3,544 research outputs found

    The pulsations and energy transfers in a double-orifice combustor

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    This work examines the effect of longitudinal oscillations on the heat transfer in a naturally-aspirating, propane-fuelled combustor. Previous investigations in the field have been predominantly experimental in nature, although theoretical studies of the effect of oscillations on local heat transfer coefficients have been made. In this work, a linearised wave equation, which governs the propagation of sound waves in a gas confined by a straight tube and exhibiting an axial temperature variation, is used to correlate local heat transfer coefficients by a quasi-steady-state method. An apparatus was . constructed, and measurements of the gas, wall and water temperatures and of the gas pressure amplitudes were taken in a concentric tube heat exchanger, which formed part of the resonating section

    Hot methane line lists for exoplanet and brown dwarf atmospheres

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    We present comprehensive experimental line lists of methane (CH4) at high temperatures obtained by recording Fourier transform infrared emission spectra. Calibrated line lists are presented for the temperatures 300 - 1400 degC at twelve 100 degC intervals spanning the 960 - 5000 cm-1 (2.0 - 10.4 microns) region of the infrared. This range encompasses the dyad, pentad and octad regions, i.e., all fundamental vibrational modes along with a number of combination, overtone and hot bands. Using our CH4 spectra, we have estimated empirical lower state energies (Elow in cm-1) and our values have been incorporated into the line lists along with line positions (cm-1) and calibrated line intensities (S' in cm molecule-1). We expect our hot CH4 line lists to find direct application in the modeling of planetary atmospheres and brown dwarfs.Comment: Supplementary material is provided via the Astrophysical Journal referenc

    The Autistic Experience of Exercising within Nature-Based Environments: An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis

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    Background: The psychological impact of exercising in nature has gained considerable research attention in recent years under the heading green exercise (GE). Literature has examined specific benefits of GE, comparison between indoor and outdoor environments and has utilised different theories to understand these benefits and differences. To date no academic literature has examined the impact of GE on autistic people with a diagnoses of Aspergers Syndrome (AS) (a former term to refer to autism without an accompanying intellectual disability), and a condition characterised by hypersensitive and hyposensitive senses, intuitively it has been suggested that the natural environment might not be a compatible setting for autistic people due to its unpredictable and sensory provoking conditions. Method: A group of four autistic males were interviewed using a semi structured interview schedule. Interviews were transcribed and then analysed using interpretive phenomenological analysis (IPA). Results/Discussion: Three superordinate themes were identified, positive introductions to nature (this group discussed how important having a good start in this environment was to engaging in this activity), positive association with nature (the participants viewed natural environments where they exercised in a positive way), and purpose and practicalities (participants spoke of viewing GE favourably when there was a purpose to it above and beyond doing it for its own sake) with 5 associated subordinate themes. Results suggest that autistic people appear to get considerable positive psychological outcomes from engaging within GE which relate directly to some of the features of AS e.g. disruptive concerns and that a functional purpose to the GE would be helpful in terms of encouraging uptake of and adherence to GE within an autistic group

    Optimizing the ensemble for equilibration in broad-histogram Monte Carlo simulations

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    We present an adaptive algorithm which optimizes the statistical-mechanical ensemble in a generalized broad-histogram Monte Carlo simulation to maximize the system's rate of round trips in total energy. The scaling of the mean round-trip time from the ground state to the maximum entropy state for this local-update method is found to be O([N log N]^2) for both the ferromagnetic and the fully frustrated 2D Ising model with N spins. Our new algorithm thereby substantially outperforms flat-histogram methods such as the Wang-Landau algorithm.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Leading the way: finding genes for neurologic disease in dogs using genome-wide mRNA sequencing

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    Because of dogs' unique population structure, human-like disease biology, and advantageous genomic features, the canine system has risen dramatically in popularity as a tool for discovering disease alleles that have been difficult to find by studying human families or populations. To date, disease studies in dogs have primarily employed either linkage analysis, leveraging the typically large family size, or genome-wide association, which requires only modest-sized case and control groups in dogs. Both have been successful but, like most techniques, each requires a specific combination of time and money, and there are inherent problems associated with each. Here we review the first report of mRNA-Seq in the dog, a study that provides insights into the potential value of applying high-throughput sequencing to the study of genetic diseases in dogs. Forman and colleagues apply high-throughput sequencing to a single case of canine neonatal cerebellar cortical degeneration. This implementation of whole genome mRNA sequencing, the first reported in dog, is additionally unusual due to the analysis: the data was used not to examine transcript levels or annotate genes, but as a form of target capture that revealed the sequence of transcripts of genes associated with ataxia in humans. This approach entails risks. It would fail if, for example, the relevant transcripts were not sufficiently expressed for genotyping or were not associated with ataxia in humans. But here it pays off handsomely, identifying a single frameshift mutation that segregates with the disease. This work sets the stage for similar studies that take advantage of recent advances in genomics while exploiting the historical background of dog breeds to identify disease-causing mutations

    System integration report

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    Several areas that arise from the system integration issue were examined. Intersystem analysis is discussed as it relates to software development, shared data bases and interfaces between TEMPUS and PLAID, shaded graphics rendering systems, object design (BUILD), the TEMPUS animation system, anthropometric lab integration, ongoing TEMPUS support and maintenance, and the impact of UNIX and local workstations on the OSDS environment

    Sulfated flavanones and dihydroflavonols from willow

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    Phytochemical profiling of a hybrid species of willow, Salix Ă— alberti L. (S. integra Thunb. Ă— Salix suchowensis W.C. Cheng ex G.Zhu) revealed four sulfated flavonoids, which were then isolated from young stem tissue. The structures of dihydroflavonols (flavanonols) taxifolin-7-sulfate (1) and dihydrokaempferol-7-sulfate (2) and flavanones, eridictyol-7-sulfate (3) and naringenin-7-sulfate (4) were elucidated through NMR spectroscopy and high-resolution mass spectrometry. The identified sulfated flavanones and dihydroflavonols have not been previously seen in plants, but the former have been partially characterised as metabolites in mammalian metabolism of dietary flavonoids. In addition to providing full spectroscopic characterisation of these metabolites for the first time, we also compared the in vitro antioxidant properties, via the DPPH radical scavenging assay, of the parent and sulfated flavanones, which showed that 7-sulfation of taxifolin and eriodictyol attenuates but does not remove anti-oxidant activity

    Evaluating Gismondi's Representation of Portus, the Port of Imperial Rome

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    [EN] This paper introduces the Portus Project, an inter-disciplinary collaborative fieldwork project focussed on the ancient port of Rome. It demonstrates the use that is being made of a plaster model of the port produced by Italo Gismondi in 1937, initially as a means for focussing re-evaluations of the various illustrative and other data available relating to the port’s topography, and then as a source for background and comparative digital geometric data within the project’s work to remodel the entire site. The Portus Project employs three-dimensional computer graphics throughout the data gathering, analysis, modelling and representation phases and the paper considers the role that Gismondi’s model is playing in the development and evaluation of such a process.The Portus Project is directed by Simon Keay, and funded by the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council, the Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici di Ostia Antica, the University of Southampton, the British School at Rome and the University of Cambridge. It involves many partners including the British School at Rome, the Universities of Southampton, Cambridge, Oxford, Warwick, Bath, Aixen-Provence and Seville, the Institut Català d’Arqueología Clàssica, Parsifal Cooperativa Di Archeologia (Rome) and L-P Archaeology. The project is grateful to the Duke Sforza Cesarini for continued access to his land. Access to Gismondi’s model was provided by the Sorprintendenza per I Beni Archaeologici di Ostia Antica.Earl, GP.; Keay, SJ.; Beale, GC. (2010). Evaluating Gismondi's Representation of Portus, the Port of Imperial Rome. Virtual Archaeology Review. 1(1):21-25. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2010.4752OJS212511FORTE M., PESCARIN S., PIETRONI E. (2005) "The Appia Antica Project", in Forte, M., Williams, P.R. (eds) The Reconstruction of Archaeological Landscapes through Digital Technologies, Atti del II Convegno Italia-USA. British Archaeological Reports. International Series 1379, 2005: pp. 79-95FRISCHER, B. Rome Reborn http://www.romereborn.virginia.edu/ [Consult: 1-04-2009].FRISCHER, B. (2008) "The Rome Reborn Project. How Technology is helping us to study history,", in OpEd, November 10, 2008. University of Virginia.GAIANI, M., BALZANI, M. AND UCCELLI, F. (2000) "Reshaping the Coliseum in Rome: An Integrated Data Capture and Modeling Method at Heritage Sites", in Gross, M. and Hopgood, F.R.A. (eds.) Proceedings of Eurographics 2000: European Association. for Computer Graphics, Interlaken, Switzerland, 2000 pp. 369-78 http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1467-8659.00429GUIDI, G., B. FRISCHER, ET AL. (2005) "Virtualizing Ancient Rome: 3D Acquisition and Modeling of a Large Plaster-of-Paris Model of Imperial Rome,", in Beraldin, J.-A., El-Hakim, S.F., Gruen, A., Walton, J.S. (eds) Videometrics VIII 18-20 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA, SPIE, vol. 5665, pp. 119-133. http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.587355GUILLEMAIN, J. (2002) "Pierre-Joseph Garrez (1802-1852), porto di Traiano a Ostia, 1834", in Italia antiqua. Envois degli architetti franesi (1811-1950) - Italia e area mediterranea pp. 393-8. Paris, École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts.HAPPA, J., WILLIAMS, M., TURLEY, G., EARL, G., DUBLA, P., BEALE, G., GIBBONS, G., DEBATTISTA, K. AND CHALMERS, A. (2009) "Virtual Relighting of a Roman Statue Head from Herculaneum, A Case Study", in Hardy, A., Marais, P., Spencer, SN., Gain, JE., Straßer, W. (eds): Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality, Visualisation and Interaction in Africa, Afrigraph 2009, Pretoria, South Africa, February 4-6, 2009. ACM 2009 pp 5-12HASELBERGER, L & HUMPHREY, J H. (2006) Imaging Ancient Rome: Documentation - Visualization - Imagination. Proceedings of the Third Williams Symposium on Classical Architecture. Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplement 61. JRA, Portsmouth R.I.KEAY, S., (2006). "Portus", in Current World Archaeology 20: 11-20KEAY, S., EARL, G., HAY, S., KAY, S., OGDEN, J., & STRUTT, K. (2008) "The Potential of Archaeological Geophysics. The Work of the British School at Rome in Italy", in Geofisica per l'archeologia: Possibilita e Limiti. Roma 10 Dicembre 2008. pp. 25-44. Rome, CISTEC.KEAY, S., MILLETT, M., PAROLI, L., STRUTT, K. (2005). 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