47 research outputs found

    Virtually abelian K\"ahler and projective groups

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    We characterise the virtually abelian groups which are fundamental groups of compact K\"ahler manifolds and of smooth projective varieties. We show that a virtually abelian group is K\"ahler if and only if it is projective. In particular, this allows to describe the K\"ahler condition for such groups in terms of integral symplectic representations

    Elliptic curve configurations on Fano surfaces

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    The elliptic curves on a surface of general type constitute an obstruction for the cotangent sheaf to be ample. In this paper, we give the classification of the configurations of the elliptic curves on the Fano surface of a smooth cubic threefold. That means that we give the number of such curves, their intersections and a plane model. This classification is linked to the classification of the automorphism groups of theses surfaces.Comment: 17 pages, accepted and shortened version, the rest will appear in "Fano surfaces with 12 or 30 elliptic curves

    Cohomology Groups of Deformations of Line Bundles on Complex Tori

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    The cohomology groups of line bundles over complex tori (or abelian varieties) are classically studied invariants of these spaces. In this article, we compute the cohomology groups of line bundles over various holomorphic, non-commutative deformations of complex tori. Our analysis interpolates between two extreme cases. The first case is a calculation of the space of (cohomological) theta functions for line bundles over constant, commutative deformations. The second case is a calculation of the cohomologies of non-commutative deformations of degree-zero line bundles.Comment: 24 pages, exposition improved, typos fixe

    Efficient pairing computation with theta functions

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    The original publication is available at www.springerlink.comInternational audienceIn this paper, we present a new approach based on theta functions to compute Weil and Tate pairings. A benefit of our method, which does not rely on the classical Miller's algorithm, is its generality since it extends to all abelian varieties the classical Weil and Tate pairing formulas. In the case of dimension 11 and 22 abelian varieties our algorithms lead to implementations which are efficient and naturally deterministic. We also introduce symmetric Weil and Tate pairings on Kummer varieties and explain how to compute them efficiently. We exhibit a nice algorithmic compatibility between some algebraic groups quotiented by the action of the automorphism −1-1, where the Z\Z-action can be computed efficiently with a Montgomery ladder type algorithm

    On quantum mechanics with a magnetic field on R^n and on a torus T^n, and their relation

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    We show in elementary terms the equivalence in a general gauge of a U(1)-gauge theory of a scalar charged particle on a torus T^n = R^n/L to the analogous theory on R^n constrained by quasiperiodicity under translations in the lattice L. The latter theory provides a global description of the former: the quasiperiodic wavefunctions defined on R^n play the role of sections of the associated hermitean line bundle E on T^n, since also E admits a global description as a quotient. The components of the covariant derivatives corresponding to a constant (necessarily integral) magnetic field B = dA generate a Lie algebra g_Q and together with the periodic functions the algebra of observables O_Q . The non-abelian part of g_Q is a Heisenberg Lie algebra with the electric charge operator Q as the central generator; the corresponding Lie group G_Q acts on the Hilbert space as the translation group up to phase factors. Also the space of sections of E is mapped into itself by g in G_Q . We identify the socalled magnetic translation group as a subgroup of the observables' group Y_Q . We determine the unitary irreducible representations of O_Q, Y_Q corresponding to integer charges and for each of them an associated orthonormal basis explicitly in configuration space. We also clarify how in the n = 2m case a holomorphic structure and Theta functions arise on the associated complex torus. These results apply equally well to the physics of charged scalar particles on R^n and on T^n in the presence of periodic magnetic field B and scalar potential. They are also necessary preliminary steps for the application to these theories of the deformation procedure induced by Drinfel'd twists.Comment: Latex2e file, 22 pages. Final version appeared in IJT

    Determinantal Characterization of Canonical Curves and Combinatorial Theta Identities

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    We characterize genus g canonical curves by the vanishing of combinatorial products of g+1 determinants of Brill-Noether matrices. This also implies the characterization of canonical curves in terms of (g-2)(g-3)/2 theta identities. A remarkable mechanism, based on a basis of H^0(K_C) expressed in terms of Szego kernels, reduces such identities to a simple rank condition for matrices whose entries are logarithmic derivatives of theta functions. Such a basis, together with the Fay trisecant identity, also leads to the solution of the question of expressing the determinant of Brill-Noether matrices in terms of theta functions, without using the problematic Klein-Fay section sigma.Comment: 35 pages. New results, presentation improved, clarifications added. Accepted for publication in Math. An

    On Shimura subvarieties of the Prym locus

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