2,244 research outputs found

    Recent astronomical results from the infrared spatial interferometer and their implications for LOUISA

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    A new heterodyne interferometer for the atmospheric window from 9 to 12 microns was developed during the past five years. This instrument, called the Infrared Spatial Interferometer (ISI), was designed to use earth rotation aperture synthesis techniques developed in radio interferometry. It was moved to Mt. Wilson, California, in January 1988 and first fringes were obtained in June of that year. Systematic observations of some of the brighter late-type stars began shortly after the first fringes were obtained. We describe the basic principles and design of the ISI and give an overview of some of the initial results obtained from these observations. The implications of our work to the proposed Lunar Optical/UV/IR Synthesis Array (LOUISA) are discussed. We also analyze the conditions for the maximum signal-to-noise ratio of such an interferometer as a function of wavelength. The optimum wavelength is found to depend on the assumed scaling relation between telescope area and wavelength

    Active Learning: An Integrative Learning Approach for Adult Learners

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    In order to appeal to adult learners, the Analytics in Medicine course utilizes active learning methodology to foster self-directed learning, critical thinking, communication skills, and acquisition of knowledge. The modified flipped classroom model requires weekly assigned reading and a written reflection exercise completed several days before face-to-face class time. The reflections are used to better inform course instructors regarding areas needing further explanation in person. In the weekly 2-hour class, students explore topics in-depth by incorporating active learning methods. Examples include think-pair-share or small group activities requiring movement, discussion, and reflection focusing on question prompts or application of principles (e.g., carousel method). The instructor continuously circulates to ensure student engagement and grasp of the material, allowing for areas of clarification to be immediately identified. Instructors often involve peers to coach one another as a method of continued active learning without going into “lecture mode.”https://digitalscholarship.unlv.edu/btp_expo/1092/thumbnail.jp

    'n Funksionele benadering tot leierskap in groepsdinamiese verband: Enkele aspekte

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    Sedert die vroegste tye in die geskiedenis vervul leierskap 'n belangrike rol in die menslike samelewing. Oor die begrip "leierskap" bestaan daar tans omtrent net soveel definisies as wat daar leiers is, en is daar veral gedurende die huidige eeu heelwat navorsing oor die verskynsel van leierskap gedoen. Sodanige navorsing, wat steeds 'n toename en meer gespesialiseerdheid toon, kom veral op mikro-vlak voor. Wat laasgenoemde betref, is dit by uitstek die groepsdinamika wat as interdissiplinĂŞre studiegebied sigself besig hou met die bestudering van navorsing ten opsigte van onder andere die volgende: leierskap en groepsfunksies; leierskap en roldifferensiasie; invloed, gesag en status van leiers; leierskap en kommunikasie; oorsake van leierskap en terreine van leierskap

    The ethical obligation to vaccinate children and its policy implications

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    The vaccination of children has unique ethical implications. This article examines the ethics of childhood vaccination from two different perspectives. First, vaccination is approached as a preventive medical decision involving a child, using the ethical framework of medical decision-making for children. Second, vaccination is considered from a social and societal perspective, drawing on arguments from justice. From both these perspectives it is apparent that an ethical obligation exists to protect children against vaccine-preventable diseases by the appropriate use of vaccination. These ethical considerations have implications for policy, and in the paper a three-tiered approach to vaccination policy is defended: judicious use of mandatory policies, educational interventions, and building of trust. (DIPF/Orig.

    Die vraagstuk van ideologie in die Sosiologie

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    Die wetenskap is 'n sisteem van geordende kennis wat steeds ontwikkel. Dus is ook die sosiologie as 'n vakwetenskap - en wel as een van die sosiale wetenskappe - soos alle ander vakwetenskappe 'n geordende en steeds ontwikkelende sisteem van wetenskaplike kennis. Gedurende die afgelope aantal jare het daar vrae by sommige sosioloë ontstaan oor die verband tussen die sosiologie as 'n wetenskaplike kennissisteem en ideologie as 'n "nie-wetenskaplike" sisteem van idees. Vrae oor hierdie verband kom veral na vore in terme van 'n beweerde - meestal implisiete, dus inbegrepe - ideologiese betrokkenheid van sommige kontemporêre sosioloë, soos veral weerspieël in hul teoreties-sosiologiose beskouings

    The efficacy of chiropractic manipulation on headaches in migraine sufferers

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    Abstract: Purpose: Headaches are a major problem, with migraine incidence ranking as the third most prevalent disorder in the global burden of disease survey. Studies show that migraines affect 6% of men and 18% of women with a reduction in quality of life more than that caused by osteoarthritis or diabetes. The aim of this study was to determine if cervical manipulative therapy had any effect on the frequency, intensity and/or duration of headaches in migraine sufferers. Method: Twenty participants between the ages of 18 up to and including 40 years were recruited. Participants required a diagnosis of migraines with aura also known as the classical migraine. Participants were all placed into one group receiving chiropractic manipulative therapy to the cervical spine. Procedure: The participants completed the treatment phase of the study over one month. Prior to the initiation of treatment, participants were required to complete a headache diary for one month. Furthermore participants were required to complete a headache diary during the month of treatment, and for the following two months after treatment was completed to assess if there were any long term effects from manipulative therapy. Subjective readings were recorded by completing the MIDAS questionnaire at the end of each of the four months. Results: Intragroup analysis revealed statistically significant decreases in the level of disability caused by the headaches and migraines during the month of treatment. This also showed statistically significant decreases in the number of days participants experienced headaches and the severity of these headaches. Intra-group analysis tested one month after the treatment was completed revealed no statistical difference in headache and migraine disability, number of days participants experienced headaches or severity of the headaches. Finally, Intra-group analysis revealed that at a two month follow up after the treatment was administered, no statistical significance was found in the degree of disability caused by the headaches and migraines. However, the number of days with a headache and the severity of the headaches showed a statistical significance and indicated a further decline. Conclusion: The findings of this study show that chiropractic manipulative therapy to the cervical spine decreased disability, intensity and frequency of the headaches, including the migraines, experienced by the participants. This effect was maintained at two months following completion of treatment and the intensity and frequency of the headaches showed further improvement in the long term

    Anthropometric profile of HIV-uninfected and HIV-infected women aged 25–44 years in Mangaung, Free State

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    Background: Obesity and human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) affect significant numbers of black women in South Africa.Method: Using township maps, a random sample of 500 black women residing in Mangaung in the Free State was selected to participate in this study in the year 2000. The women were divided into two age groups, namely 25–34 years (n = 273) and 35–44 years (n = 215). Anthropometric measurements, including height, weight [to calculate the body mass index (BMI)] and waist circumference (WC) were taken. Fat percentage was measured with bioelectrical impedance. HIV status was determined using a microparticle enzyme immunoassay method. Socio-demographic status, health status, dietary intake, level of physical activity, body perception and attitude toward weight control, as well as prevalence and risk of lifestylediseases were determined as part of the larger study.Results: Sixty-one per cent of younger women (25–34 years) and 38% of older women (35–44 years) were infected with HIV. In younger HIV-infected women, median BMI, WC and fat percentage were significantly lower than in HIV-uninfected women.Conclusions: HIV infection rates were found to be higher among younger than older women. The prevalence of obesity was high overall. Median BMI values ranged between 24.4 kg/m2 and 27.6 kg/m2. A large percentage of all women fell in the unhealthy fat percentage category (excessive body fat), ranging between 65.9% of HIV-infected young women and 79.3%of older HIV-infected women. HIV, even in the asymptomatic stage, influences anthropometric indicators

    Shotgun Metagenomic Sequencing Revealed the Prebiotic Potential of a Fruit Juice Drink with Fermentable Fibres in Healthy Humans

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    Fibre-based dietary interventions are at the forefront of gut microbiome modulation research, with a wealth of 16S rRNA information to demonstrate the prebiotic effects of isolated fibres. However, there is a distinct lack of data relating to the effect of a combination of soluble and insoluble fibres in a convenient-to-consume fruit juice food matrix on gut microbiota structure, diversity, and function. Here, we aimed to determine the impact of the MOJU Prebiotic Shot, an apple, lemon, ginger, and raspberry fruit juice drink blend containing chicory inulin, baobab, golden kiwi, and green banana powders, on gut microbiota structure and function. Healthy adults (n = 20) were included in a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over study, receiving 60 mL MOJU Prebiotic Shot or placebo (without the fibre mix) for 3 weeks with a 3-week washout period between interventions. Shotgun metagenomics revealed significant between-group differences in alpha and beta diversity. In addition, the relative abundance of the phyla Actinobacteria and Desulfobacteria was significantly increased as a result of the prebiotic intervention. Nine species were observed to be differentially abundant (uncorrected p-value of <0.05) as a result of the prebiotic treatment. Of these, Bifidobacterium adolescentis and CAG-81 sp900066785 (Lachnospiraceae) were present at increased abundance relative to baseline. Additionally, KEGG analysis showed an increased abundance in pathways associated with arginine biosynthesis and phenylacetate degradation during the prebiotic treatment. Our results show the effects of the daily consumption of 60 mL MOJU Prebiotic Shot for 3 weeks and provide insight into the functional potential of B. adolescentis

    Cyclopia subternata growth, yield, proline and relative water content in response to water deficit stress

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    Cyclopia, generally known as honeybush, and belonging to the Fabaceae family, originates from the Cape Floristic Region of the Eastern Cape and Western Cape provinces of South Africa. Currently, 6 honeybush species are commercially cultivated but, to date, there have been limited trials attempting to study their agronomic water demand. A pot trial was conducted where Cyclopia subternata plants were cultivated on different soil types (Stellenbosch granite, Stellenbosch shale and Stellenbosch clovelly) and subjected to three different water-deficit stress levels (well-watered, semi-stressed and stressed). Remarkably, irrigation treatments and soil types did not significantly affect the growth of the plants. However, the well-watered treatment consistently had higher yields compared to the other two treatments. The water-stressed (semi-stressed and stressed) treatments had lower relative water contents (RWC) with higher concentrations of proline, which signify water stress, compared to the control treatment. Higher proline and lower RWC contents found in this study are indications of water stress

    The metabolic profiles of HIV-infected and non-infected women in Mangaung, South Africa

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    Objective: To determine the biochemical nutritional status of HIV-infected women in Mangaung.Design: Cross-sectional.Setting: The community of Mangaung, Free State, South Africa.Subjects: A representative group of 500 black women (25–44 years) was selected randomly to participate.Outcome measures: Biochemical analyses were performed for total  lymphocytes, serum protein, serum albumin, plasma fibrinogen, serum insulin, serum glucose, serum triglycerides and serum cholesterol using standard methodology. Values were compared to standard references, and between HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected women.Results: After screening for eligibility, 488 women qualified. Sixty-one per cent of the younger women (25–34 years) and 38% of the older women (35–44 years) were HIV-infected. HIV-infected women had significantly lower median blood values for total lymphocytes (p = 0.0001 and p = 0.02 for younger and older group respectively) and serum albumin (p = 0.0001 for both age groups), but significantly higher median concentrations of serum protein (p = 0.0001 for both age groups) than uninfected women. Plasma fibrinogen and serum insulin concentrations were significantly lower in HIV-infected younger women than in their uninfected counterparts (p = 0.002 for both parameters). Older HIV-infected women had significantly lower total serum cholesterol values (p = 0.01) than older HIV-uninfected women. Serum glucose and serum triglycerides did not differ significantly between HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected women.Conclusions: The results indicate a possible impact of HIV infection on serum protein and serum albumin, which may adversely affect biochemical nutritional status and the course of HIV progression. Future research into the causes and possible treatment of metabolic changes in women in this community should be prioritised
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