature and the fast tracking of people is required. One of the big challenges is to develop effective low-cost systems that can promote healthcare provision everywhere and for that, smarter and personalized Internet of things (IoT) devices are a pathway in large exploration, toward cost reduction and sustainability. Using the concept of color-multiplexed quick response (QR) codes, customized smart labels formed by two independent layers and smart location patterns provide simultaneous tracking and multiple synchronous temperature reading with maximum sensitivity values of 8.5% K−1 in the physiological temperature range, overwhelming the state-of-the-art optical sensor for healthcare services provided electronically via the internet (eHealth) and mobile sensors (mHealth).publishe

    Interaction of Akt-Phosphorylated Ataxin-1 with 14-3-3 Mediates Neurodegeneration in Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 1

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    AbstractSpinocerebellar ataxia type 1 (SCA1) is one of several neurological disorders caused by a CAG repeat expansion. In SCA1, this expansion produces an abnormally long polyglutamine tract in the protein ataxin-1. Mutant polyglutamine proteins accumulate in neurons, inducing neurodegeneration, but the mechanism underlying this accumulation has been unclear. We have discovered that the 14-3-3 protein, a multifunctional regulatory molecule, mediates the neurotoxicity of ataxin-1 by binding to and stabilizing ataxin-1, thereby slowing its normal degradation. The association of ataxin-1 with 14-3-3 is regulated by Akt phosphorylation, and in a Drosophila model of SCA1, both 14-3-3 and Akt modulate neurodegeneration. Our finding that phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt signaling and 14-3-3 cooperate to modulate the neurotoxicity of ataxin-1 provides insight into SCA1 pathogenesis and identifies potential targets for therapeutic intervention

    Differences in Linear Epitopes of Ara h 9 Recognition in Peanut Allergic and Tolerant, Peach Allergic Patients

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    BackgroundPeanut-allergic patients from the Mediterranean region are predominantly sensitized to the lipid transfer protein (LTP) Ara h 9, and the peach LTP Pru p 3 seems to be the primary sensitizer. However, LTP sensitization in peanut allergy is not a predictive marker for clinically relevant symptoms.ObjectiveWe aimed to identify sequential epitopes of IgE and IgG4 from Pru p 3 and Ara h 9 in peach-allergic patients sensitized to peanuts. We also sought to determine the differences in IgE and IgG4 binding between patients who had developed peanut allergy and those tolerating peanuts.MethodsA total of 46 peach-allergic patients sensitized to peanuts were selected. A total of 35 patients were allergic to peanuts (peanut-allergic group) and 11 were tolerant to peanuts (peanut-tolerant group). We measured sIgE and sIgG4 in peanut, peach, and their recombinant allergen (Ara h 1, Ara h 2, Ara h 3, Ara h 8, and Ara h 9) with fluorescence enzyme immunoassay. We examined the IgE and IgG4 binding to sequential epitopes using a peptide microarray corresponding to linear sequences of the LTPs Ara h 9 and Pru p 3 with a library of overlapping peptides with a length of 20 amino acids (aa) and an offset of 3 aa.ResultsThe frequency and the intensity of IgE recognition of Ara h 9 and Pru p 3 peptides were higher in the peanut-tolerant group than in the peanut-allergic group. We found four Ara h 9 peptides (p4, p14, p21, and p25) and four Pru p 3 peptides (p1, p3, p21, and p24) with a significantly elevated IgE recognition in peanut-tolerant patients. Only one peptide of Ara h 9 (p4) recognized by IgG4 was significantly elevated in the peanut-tolerant group. The IgG4/IgE ratio of Ara h 9 peptide 4 was significantly higher in peanut-tolerant patients than in peanut-allergic patients, while no significant differences were observed in the IgG4/IgE ratio of this peptide in Pru p 3.ConclusionAlthough we found significant differences in IgE and IgG4 recognition of Ara h 9 and Pru p 3 between peanut-tolerant and peanut-allergic patients (all of whom were allergic to peach), polyclonal IgE peptide recognition of both LTPs was observed in peach-allergic patients tolerating peanuts. However, the IgG4 blocking antibodies against Ara h 9 peptide 4 could provide an explanation for the absence of clinical reactivity in peanut-tolerant peach-allergic patients. Further studies are needed to validate the usefulness of IgG4 antibodies against Ara h 9 peptide 4 for peanut allergy diagnosis